In your Steems! How I failed to get over 1000 followers and make over $10 000 in my first 24 hours on Steemit :(
I had dreams of buying a boat and sailing off into the sunset. The weather would have been perfect, the seas would have been perfect, my chick would have been perfect, my life would have been perfect!
God damnit! I was serious too. Really fucking serious. I really thought I could do it. What a fail. But ... I blame you.
That's right, it's your fault! You ALL had to screw me over, didn't you. So bloody selfish; so focused on getting your own 1000 followers and making your own $10 000. What has the world come to. No one ever wants to help me.
Doesn't anyone want to hear what I've got to say? Don't they realise that my entire self-worth is designed around being accepted and liked and celebrated? When am I going to be recognised as the Queen of Steem?
Now that I think about it, I'm not even mad, I'm just disappointed. Actually I'm sad. Actually, I'm all of the above. No, wait, I'm going to pretend I'm none of it.
So anyway, this is getting a little awkward. I'm really sorry to bother you and make a fuss. I'm off to assume the fetal position. I'll feel comfort there. I'll feel loved there. I'm just going to wrap myself in a ball of self-pity and then transform into a beautiful butterfly.
Wish me luck!
P.S read my other posts, they're actually informative. There's plenty more to come too.
👍😆nice post

nice gif :)
Yes.yes Let the anger out through words