Garbage Pail Kids Galore

in #funny7 years ago

Fellow Steemians and Generation Xers, I present to you a mere fraction of my Garbage Pail Kids trading cards that I've been holding onto since I was 10 years old in 1985.

So am I like, a total dork or what?

For those with a keen eye, you'll notice that these are all the original series, as well as some buttons and large stickers all from the good ol days except for the stack in the far back left corner. Those I bought about 10 years ago on ebay thinking that I was getting original series 1 from America, but it turned out they were the British cards which are much smaller. Kind of a bummer but better than nothing I suppose.

When these cards came out, they were an absolute hit with just about every kid that I knew with the exception of the odd prude and grossed out girl. There were only 2 items banned in our school by the end of 1985: Garbage Pail Kids, and Now and Later candies. I specifically remember the principal getting on the intercom really angry saying "Okay, kids. I've had enough with these trash can cards and alligator candy! No more!"

Of course we all burst into laughter and knew exactly what he meant. But this just created an even funnier underground GPK trading network.. Most kids would give you a pack of Now and Laters for a Blasted Billy or a Leaky Lindsay.

You may also notice in the above photo that there is a plastic card box full of gum. Well, I ate a few of them when I started opening packs, but decided they tasted like crap and for some reason kept them. Very oddly, in 2018 the gum still looks the same as the day that I took it out of the package! Probably a really good thing that I didn't chew it.

Working on organizing by series

So a little back story on why I have every 80s card except for about 1/2 of the first series. There was this girl in my class who absolutely coveted my 1st series collection. I know that sounds weird, but I don't know how else to describe it. She literally sent me love letters and little notes that ended "By the way, when are you gonna give me some GPKs?"

One day, we went out to recess, and I noticed that she was nowhere to be seen. When I went back in, I looked in my desk and all of my cards were gone. I immediately looked at her. She was grinning all guilty like, so I ran straight for her desk. As soon as I grabbed the lid of her desk she started screaming at the top of her longs. "Leave me alone! Stop it!"

Of course the teacher immediately jerked me up off the ground and started to scold me. I started flailing and yelling incoherently so they sent me to the office. By the time I got back, the cards were gone. To this day, I have no idea where she hid them for the rest of the school day.

So yeah, that's what happened! I was a little angry inside for another 20 years. Don't judge me!

After a Cabbage Patch Kids lawsuit, the art was redesigned to look more generic

They did revive the Garbage Pail Kids a few years back and I got really excited. I have to say though that I haven't been very pleased. It seems like whoever took over the project at Topps really doesn't understand the comedy. Take the above card "CHRISTINA Ugliera" for example. That's... not how any of this works. And sadly, these aren't even the worst. Each year, the modern iteration just gets worse and worse. I keep hoping that some old school person over at Topps is going to be like, "Hey guys... WTF?"

Until that day, I'll probably continue to buy the overpriced remakes out of some nostalgia from a long lost era where everything was cool. Well, not really. A lot of stuff sucked, but these cards sure didn't! If you don't think I'm a total nerd yet, I'll help you out by informing you that this is probably only about 35% of my total GPK collection. The rest is in storage! Maybe I'll do another post to show the magnitude of it all when I get them all home.

Well, I hope that brought back some great memories for some, and head shakes from others. Oh, by the way if you like movies - never watch the Garbage Pail Kids movie. Ever. Just don't.


The outcome was a propelled coordinated effort between cutting edge illustrators and humorists including Art John Pound. Another age of fans keeps on grasping this popular culture wonder as Garbage Pail Kids stickers are as yet being distributed. Presently, out of the blue,

That is so cool @nuthman. I know in 85' I was 17 and that Summer was the Summer me and my best friends were trying to get NY. Mets Rookie Baseball Card Dwight Gooden. So we were buying pack unto we got a couple of them.

But your Collection is impressive. Do not know much about that particular genre but I'm sure it has Value ;)

Btw @nuthman just letting you know because of your Content Excellence you have definitely secured a spot on
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Yeah you were a much older kid than me at the time! You are about my big sister's age. Her and her friends thought my cards were pretty stupid. Hehe!

Although I did know people your age who were in to the Wacky Packages cards. And of course baseball cards were massive. My bro had 1000s of them!

And by the way, I appreciate your content excellence comment. It means a lot. I am really trying to make a serious effort to not be another crap poster. Glad to see I am on the right path!

That girl that robbed your cards really is hard for your feelings since you have the passion to collect and treasure such personal property. @nuthman

It happened to me one when my fellow classmates took the toy I bought with my own money :/

There is also that instance that my sister took my rubberband collection and made it to lose with her friends over a rubberband game.

How annoying! That reminds me of a time when I was only about 6 or 7. My dad bought me a little car that you can get inside and pedal it around. I loved it so much! I only had it for about 2 days when one of the wheels fell off. My mom ran over and said, "Now you broke it! It's going in the trash."

She picked it up and threw it right into the dumpster. I was crying so hard for about 30 minutes. Then when I was on my balcony, a little girl I knew was out there showing her dad the car in the dumpster. He pulled it out of the dumpster and popped the wheel back on. I was yelling, "Hey! That's mine!".

She knew it was mine because she saw my mom throw it away. She just rode around in the car and laughed at me. I was so upset! Kids can be really mean. I was always really nice to other kids. I don't get it!

That is really upsetting, first your mom accused you of deliberately ruining your car and then a girl took it away and make you feel upset again.

When I was also a kid I wanted such pedaled cars but I never had one.

I am quite young so i know nothing about Garbage Pail Kids Trading Cards. I will advised you find that girl and make her confess, lol.

I'm trying to remember anything that was worth keeping during my childhood period, but I can't seem to remember any. Maybe I should think about it more.

haha! I know man.. I thought about that a lot of times. Especially since the cards that she stole are now worth thousands of dollars.

thousands of dollars?! we need to commence this search at once. I need to go get my where-is-girl toolkit, this is a matter of urgency

I am happy to see these cards again, I was a big fan of the garbage band, I bought them in large quantities and I remember that the first ones I saw brought them from the United States, although over time I did not know what I did, I even think they threw me It was learned that after they left, they were forbidden and what most comes to my mind is that they said they had satanic messages and that they contained some type of drug, and that by grotesque images that could distort the minds of children and adolescents , I remember that at that time the oldest (between 12 and 15 years old) were the worst, always every time they saw other children (from 7 to 9 years old) playing soccer quietly in the street whenever they could take the ball and they threw it kicking it very hard to the top of the sky and as far as possible ... they really seemed to be very bad guys jejeje (I remember that they were fans of hard rock bands such as Iron Maiden, Dio, and others), many times we had to claim footballs that had fallen on the ceilings or in the courtyards of the neighbors, who confidently returned our soccer balls, sometimes without air, because of a bad rebound or a pet that damaged them with their teeth. Everything was always solved by buying a new ball. The relation of this short story is that there really was a time when there was a certain evil that was accompanied by the things you saw on TV (especially in the movies because there was no internet) and the messages in the music, although it was a healthy topic typical evil of adolescence, not like now because things 30 and older are different and the messages of the junk gang of the cards are quite innocent along with the messages of digital media and communication and the music to which the children and Today's teenagers are exposed. I would like to have some of those cards again, at least with the most punk messages that I liked the most.

Yeah I also used to collect wacky packages which were also by Topps. Haha.. yeah a lot of people believed a lot of weird things in the 80s. Everything was the devil. Rock music was for Satanists. Such silliness. But the 80s were definitely a unique and special time in history. I only wish I could have appreciated it more while it was happening!

before ipad and those devices, kids got lives back to those days

Yep. I had an atari computer when I was a kid, but I was always outside playing with friends, running through the fields and climbing trees. It was a different time.

I use to love those as a kid. I miss being a child with no worries in the world.

No kidding! I think about it way too often. I mostly get upset at myself for not understanding the opportunities that I had at the time.

@ nuthman 1985 I was 1 year old. Here is a sample of collecting the things that we are passionate about

Go and fined that girl... LOL...

@fiune I wish I could, she ruined my whole childhood! hehe just kidding.

It does make me sad that I'll never see those cards again, but unfortunately there's nothing I can do about it!

Excellent post, very good!

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