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RE: Guide: How to Make Your Own Ice Cubes! STEEMIT EXCLUSIVE CONTENT!
I've run into a problem.
I did everything and achieved ice cube. I was so excited I went running next door to tell the neighbors. Of course they didn't believe me. After about a half of an hour explaining, I finally convinced them to come over and see for themselves. Somehow, the ice cubes vanished and I was left with a tray of water. What kind of sorcery is this? I am the laughing stock of my entire block now. I thought ice cubes would make me cool. I was wrong. Again.
You might have screwed up step 3. Try it again, but this time, use a freezer.
Hope that helps!
Used a freezer, the bills were paid. The ice, cubed. My trays might be defective. My ice, it un-cubes.
This all sounds quite implausible. Are you sure it was a freezer?
Ice can't just not be ice. I can't even imagine how that would occur. You're not making any sense. Try steps 1-3 again.
Hope that helps!
I tried the oven, just to be sure I wasn't confusing the two, again. The trays also uncubed and are very difficult to scrape off of the racks. This is harder than it looks.
Thanks for the help though. Followed.