I Think I Finally Figured Out a Way to Get People to Like Me!

in #funny7 years ago

@NoNamesLeftToUse has finally figured something out!

I get it now!

I'm totally marking this day down on my calendar.

Elmo I Think I'm Your Son -210-2016.11.06-06.26.46.jpg

Hi there!

My name is @NoNamesLeftToUse The Writer/Artist Himself and that picture is a recent self portrait of me. I lied. It's actually quite old if you think a year or two is a long time.


I've noticed some members of this community like to include an image of themselves to help compliment the most amazing comments they leave under blog posts. I think it's a good idea and respect that because it appears as if they spent all day making sure they got everything just right in front of the mirror. Then, they fuck it all up by adding filters and high quality special effects.

That takes balls.

I can see their balls too. They don't hide them.

I try to get the same sort of attention I require to feel good about myself but I fail, miserably. I think I've been doing it wrong.


My Big Red Hairy High Balls-218-2016.11.10-08.17.29 - - Copy.jpg

It takes balls but when I show my balls; people scowl and look away, slowly take a few steps backwards, turn, run, and before you can say, "Prairie oysters," I'm in the back seat of a fancy racecar with trippy lights on top.

I even tried to accentuate the positives.

My Big Red Hairy High Balls-218-2016.11.10-08.17.29 - - Copy (3).jpg

No Dangling Dice

Nothing seems to work. I leave an amazing comment, add my astonishing selfie; what the fuck? Nobody is speaking to me. Was it something I said? Did I sound shallow or hollow or too deep? I just don't get it.


Past tense. I didn't get it but now, I think I got it.

They seem to be using a different set of balls and positioning them much higher than they would normally hang.

I discovered this anomaly last night after enjoying a few Christmas party leftovers I still had in the fridge.

It was in the mustard bottle the entire time! Thank god for hotdogs...


With all those extra calories to burn, I thought it would be a good idea to get down to brass tacks and come up with a solution. Gotta keep up with the Joneses. You know how it is.

Rather than thinking on my own, I just borrowed their idea. Unfortunately, I could not physically stretch my balls enough to meet the official height requirements. Trust me. I pulled on those damn things all night and no matter what, I could not get them to work with me.

I heard a song one time. It suggested I tie a rope around my balls and jump out of a ten story window. Unfortunately for you, I am unwilling to go that far, for votes.

The Compromise

NoNamesLeftToUse - Ready For a Night Out on the Town.jpg

Now I feel 100% confident with myself and am ready for a night out in the comment sections of all the most successful bloggers in town. They will shower me with gifts and follow my account. All of the men will say hello and want to be my bro.

This is going to be awesome!

Stay classy!

All art and images seen here were produced digitally, by me.
"Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!"
[email protected]

© 2018 Two Insanity Productions. All rights reserved.
Follow @NoNamesLeftToUse
(Click the link for previous posts!)


I put a selfie of me in almost all my posts (except the last one).
However, no filter, my face is my face, I don't need any modification.
You got nice balls but your nose is not straight.
With Love,

You do not have to defend yourself. The approach to how you do things has substance. There's character and charm behind it. In your video with the "it's okay to stare" shirt, you made a joke of it. You have personality, charisma and you're smart.

Some people use a whole bunch of words that say nothing then flaunt the fake version of themselves to get attention. Nobody likes to be lied to. Because of that, many women get lumped into this whole mess and end up getting shit on simply for being beautiful and intelligent. They might be at the beach enjoying some sun, a few photos were taken, of course the ladies are wearing suitable beach attire, they talk about their day and how exciting it was.... but the message is lost because some asshole thinks those bikinis are only there for attention. A few idiotic females are making the rest look bad by trying to look better than everyone else.

I didn't mock women here today. I stood up for them.

My nose would look even worse, if I did not stand up for myself.

I voted this to the top because I already know how comedy can be misconstrued.

Thanks Sandra.

Thanks dude! I don't know what to say about all these compliments. I have things to say and express and I need to look people into the eyes to do it, that's most of the reason of my selfies. If you knew me in real life, you would see that I am a person that stare and I am incredibly funny, but I lost 70% of my comic side in writing. Videos and photos help, but still in videos I am a bit shy and sometimes stoned :P
Thanks for standing your ground and our ground ^^

Writing comedy and just leaving it here for all to read is one of the biggest challenges I think any writer can attempt. I'm more of the behind the scenes kind of guy. A crazy writer/artist that nobody really knows.. I guess.

In the end, all this was was a bit of satire. Nobody's feelings were meant to be hurt. I'm the one who looks like the idiot and I did that on purpose... because it was fun.

Personally I think we live in an ADD world, so people don't want to read long posts, as much as they want to see short, funny videos.
The material on this post, with the comments, is a standup act unto itself, so I would suggest making a video and go over the comments section.
Personality by person, one by one. Great comments, OMG!
Have a great night out!

This takes a lot of energy but I enjoy doing it. The comment section is the encore performance. I'll stay in character and allow everyone to have as much fun as they want. Provided everyone is a good sport, these things usually go well. This was probably one of the funnest nights I had here and all I can really do is thank everyone for being so damn awesome!

Have you ever thought about doing something like a Digital Art Show ? Or selling your Digital Art? Perhaps it will be a way to even get more people to follow your Creations!!! Just an idea. There's now a platform on the blockchain dedicated to Art Enthusiasts, I saw it on The same website that showed me Musiconomi!!!

I put on a digital art show nearly every day. Then it stays there forever for all to browse.

This is what I do.

Today, an artist revealed his latest offering to the world, free of charge. A patron of the arts was given a token of appreciation for the appreciation. The artist has done the exact opposite of selling out.

A busker sits on the street and strums his guitar while throwing change in everyone's hat. He goes home with a full stomach.

This changes everything. We've revolutionized the arts and entertainment industry.

My words.

They should come and see what I'm doing.

You're right!! Am I able to share your Creations on my Personal Facebook page? Does Steemit let people do that? (It will go to many more people than if I reblog this , I have close to 1,100 friends on Facebook )

Do you see the facebook icon at the bottom right of the article? Try that or place the link in your status message and press send. Some say facebook censors steemit posts and tries to hide them. You can write a status message, then place the link to this article in a comment below the status message. Try it out. and thank you!

Those ahem finished danglers look like wild burning eyes!

Careful now. My balls do not recommend prolonged eye exposure. Don't stare too long or it'll be your eyes burning next! I keep a few of those white canes handy just in case I go out and some crazy chick actually comes home with me. Always bring protection, they say. Better to be safe than sorry.

I had no idea you looked like the adult version of tickle me Elmo. Just letting you know if you want me to tickle you I'll probably knee you someplace painful and run screaming from the room.

You didn't know about this post explaining why I look like that?

Don't worry. It only made 8 cents. Probably not worth anyone's time.... :)

This also happened. I guess that was part two.

Don't yell at me for the grammar errors. People have to start somewhere!

LOL. I didn't like you before, and now all of a sudden I do. Weird.

Also, I assume you were inspired by this fine piece of artwork in Denver?

National Velvet

It's called National Velvet and it was created by John McEnroe. More info on this awesome Yelp page.

That is a beautiful monument. Thanks for telling me how much you didn't like me!

You're welcome! It's all in the past tense, of course. Water under the bridge. Balls shown, shunned, and then shoved into the back of a fancy racecar. We're going to be alright.

I'm glad my plan worked and we can now be bros. Just gotta let those balls hang out and everyone wants to be your friend. Truly powerful balls.

This post has balls. I'm not sure why you are covered with spagetti though.

I was born that way. My parents worked for Chef Boyardee. That man treated them like slaves... why did you have to bring this up! :)

What happens to make this red spaghetti!

Here I thought they look more like red liquorish unwinded from a twizzles that grew a pair of balls.

Man that Canadian cold really changes things.

Canadian comedy. I guess this makes me Steemit's Jim Carey. Maybe Steemit's Mike Myers. Maybe Steemit's Dan Aykroyd. Maybe Steemit's Martin Short. Maybe Steemit's Seth Rogan. Maybe Steemit's Russel Peters. Maybe Steemit's Tom Green. Maybe Steemit's Lorne Micheals. Maybe Steemit's Tommy Chong. Maybe every funny person comes from Canada. I'm trying my best to avoid talking about my fur because it makes me self-conscious. It's probably just something in the water.

Did you run into the American Ron White and drink from his “tea cup.” You know that not tea right? I mean really who would trust an American claiming they drink tea!

Ron White is actually pretty damn funny. I don't think that's tea in his cup either. That's like saying John Paul Tremblay is actually drinking a liquid.

Hahahahahhahahaha ... hahahahahahhahah...hahahhahahahhahaha...you had some collateral damage during the proces! Love Ya!

You have balls...I like balls.

Good post! Information very great. I follow you!

Oh! Thank you! My information took all night to research and I am glad you enjoy my information today! Why you follow me though? I might lead you over a cliff!

It is excellent information. I know I've seen that mustard stain somewhere before, and the very great information provided above included the word mustard as well. I wasn't looking at your tits. I follow you! No seriously, I already follow you, just wanted to point it out verbally!

Extra percentage point added to vote because my balls jiggled when I laughed at this.

...and yes, I foreshadowed mustard today. So much clever disguised in my stupidity!

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