
Why is the guy in yellow smiling as the plane crashes?

Cuz that's MEEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!!!!

Because he is one dark mofo! haha

Because some people just want to see the world burn...

Plot twist

I approve this twist

Ah yes, lmao I like my humor like I like my coffee! Dark. (I also like cream in it but saying I like it dark and creamed sounds dirty)

So you like it dark and dirty then?

Me too.

Don't worry, Superman just showed up. :)

@mynameisbrian is the only person on Steemit I have followed so far. His comics are so fun!

Hahaha lols

lol, I didnt see that ending coming, love this silly humor. Gonna check your blog for more of this, thanks for sharing.

hahaha morbid!

Dammit! This was supposed to be one of my happy comics

Hello you again, nice to see you around here.

This a bit dark.

I'm sad the bird burned.


Don't worry. The bird was chopped into bits long before it burned.

Haha nice one

This is dark lol

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