Only 3 contests remain.
Who will win?
Tune into to the apprentice next time to find out who will get Mr Trumps investment of a small loan of 1 million dollars
Well, he does have the best words. They are just fantastic! And he uses them bigly. All those other words? Just LOSERS. But look at his words. Like covfefe! Now that's a REAL word! Just beautiful...
The 97% thing has been widely debunked for awhile now. Feel free to read and get an update on it, or if not, your call. Idon't expect everyone to spend a lot of time learning and reading about things, especially debunking something everyone "believes"is a fact.
Political cartoons are more than just a comic, they are a voice of what people's opinions are. Sometimes the voice of a nation, and it's people.
covfefe !

When the Earth sees Trump coming they . . .
It looks like your planet is feeling the Bern!
What?!?! A Dune fan?? Those are my favorite science fiction novels of ALL time. Kudos to you haha
Thanks buddy, the steem must flow! :-)
But Global warming isn't real unless it's eroding your million dollar golf course /s
Only 3 contests remain.
Who will win?
Tune into to the apprentice next time to find out who will get Mr Trumps investment of a small loan of 1 million dollars
Scientists bought for by taxpayer money will never bite the hand that feeds them for ever!!!
Are the comics created by you?
Yes. Comicbew is branding that I created to help market outside of steemit.
Nice, I was just curious. Keep it up!
Well, he does have the best words. They are just fantastic! And he uses them bigly. All those other words? Just LOSERS. But look at his words. Like covfefe! Now that's a REAL word! Just beautiful...
What do the other 3% think? haha
Good question.
The 97% thing has been widely debunked for awhile now. Feel free to read and get an update on it, or if not, your call. Idon't expect everyone to spend a lot of time learning and reading about things, especially debunking something everyone "believes"is a fact.
Have a nice day.
Very good question ;)
the other 3% will be rich cause of scarcity in this case
Or does science get banned completely? haha
Who needs science when you have Trump anyways. XD
Well throw away that cellphone and smash your computer. Who needs science. Bah humbug. :)
Well that was supposed to be sarcastic :D me <3 math and therefore science
I was just being silly in response, tried to get that to come across with the bah humbug and smiley face. :)
:D Yep.
love it :D