MemeLogic - Cortez And Acosta

Insane Clown Posse
Welcome to 2018 folks, everything is basically just one long joke after another.
It's becoming harder and harder to keep up with the day to day lunacy coming from all over the mainstream media, where almost every news story requires a one sided panel who all agree and just parrot what the other NPC is saying, everything is Trumps fault and everything is racist and everyone is a Nazi. There is however a silver lining and that is the new democrat congress women Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, who seems to have no idea what she is doing and has no understanding of basic economics, but don't worry she has a fool proof plan of how to pay for everything from education, housing, healthcare and social welfare for all 350million people in America. Unfortunately she couldn't even figure out how to budget her own fiances, but don't let that worry you, she is going to give everyone all the free stuff they want.

"You cannot subsidize irresponsibility and expect people to become more responsible." - Thomas Sowell

Then there is the train wreck that is the Jim Acosta, the poster boy of CNN that keeps fighting the good fight against the mean racist orange man. If you're not so much in the know, last week Jim had his White House press pass revoked because he wouldn't relinquish the microphone and kept asking questions after Trump said like four times that's enough. Obviously the spin on this was that Jim is basically doing the lords work by asking the tough questions and holding the president to account for the people. It has absolutely nothing at all to do with giving other reporters a chance to also ask some questions. CNN then took the White House to court to get the pass reinstated, which they did, and I for one can't wait until the next press briefing.

"We the people are the rightful masters of both Congress and the courts, not to overthrow the Constitution but to overthrow the men who pervert the Constitution." - Abraham Lincoln

You're either laughing or you're learning.
Join me tomorrow for more lessons on these really easy to understand concepts.

Thanks for popping in, hope you liked the post. Please leave me your thoughts and or opinions in the comments below, have a beautiful day.

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There is an interesting three pack. The congresswoman is a running joke. My only hope for her is that she 'grows' in the job.
Acosta. I honestly do not know. I hate to think that reporters serve at the whim of the president like say cabinet members. But how far can an asshole go with his mouth? It's a little like the PC crowd in that regard. Did he get revoked because the President didn't like what he said?
There is, obviously, no unifying force here. One group of 'feminists' can be as offensive as they like, while the other is beyond extremely easily offended. I have a hard time justifying the two under the same umbrella name.
Nice choices this time...
As crazy as it all is just keep in mind that this is all happening while the economy is said to be the best it's been in history. Wait till it starts to go down, crazy ain't here yet but it's coming...