RE: Crappy Characters - Paladin Trump
Hahaha, that's is truly amazing. 10,000 Internets to you sir, and my little bit of voting worth.
Might I suggest:
Trump tweets a word of power that overwhelms the minds of every creature within range of a social media/mainstream media dissemination platform.
Roll a Wisdom Saving Throw, on a failed save the creature sees through the thin veil of reality and is confronted by the suffocating void of meaninglessness that is the modern world, where nothing matters if anything is true or not. The affected creature is immediately crushed by the sheer weight of that realization and takes 1000d12 bludgeoning damage, and is trapped in the postmodern nightmare that is modern society for the rest of eternity. Only a Wish Spell can reverse the effect.
Also, Trump's Healing Word would probably be "tremendous".
Hmmmm.... I do think Covfefe should be immortalised on the blockchain... perhaps we can level him up if he manages to push through some agenda items...