There I Done Fixed IT! Redneck Repairs

in #funny6 years ago

howdy folks and greetings from the Great Plains of North Texas!
It's actually cloudy today with a relatively warm 101 degrees BUT
there is a chance of rain Monday, 60% so I'm sure we'll get some

I was working on another Old West post about the Lawmen of
Dodge City but I ran into so many roadblocks in getting photos
to download and my computer not working right that I decided
to change course and visit some of my redneck repair photos!

Yeah I know, I collect strange things like that but I think you'll be
impressed just the same. Redneck innovation and creativity never
ceases to amaze me. Let's see if you agree.

these photos have no source, most are from FB

now with this repair I wouldn't recommend driving down the freeway
75 miles and hour but it IS replacing wheels with wheels..ain't it?

hey this is a door replacing a door right? and this time of year it looks
pretty cool and breezy!

this fix is SO much more practical! you know how hard it is to get
those ashes and butts in that little tray?
redneck ash tray.jpg

this here's another brilliant innovation. simple but elegant.
redneck cup holder.webp

when you rig your own electrical you gotta let everyone know where
the switch is
redneck brake lights.jpg

now here's a real bumper! you don't need one of those little, flimsy
pieces of plastic
redneck back bumper.jpg

I totally get this one, it ain't fair that motorcyclists can't sit back and
relax with some back support like everyone else!
redneck cycle seat.jpg

this here's a redneck and a darn nice practical one too!
redneck gear shift.jpg

trust me, if you saw what the rest of the car looked like, you wouldn't
be worried about locking it either! but it's so classy to put instructions
on it
redneck door knob.jpg

fooled ya for a second didn't it? you thought it was a factory grill
instead of a milk cartoon..very innovative though it looks pretty
redneck milk crate grill.jpg

redneck tire repair! lol. not for highway use.
redneck tire repair.jpg

now this here I like the way they cut the bark for traction
..see so you'd have more control!
redneck wood wheel.jpg

well that's a slice of redneck ingenuity that you probably don't run
into everyday, thank you for putting up with my silliness!

thanks for stopping by, God bless you all!
-jonboy Texas
the gentleman redneck

ps- ya know, you might just be a redneck if..

this is your reverse sensor:
redneck sensor (1).jpg


You just Quack me up, @janton! 🤣🤣🤣

hahaha! that's too cute cecicastor!

That is just ducky! :)

It is good to have a way around.
Use what you have and carry on!
Keep on postin'

howdy there @pouchon! yes that's the redneck way, to use what you have and make it work!
thank you for commenting and reading!

Howdy Jonboy! Funny stuff! I've seen a few of these ones before. The funniest one again was the top with the rear wheel tow dolly HA HA HA!!! The log rear bumper is perfect being Colorado too. The last one at the bottom, the funky chicken, gave me a good laugh too HA HA.

ha! I'm glad those made you laugh brother!

I think these guys all deserve an A for ingenuity. Especially if any of it really works. I mean, if they can get from A to B and back without breaking down, it's all pure genius :)

I've been missing out on a whole world of amazing things. When the zombie apocalypse happens, we'll see who ends up surviving. :)

hahaha! that my friend is when the redneck in you will kick in!

That pvc shifter is a great idea;)

haha! you liked that shifter huh? I did too actually, it looks like an improvement! ha. thanks for commenting sir.

Hi @janton. Out of all of them the drinks holder is the only one I would consider. It's amazing what people come up with. Normal people wouldn't dare to do half that stuff.

haha! that's right, only rednecks do these things! lol, thank you sir, I hope they made you smile or at least gave you some entertainment!

The motorcycle has to be the best one. He just forgot to put his TV there. Funny stuff. People can come up with some ideas. At least the guy withe the ashtray does't throw them out the window. big plus

hahaha! that is too funny Wolf, the guy with the ask tray! lol. and the motorcycle guy with a tv, we'll probably see that one eventually.

really nice car

hey there @parsie! thanks for stopping by, which car?

oh my, these really are something!! :) The ashtray cut into the seat? What were they thinking? The cup holder...god bless duct tape and the hose and bark tire? Just crazy! The engineering feat isn't as clear with these babies buddy!! :)

haha! no this was not an engineering bunch here, innovative on many but not engineering marvels like the other one. I like that fence gate for a door though! lol. and how would you like to drive that pickup with a dolly for a wheel? lol.
but did they make you smile? that's what I was aiming for.

Oh they made me smile big time @janton!

I grew up on a farm, and we didn't have much money, so my mom was always "making due". That's what your post reminded me of. But, she wouldn't have been caught dead in any of these haha

haha! I know what you mean. well on the farm like I'm sure you experienced, we couldn't have even run the operation without baling wire and duct tape! seems like everything was "rigged"!

rigged! That's exactly it. And my mom brought that mentality in the house, but in a good way. I remember one time she took the empty spool from a big roll of wire from the barn, cut a piece of glass for the round part, sewed a beautiful cover and made the best little coffee table out of it 😅

yes! my favorite coffee table for years was made from one of those spools! you are truly a redneck! love it. and that proves that they are in Canada too.

haha they are all over. I saw one in someone's garbage on the street here and wanted to grab it to make the same thing for my balcony lol

haha! why didn't you? you could just roll it home and that would make a great post. maybe one that wouldn't put everyone to sleep for once.

I like the reverse sensor, LOL! I had a switch wired to my tail lights on my first car; as a correction for tailgating. It worked very well.

Sometimes a proper repair is in order; but sometimes a lot more work is done to rig a repair. Once in a great while, these repairs are done just to see if it is possible....

hey smithlabs! you like that crazy sensor huh? haha! I like the idea of wring a switch for the tail lights too, very clever!

It is handy to have the tail lights under direct control. It really backs them off, for very little effort!

haha! it was probably easier to wire those years ago?

Not really, Just cut in to the lead going to the brake switch on the brake Pedal

smithlabs! you are getting ready to go feed people, I wish I was going too!
you make everything sound so easy. how would I even find the lead if I ever wanted to? most people don't work on cars ya know?

Just look on the brake pedal. There is a switch that makes ground when you push the pedal. that is where you add the wire. Push button switch to ground, and you are there. Most people.... ? LOL! :)

Cooking in three rooms right now. Wish you were coming too, it is a blessing! :)

smithlabs! what's wrong with saying most people don't work on cars, they don't anymore since they all become more computerized. at least that's my impression. lol. couldn't be wrong. lol

Yeah maybe someday we'll in a position to run up there once a month, that would be a blast. Unless you already have enough help.

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