Ludicrous Speed Go: My Ramblings on the Human Race

in #funny8 years ago

One would be hard pressed not to be a bit disturbed after watching 20 minutes of any mainstream media news network here in the US. Constant hatred from the right left and center, violence, racism, war, murder, police brutality, greed, political corruption, technological revolutions by the day. Everything is now moving at the speed of light to the point where House of Cards has become a boring rendition of real life. TV is an ancient relic of the past, YouTube has become the main place I find myself going now to try and keep up with all of this shit (and now steemit). We are mow in the age of too much going on, too many choices, too much information for any one person too take. It's all enough to make any sane person crazy.


All of this senseless violence, greed, hatred of each other makes me wonder are we monsters? Are we doomed as a species due to our own predetermined primal genetics? While this is certainly possible, I like to think this period of time in human history we are just hitting some growing pains in the infancy of our species. As cute as babies are they break things, hurt themselves, cry and make a mess of almost everything within reach. The young and undeveloped make rash decisions at first and then start to learn from them over time, constantly in awe of all the new things they encounter. Obsessively observing their surroundings, they play using great imagination. Try new things always absorbing and learning from experience along the way. Experience comes with age, and as we grow older we begin to figure things out and understand life a little bit better each day we wake up on the giant rock flying through space. Those not living ignorantly in bliss eventually come to the conclusion none of us really has any clue what the fuck we are doing here and why. What is the purpose of all this? Where are we going? What is our place in the universe if anything at all? These realizations are extremely humbling experiences many of us have at some point in our adult lives.


If you are one of the lucky ones without complete assholes for parents, you may get a soft nudge from your experienced elders in the right direction before it is too late for you and you fuck it all up. Or you may fuck it up anyway. Though most of our parents made their mistakes, and tried to instill in us the right moral compass to choose the right path. The opportunity is there to learn from older generations mistakes and carve your path a little better through this life.

As for the human race, there are no wise elders we can reach out to and seek guidance from here in our tiny part of the cosmos. No artifacts left behind from a previous intelligent species to guide us in the right direction. At least not in physical form, you do have psychedelics and the religious scriptures. Amazingly many people don’t realize that good evidence exists that one birthed the other. Unfortunately most psychedelics are illegal and religion has been hijacked for greed and power long ago. That doesn’t make our path forward to the promise land any easier. One thing is for certain though, we are orphans of this galaxy and so far we haven’t even found a group home. As the world and our existence gets more complex and strange every day we call into the black endless abyss of space in all directions searching for answers. There is only silence and the emotionless hum of radiation left over from this universe’s bizarre and sudden extremely violent explosive beginnings.
Crazier still, we are all here on a round blue rock alone middle of nowhere pretending we are not ripping through the land mines of space at 67,000 miles per hour. We don’t have a captain and we don’t have much of a fucking clue. But we are learning. Today our universally accepted scientific mathematical theory of how the universe was created is the big bang theory (there are also many other theories at complete odds with his one). Its math explains our universes beginnings started as an infinitely dense and infinitely small point that flashed into existence out of nowhere (how? because quantum physics can apparently do that)and instantaneously detonated creating space and time in a massive explosion. Essentially this is a theory of “something from nothing,” and if you told me you had a challenging theory that the great and evil Dark Helmet appeared out of thin air in space flipped his black cock head shaped helmet visor down and shouted “Ludicrous Speed! …GO!!!” spawning the universe, it wouldn’t sound any more logical than the current scientific theory we hold as the gold standard today.

Fast forward a few trillion years later and our current situation is seemingly just as bizarre. Let us put things into perspective, right now we are hurling through the cosmos on a little space ship we call earth. We are nothing but a spec, or a piece of dust in the Milky Way galaxy. Billions of people live and have lived on that spec each their own center of the universe. Everyone yearns to learn and answer life’s big questions. Aside from psychedelics and our own premonitions, there is no old wise species reaching out to us saying “hey idiots, don’t do that, that’s not a good idea.” So we learn everything on our own, one experience at a time passing the knowledge down to our sons and daughters. There are some good choices and a lot of bad. Some masterpieces, and some manure. You have the Sopranos, and season two of True Detective.

Some dream of the day we can one day make contact with intelligence from another planet outside of our solar system. For me, I’m still trying to make contact with intelligent life within New Jersey. Others have higher hopes, eager for contact with beings of immense knowledge that would illuminate us with their wisdom from millions of years of experience and technical advancements and spiritual progress. Others like Stephan Hawking fear the opposite would happen if they did find us, total annihilation or enslavement. So far no one on earth has been harmed by scary looking aliens with dead eyes, outside of those who have attempted to watch Housewives of Orange County. Possibly one day our technology will allow us to find life in the universe, probably not before we create artificial sentient life here on Earth. One thing is sadly for certain; our infantile methods of combing the universe for life have thus far been fruitless.

I know it’s hard to do because the mainstream media spends so much time focusing on the negative parts of our society, but try and look at the bright side for a moment. In the short amount of time human beings have existed, we have had many unbelievable major accomplishments. Language, industry, mathematics, splitting the atom, decoding DNA, the internet, technology, awe inspiring art and architecture, medicine, culinary, sports and martial arts. If we have already accomplished all this as a species and we are still in diapers, imagine what we can do when we are potty trained. In the coming years, an explosion of knowledge and understanding are on the way at incomprehensible speeds. Hang on tight because it’s going to be a bumpy ride. If we could only hold on for our dear lives a little longer, we might just make it.

One thing is for sure; our ancient ancestors did exist in space, deep in the cosmos. Where? Well, just look at any of the stars above your head in the night sky. All the atoms in your body came from the guts of one of its relatives long ago in a marvelous violent pit of heat and explosions. That is what is thought to be a small piece of the story of our beginnings. One day when our Sun expands and engulfs Earth, if we haven’t moved on to far away Martian pastures, or haven’t long been extinct, it may be the story of our end. Even such a massive event on that scale is just a blip of an infinite cycle that has always been and always will be. Regardless of what will happen in our future or the truths of our past I must say I’m honored to bear witness to it all in what is seemingly the craziest time to be alive in human history. Even more I’m honored to do it with all of you crazy motherfuckers. giphy-downsized-large.gif

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