10 Bizarre French expressions

in #funny8 years ago

Here are some bizarre (yet funny) expressions in french :

  1. The French are not “big-headed”… they “fart higher than their ass is located” (Péter plus haut que son cul).

  2. The French don’t “shup someone up”… they “nail someone’s beak” (Clouer le bec de quelqu’un).

  3. The French are not “tired”… they have their head up their ass (Avoir la tête dans le cul).

  4. The French are not “ungrateful”… they “spit in the soup” (Cracher dans la soupe).

  5. The French don’t tell you “to mind your own business”… they tell you “to deal with your own onions” (Occupe-toi de tes oignons).

  6. The French are not “energized”… they have “the potato” or the “French fry” (Avoir la patate/la frite).

  7. The French don’t tell you to “leave them alone”… they tell you to “go and cook yourself an egg” (Aller se faire cuire un œuf).

  8. The French don’t “blow you off”… they “give you the rake” (Se prendre un râteau).

  9. The French don’t call you “idiotic”… they call you “as dumb as a broom” (Être con comme un balai)

  10. French men don’t “sleep around”… they “dip their biscuit” (Tremper son biscuit)


Hope you enjoyed it !


I'm french and when I read that I realise that we have a huge problem with food ahahha

Hey, another frenchy cool ! I am thinking "J'ai le cul bordé de nouilles" but you are right, we have a problem with food and so do I haha :P

Well it's okay if you like food a lot XD

Hi. Actually this french expression comes from the Navy guys (from Italy precisely).

The true story:

This expression is about the fact that, in april 1940, in the Strait of Messina (Italy), a German u-boat believed that it was fired an English ship by its back. Instead, the u-boat torpedoed an Italian ship, the "Duce Benito" which was the flagship of his ally . . . This ship had all its bottom lined with steels. Then the torpedo (a Krupp one) broke up all the stern, and penetrated up to the kitchens. The legend says that it finished its run by sodomizing a cock which was unfortunatly tilted on the furnaces.
Fortunatly (for the cock), the torpedo didn't explose. But a leack invaded the reserve where 125.371 packages of noodles were stocked in order to feed 1.237 officers and 3 marines onboard, during all the cross of the Strait.
Actually, under the action of the sea water
(already salted ah ah), the noodles began to swell and swell, all along the open breach . . . and then this spread sealed the leak!
Arriving at Reggio di Calabria, (front of Messina), people were able to see the saved Italian ship entering the port "lined with noodles".

I knew that story because my nephew is a french Marine.
But I wanna thank the author (with pseudo Elpepe) for this text; I translated in english the commentary he wrote in 2006 in this source: http://www.expressio.fr/expressions/avoir-le-cul-borde-de-nouilles.php


(free picture, from pixabay: http://bit.ly/2u7svyI)

But you must know that In fact, the french word "nouille" is also a metaphore for penis (in slang language).
Not many French know that it is more a gay expression. ;)
Today, it means for someone that he got chance, that he is very lucky . . .


Thank you for the laugh. Dumb as a broom is going to be my catch phrase now instead of calling someone stupid.

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