21 Funny But Ridiculous DIY Projects That Never Should Of Happened
Everybody loves a good do it yourself project. It's the self satisfaction you get once you have completed the project. It also allows you to make use of unwanted items lying around the house. You can take these items and create something pretty cool. But just because you can make something, doesn't mean that you should.
A subreddit which goes by the self explanatory name of "DiWHY" is collecting some of the most ridiculous DIY fails you will ever see. Some of these ideas are so awful, it will make you feel like a master artist and want to create something better yourself.
The DIY entries fall into two different categories: a) The project or idea is so bad, it shouldn't of even been created to begin with; b) A project with potential but the execution turned out horribly wrong. Some of these are that cringy you will cover your eyes, others are that funny you will cry with laughter.
Scroll down to view some of the entries. Let us know which ones are your favourite. My personal favourite is number 20.
#1 In-builtcar landscape

#2 Grandma

#3 T-Rex heels. Why, just why? Who would wear these!?

#4 Baby bottom bowl. With wrong timing, the bowl may have been filled with something else!

#5 Childhood memories. Or childhood nightmare?

#6 Where's my glasses?

#7 Pimp my ride

#8 Hose rug

#9 Knife to see you

#10 Hope it is clean!

#11 Looks like an upside down mutated spider

#12 Lets hope they never crash

#13 The purpose is?

#14 Got wood

#15 Old jeans

#16 Count your pennies

#17 Let's make a hat... with errrm... a hat!
#18 Making use of your old gym gear

#19 Stealing your girlfriend's bra

#20 Get ready to look cool this summer

#21 No more forks left. They now have to use chopsticks

My head dizzy, no. 15 lol
Let's hope they remembered to take their money out the pocket! lol