Cooking isn't for Everyone: from Hiroshima Pizza to Floor Lasaga
"A day without laughter is a day wasted" Charlie Chaplin, While we have many steemians blogging about nice food and trying to take the perfect picture of their favorite dish while on the beach. Here is the dark side of cooking, some people are just not good at it, and hope the below pictures can bring a smile on your face in Today's crypto dump:

the cat seems happy about this!
Hiroshima pizza in full color.
wire kabab hanger...hmmm!
This guy learned something today! how to make the biggest oreo.
still wondering what happened here!
I hate to be the one to say it: not fine!
Floor wins (lasaga)!
he dead!
Go figure!
definitly got hired for a japanese restaurent!
Pompeii eruption.
good try!
Father of the year award goes to!
I am out of words for this!
Is that even possible?
Last words:
stay tuned @digdaga if you want to be the next master chef!
How its taste? @digdaga
For the last yes it is possible because they are pieces of wood glued. If the glue is of poor quality then this is normal. For the lid in the ceilings it is because of the pressure cooker. That's why we have to be extremely careful to close them very dangerously.
Thanks for the Scientific answers!
LMFAO Very nice post man. This is why I do all of the cooking at my house. My gf didn't know that the first rule of cooking is never ever leave the kitchen while cooking something on the stove.
Glad you liked it, I also like to cook and learned from day 1 to keep an eye on everything that is being cooked. Share this post with your GF for science.
I hope that's not all your experience pictures :)
Luckily, I only had one similar experience same as the pizza guy.