Most Embarrassing Ever Challenge Winner !

in #funny7 years ago

So seven days ago I shared with you all, one of my most embarrassing moment in my life, and encouraged anyone who wanted to share their most embarrassing moment to submit it to a competition I named #mostembaressingmoment . The best story submitted would win a prize of 10 SBD.


The critierias I have judged based on are:

How embarrassing the story is

How funny it is

how well the story is told

I have read through and watched all submission and upvoted and commented. I am very greatful for all the funny stories it's been a blast reading it! Lots of good laughs and I think I gave my six pack a good exercise.

So now for the winner Mr. @tattoodjay. Please read his embarrassing story below if you haven't yet:

"Setting the scene
Back a few years I used to travel a lot and one time I was in Delhi for a few days and staying in a fairly nice hotel, the hotel was one of these ones that had a Open center so as you came out of your room you came to a walkway that ran all around the inside of the building and you could see the rooms across the other side of the open area.
the first night there was uneventful, I had dinner a couple of beers and called it a night.

Day two
Day two I was up early as usual had breakfast and went to work for the day, nothing exciting or embarrassing happened at work so let me skip to the end of the day, me and a couple of colleagues went for dinner and a few beers, well probably more than a few, and eventually I headed back to my hotel and room and called it a night.

Now it goes from boring to perhaps a little embarrassing so read on
Well I have or had two habits at the time, I had no control over in that I sometimes sleep walk ( and still do, but not so much these days) and I used to sleep shall I say Au Natural ie naked as the day I was born.
Well in the middle of the Night I hear a click and am suddenly wide awake, and yes you probably guessed it I am out of my room in the corridor, fortunately it was about 3 AM and no one was in the corridors, and doubly lucky that there happened to be a security guard walking the floor, so while doing the classic stance we have all seen in comedy movies I called out while pressing myself up close to the wall to try and hide as much as I could with my hands, while calling out to the security guy who very nicely came over and let me back into the room.
Now what really got me was he was so blaze about it, like it was no big deal and didn't give any strange looks or comments which was a relief.

For the most part a fairly clever guy but some times it takes twice before I learn from my mistakes
And yes you guessed it this was one of those times, the next day was pretty much a copy of the previous lots of work and busy all day, then out for dinner and a few drinks, well quite a few, and back to the hotel for the night.

and then it gets really embarrassing
CLICK I hear again and am suddenly wide awake and out in the corridor again, and not a security guard in site, but luckily no one at all moving on the floor.
So I look around and walk towards the elevators hoping their is a phone on the floor or something, So I think to myself it must be the middle of the night, the Lobby is probably empty, so I will just head down to the Lobby and call reception or something and ask for a Key.
I will admit i was less than sober at the time and wasn't really thinking this all through, but into the elevator I went and headed down to the Lobby.

The Elevator door opens and there is four couple waiting to get into the elevator and a few people in the lobby, so in a micro second I was bright red all over totally embarrassed and suddenly feeling sober LOL.
I realized quickly i best get out of the elevator so I reached down and covered myself and did a sprint funny walk out of the elevator, hearing a few people giggle, I suddenly decided to I really had no better option that I could think of, so I walked quickly to the reception desk, asked for a towel urgently and a new room key.
Still bright red I suspect, but the person at reception acted as if this was no big deal, stated a towel would be sent up to my room, (which I thought was kind of pointless but didn't say anything)
When the receptionist asked me did I have any form of identification on me I almost snapped, but replied calmly it was up in the room.
Luckily then he fairly quickly provided me with a new Key and I headed back up to my room trying to walk and look calm while I was really embarrassed as hell.

Next Morning I checked out of the hotel and booked into another one as I was to embarrassed to stay there any more"

-the end

I had to read this story through my fingers because I can only imagine how embarrassing this must have been.

Once again thanks for everyone who participated and an extra shout out to @kus-knee for his contribution and participation that really got the submissions rolling in.

The competition was about sharing and having fun - that's what Steemit is about - what better way to get to know someone than by sharing your most embarrassing moment ?

The 10 SBD has now been sent to @tattoodjay . Big congrats and I wish everyone an awesome upcoming weekend !


I agree @dandesign86... this was definitely the most embarrassing story...( but a close tie with your's, I must say!!)... thanks for the fun!

Thank you and I think they can add this story into funny comedy movie Haha the same goes for yours and @kus-knee 's story . Life sometimes can really offer some embarrassing moments, but using the best medicine - comedy, we can get through it :)

Lol, that is embarrassing! well deserved by @tattoodjay, he walked right into it ;)

Haha he definitely deserved the win lol. Thankfully no one caught it on tape or it would have been a YouTube success lol

lol sure of that? Seen the film Naked?? Funtastic :-)

viral sensation...

Great contest, great prize and lot's of fun.

There were entries form all over the world which is soooooo Coooool!

Congratulations to @tattoodjay!

Thank you @kus-knee ! I was so humbled to get entries from all over the world - it really opened my eyes even more to how fantastic this platform is ! Thank you once again for helping to promote the contest and helped it become so big :)

This is quite a story :) People should learn from their mistakes man, come on! Hope you didn't do the same thing in the other hotel :)

By the way, thanks @dandadesign to give us the chance of reading that kind fo stories :)

that is a great story.

And a great idea for a challenge as well.

If it continues all steemians will have sixpacks soon

Haha I will see if I make a second round sometime soon ! I have a feeling that most people have more than one of these embarrassing stories hidden and also more minnows can join in the next round.

Damn I forgot to enter. I'll just have to write a post about in sometime. No nudity was involved with mine. What a horrible habit sleepwalking is now that I think of it. I don't think anything good can happen, only embarrassing, painful or bad.

Haha yea I don't know how to solve that problem, it seemed like taking a few extra drinks didn't make it better lol

hahaha amazing photo seriously.

I think winning this mskes the story all the more embarrassing lol

Thanks 🙏


Haha i think in the end a lot of people got a good laugh in the end - so it was very good you shared it

Yeah indeed
Funny thing is I hadn’t slept walked that I remember for ages
Till last night woke up in our garage barefoot in the concrete floor and it was so cold took me ages to warm up

Haha maybe another story is coming soon lol !

Lol 😂 let’s see I do have others not sure if theremore embarrassing or silly lol 😂

Hope there will be another one, i have mine to say

Haha let's see

It would be fun with a second round - we'll have to wait and see

wow, congratulation to @tattoodjay.
good job @dandesign86

Thanks buddy and thanks for your participation! I think we all had a good laugh in this competition

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