Can you discipline your Unborn Child?

in #funny7 years ago

So usually Mondays are great, and today was not really different from that, but... It was a crazy day.

Started with a call from my wife, who is 36 weeks prego by the way. It went like this " I think I am going into labor can you meet me at the house." Sure, so I tell my crew I got to go, and race home. Get there, and she is slightly panicked, ordering last minute stuff from Amazon, and we had just switch over blood thinners that morning. So we get there, tell the nurses what is going on, and in 30 min they say "Looks good, and we don't think your in labor, baby just shifted, and might have broke some blood vessels" Okay, I am thinking we are blowing this joint in a hour.

Boom a hour goes bye and another, after like 3 more tests I poke out my head and ask what is going on. Still get the same story that everything is good, no baby coming. If it was I would have to tell my parents, but we were good. Then this is where it got kinda weird.

The lady walks in, with the bill, and says who wants this. So I took it and she started to go over it with me. "Here is the first bill if you guys check out today, and this is the one if you have the baby today." Wait what, having the baby is still on the table, we HAVE A CHOICE? I thought there is no choice, it is coming, or it needs to come out. Then she looks at us and was like "I don't know I heard things out there but not sure". So I walk out and asked, they proceed to let us know they want to watch her a little longer, and wait for the blood work. All checked out good, and on the way out they were like " Thank you come again that will be $500" So, the kid is already grounded when it gets here, I am just deciding how long.....


Funny and tragic (for the loss of 500 bucks), at the same time!

I hear you buddy, and I have been there myself. Hospitals are a commercial place nowadays, and a money minter!

The sad part is, we all have to go thru such hospital visits one time or the other!

Upvoted your post buddy!

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I think the more funny part is, I actually calculated how much steem to sell to pay the bill. HAHA

amazing post steem frined.

Wow!!!! I can't imagine walking out of a doctor's office with a bill. Especially a 3 hour visit of sitting and waiting for $500. Sounds like a shady mechanic deal. Living in Canada I have never had to experience the pay for health system. We are covered for all health care including basic prescriptions for citizens under 25 (Ontario). The government pays for all health care using money from our taxes.

Your story reminds me of the birth of my son. It was a regular check up appointment for my wife at 32 weeks. When she was being checked out the doctor noticed that her blood pressure was high and that she was very swollen. He immediately told us to head to the hospital where they could check her out to make sure all was ok. Shortly after arriving and a few test were done we found out that she had preeclampsia. We were told that she would be staying at the hospital for the remainder of her pregnancy. She was not excited to hear about her next 8 weeks in hospital. It turned out she wouldn't have to wait. During her first night there our son's heart rate dropped several times. The doctors determined that the baby was in distress and that he might need to come out ASAP. She was rushed to a different hospital that deals with these cases and by the next day our son was born through an emergency c-section. It turns out that he had his umbilical cord wrapped around his foot and that he was continually cutting off his own circulation. He was a strapping 2lbs 13oz. Not much bigger than my hand. He ended u spending the first month of his life in ICU. 16 years later he is almost a grown man.
I think of that experience and how lucky we were. I can't imagine what our bill would have been at the end of it all. A scary thought indeed.

Women have a funny way of showing the strains of pregnancy and the stunt your wife pulled was just part of it lol
Don't be disappointed 😁😁😁😁

Ya, I hope she wasn't just trying to play hookie from work.

What an experience! It's not uncommon though, for women to have that experience. We had a similar experience with my first daughter - we were actually in the hospital four times before she eventually came!

Do let us know when yours comes so we can celebrate with you @bigram.

Wow, hard experience, fear to watch.

That is too funny, just the start of the supposed 1,000,000 dollars it costs to raise a child.

ahhh, can I return them. I will never be able to retire.

nice post ...
if u dont mind can u help to vote my post

Aww man. Ive been there dude.

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