Ithaqa Steemit RPG Week 4 Fight Monsters, Win Steem!

Ithaqa - Cover-v3.jpg

Hey all! Week 4 of the Ithaqa Steemit RPG begins now! Join to win free steem, and compete to see whose character will come out on top!

I have sent steem to last weeks winners, @bryan-imhoff, The Mythos based Rat-Thing, @nyarlathotep The Pallid Husk, and @javo1096, The mystical investigator named, Tulem Kolkochsky.


Pick A Faction: Investigators, Cultists, or Mythos Creatures (if you haven't already).

Comment below with your faction pick (or your pre-existing character if you have already played before).

Pick a Starting Stat, and mention it in your comment: Mythos or Stamina

As your character wins or loses, your stats will go up or down, and that will add buffs or debuffs to your roll.

I will randomly match two players up via RNG.
I will roll dice (
Winner of each match will be 100% Upvoted, earning you STEEM after 7 days.

All human characters will have a starting Sanity rating of 5, and every loss will cost 1 sanity point. If you get to 0, your character is insane! Start again! If you are a mythos creature, you will have a starting Power stat of 5, which functions the same way.

(( RESTEEM THIS POST )) FOR BONUS HIT-POINTS: Random Weapon Generator:

(Example: Hazel [12] / Rat-Thing [8]) WITHOUT RESTEEM BONUS
(Example: Hazel [12] / Rat-Thing [8]+{5 Weapon}=[13])

I will write some fun flavor text to describe the encounter that happens between you and your opponent, and hopefully this will be a fun way to help raise money for the actual comic!!/@drwatson/t2b3d2ijh

Our current rankings are:

  1. @la-fumettista,The Investigator, Hazel. Her main stat is stamina, and because of her wins she's got +2 to her rolls. Hazel's sanity is 5
  2. @nyarlathotep, The Pallid Husk, has a Sanity of 5 and a Mythos stat of +1
  3. @javo1096, Tulem Kolkochsky, has a Sanity of 5 and a Mythos stat of +1
  4. @effofex The Cultist, has 4 Sanity and +2 to his Mythos stat
  5. @bryan-imhoff, The Mythos based Rat-Thing, has had his Power reduced to 3, but has a Mythos stat of +1.
  6. @jrej the Bulky Investigator, has 4 Sanity left
  7. @paulavg, the Mythos Creature has 4 Power left
  8. @mountainwashere is a Stamina based, silent investigator. His Sanity is 4
  9. @nateaguila, the Cultist has had his Sanity reduced to 4.
    10.@eyedrip, The Mythos-based Flickering One, has had their Power reduced to 4

Non-active players will be removed from the rankings after 3 weeks

If you have any friends or family who might be interested in a Lovecraftian horror comic, please send them to our website to sign up for some free pages!

Additionally, If you're new to this comic I strongly recommend you check out our instagram, as I'm currently uploading pages every day.


Theresa Chiechi's (The Artist @la-fumettista) website is here:

Sign up to buy the comic on our website:

Twitter: @IthaqaComic


This project is being supported by @Fundition

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Hehe the bulky investigator is not doing so bad. Maybe he did manage to discover something... He can't steady grounded ro reality too long with all these weird things happening. Resteemed!


I don't remember what Hazel was doing last buttttt ummm, she's back in the game! IMG_6646.jpg


So fun and nice, love it!

@paulavg, The One With Many Eyes was nursing her wounds after her encounter with that terrible man. All that light... all that arrogance!

Just when she felt she couldn't contain her anger any longer, she heard footsteps...Another foolish mortal come to disturb her beautiful darkness?

@sayeds1956, the Stamina based Investigator was going for a nice hike, unaware of the danger he was in...

@sayeds1956 rolls (9) + resteem (6) = 15
@paulavg rolls (19)

With unrestrained fury, she reveals herself to the investigator, raking his limbs with her terrible suckered tentacles!

He flees from the forest, blood streaming from dime sized holes in his arms and legs. Weeping and afraid.

@paulavg has her mythos increased to 1
@sayeds1956's sanity drops to 4

Fear my growing power fur-less vermin!

The urgency of the upcoming moon cycle blinded me to all but my need for more power. The rat-thing, sly and foul betrayer that is, must have noticed this. All the better that my light has gone out and it has escaped. I fear the rage of the moment would have caused me to do something unpleasant, but all-too-brief to discipline my wayward minion. All the better to wait. And plan.


Part of me feels like I should switch up the matchups, just so we get some decent rotation in, but at the same time... this is becoming an epic rivalry haha

I'm really torn. I'm enjoying the rivalry immensely, but also want to eat meet other players.

The Pallid Husk waits patiently in a dark alleyway, like a spider waiting for the fly... His robe is worn out and dirty, had no time for laundry these past week; every night lurking in the shadows for hours but getting nothing, it starts now to show its effect. "Maybe that's better, I kinda like the way my robes look, all stained & tattered- like a badge of office in service to my King!! muahahaha!!" The thoughts are swirling in his head, with no particular coherence... when, at last!, hears something shuffling from the opposite edge of the alleyway --

@nyarlathotep, The Pallid Husk, waits in the alley, hoping for another easy target. The big man had been easy, too easy to drink up. He was like a pale broth, almost without nutrition, but the Pallid Husk wanted a stew...

Because you see, it wasn't the sane minds that tasted like a fine wine, oh no, it was the ones steeped in madness. Or better yet, those thoughts which danced upon the precipice, and could go either way...

@Bryan-Imhoff scurried beneath the streets of Ithaca. Taking in the smells and sounds, as if for the first time. After all, was he not free? Was he not a king in his own domain, with a kingdom of rats to rule over?

@effofex had been a thorn in his side, this was true. Many of The Rat Thing's loyal subjects had been eaten over the past week, but all of that was about to change, the Bad Man was gone now, he was above ground and no longer @bryan-imhoff's problem.

All was well, except for the singing, that is, and the smell of yellow fabric. The Rat-Thing didn't know that yellow had a smell until recently, but it did. It smelled of sweat, and overripe fruit. After days of hearing this music, and smelling all this Yellow, The Rat-Thing decided it was time to mount a scouting party, to see what was happening above ground.

@nyarlathotep smiled beneath the rotting tatters of his mask, he sensed something deliciously insane coming his way...

@nyarlathotep rolls (9) + mythos stat (1) = 10
@bryan-imhoff rolls (4) + mythos stat (1) = 5

The Rat Thing had grown overconfident after the victory over his previous master, having ceased to shore up his mental defenses against outsiders. Indeed, the strain of holding so many rats under his dominion had distracted him, and The Pallid Husk could not have been more pleased.

His song ensnared the mad creature, rendering him helpless as he crept above ground. The Pallid Husk laughed, and The Rat Thing laughed, and together they laughed until @nyarlathotep had drunk his fill. When the dawn came, The Pallid Husk was gone, and The Rat-Thing was another step closer to total oblivion. He dragged himself into a storm drain before anyone could spot him, and he did notice that many of his loyal rat subjects were missing.

@nyarlathotep's mythos stat increases to 2
@bryan-imhoff's power drops to 2

(I don't think either of you resteemed, but if you did, and I missed that, please let me know, and I will amend the scores/stat changes)

Forgot to resteem, indeed, but -- the stars were right for the Pallid Husk, anyway! With rat-thoughts infesting his damaged brain, the Pallid Husk scampers back to his lair...

Very funny. upvoted, followed and resteemed.

Tulem finishes his cheap-branded cigarette and continues moving forward onto the darkness in front of him.

Upvoted and resteemed.


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