April Calendar Rewards for Backers

Greetings, friends!

@manoldonchev here with a rewards update on the project in Bolyartsi village, Bulgaria.

If you are unfamiliar, here is the project description in short:

Stage One
is about introducing new social and artistic perspectives to a small community - one of countless such in Bulgaria and in the world as a whole. The purpose is to engage people in more interesting initiatives where they live. Our first village is Bolyartsi where a photo exhibition is being prepared.

Stage Two
in Bolyartsi village will be preparing and empowering people living there to continue our artistic and social work through lectures, practice and projects to work on together. One of those will be an album which has been started already.


A Bonus Reward for backers joining this month - the new April Calendar.

A jpg preview of the PDF file:


Previous Progress:
A website has been created;

Photo prints have been given away to local people who were glad to receive their portraits;

A venue for an Exhibition has been secured;

Work on an album has begun;

The main portion of photographic material for the exhibition has been prepared. Waiting on guest authors;

Waiting on information from local institutions. Long time without updates on that front. We apologize to our project's followers for the delay.

###Meanwhile, for our supporters:

Ready to claim Are also the files from this gallery where you may find the e-mail to write to. Supporters @fundition, @hendrikdegrote and @sndbox may do it whenever they choose. Their files are just an e-mail and a link away.

The more support we find here, the closer we get to expanding this project on a larger scale and eventually influencing more communities!

Visit our gallery and see if you would like to have a photograph for any donation that will help us achieve our goals.

You can make a difference!

Thank You!


Manol Donchev from PhotoAnthill

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