
in #fund4 years ago

Hello everyone!

Hope my readers here all are well and always be! How’s is life for everyone? As a music tutor/musician myself it starts to give impact on me. Especially on daily life, work environment and relationships with people. Not only that, financial is always been an issue at this moment to keep on surviving for the next coming days especially on this Movement Control order (MCO).

Daily lifestyle starts to change both in a good way or bad. For some it has been a good time for bonding and for less fortunate domestic violence become an issue that would be hard for them to run away from. As for me, luckily life is still going ..i would say quite ok but in term of saving is getting less and less and it starts to worrying me as i have family to support.

As for work environment, Schools is closing down at least till the end of the year, cafe / live houses place is closing down so no live music and just kind of lucky that we live in a internet era that helps me to conduct online teaching so still can manage while the school term is still going on but then still not everyone would like to continue music lessons via online.

For what happening now here, things look like getting better but some new cases are still reported, still some people are selfish and doesn’t care about procedures and not to mentions some foreign workers that totally ignore and even argue with the authorities. Luckily the governments and the frontliners from the doctors, nurses, enforcers even to delivery riders are doing great job in containing the virus from spread wider and still to make the country economy still running even though is not that much.

As for myself, the bond among family feels much closer as we are most likely just staying in the house. Everything we do, will be done together. Pretty much lots of house work that been on waiting list can be done. In terms of other family members, such as parents, siblings and cousins now that’s bit of feel parted away since for me and my siblings we are quite close and almost meet up each other almost every week but it seems harder now to do so.

Financially its start to feels bit more worrying during this pandemic situation. Everyone is spending less and careful to survive for unknown future. As you know my profession is into entertainment line, it’s all kaputt(dead) no more live performances, corporate event, wedding ceremony etc... The struggle is real like some people would say, well it is for me. Not because of worrying myself but more to my wife and 2 kids, what’s gonna happen to them in next coming months when savings start running low and this been bothering me since all this happened.

Lastly, here comes the desperate measure, all im asking for is some good will from everyone to help me to cover up the house rent and basic needs and to keep provide shelter for my wife and 2 sons (3 and 1 years old) and to survive till at least till the end of the year.

I will need around usd 2.5 - 3k which is to cover house rents and basic needs till at least until the end of the year. If there’s any extra donations i promise to give to friends that i know in need too.

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