What country you from and what is the best and worst thing about living there? - The Daily Steem Poll [Question for the Community]

in #fun8 years ago

Thanks to @doubledex for today's Daily Steem Poll question! @doubledex will be receiving 20% of the SBD author payout from this post.

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The Steem Poll Question of the day is:

What country you from and what is the best and worst thing about living there?


I'm from Canada. I love the fact that we're a multicultural country, that we legalized same-sex marriage a long time ago, that we're a liberal and educated population. Education is affordable and our students rarely graduate with tens of thousands of dollars in student loans like in the US. (My two degrees cost less than 30K 15 years ago and were paid off with scholarships and summer jobs within a couple of years after graduation.) We believe we are only as strong as our weakest people and therefore steps are always being taken to improve social services. In the past year, Canada has accepted 25,000 Syrian refugees and we are the richer for it. Many of us have sponsored Syrian families in the same way we sponsored Somalian and Bosnian refugees in previous years. The country is physically beautiful and vast. Montreal and Quebec City are so European in atmosphere and Toronto deserves its Third Best City in the World to Live In (2016) but I choose to stay in Vancouver due to the beauty of the west coast and its mild weather. I've travelled a lot and even lived in other countries but I always return home to Canada.
What I don't like: our sad history with the First Nations people. It's slowly being addressed but more needs to be done if we are to truly deserve the "Best country in the world" lists that Canada often ends up on (usually in the top five year after year).

Hi was in Canada two years ago whistler loved the place, great country you have .coming back next Christmas cant wait

Yes, Whistler is beautiful but if you're a skier, check out Banff and Lake Louise--stunning!

I live in the US, and honestly I think it is the best country to live in. Not in the "we are better than everybody else" way, just I love my country. For all the problems and issues that people complain about, most of them boil down to "first world problems".

I have a nice townhouse, that I was able to afford after working hard in school and getting a good paying job. I am lucky to have a good education, and parents that gave me a wonderful environment to grow up in.

I have a computer, and access the internet - where I can do all kinds of things that were unimaginable only 20-30 years ago. I can drive to the grocery store and buy pretty much any food that I can think of to eat. I have AC in the summer, and heat in the winter. Some times, you just have to appreciate the little things, ya know? lol

The US recently legalized gay marriage, which was a big deal for me because I was able to marry the love of my life. We have been together for 8 years now, and now married for 1. It is cool that we have progressed as far as we have on this issue recently. (Not to say its perfect, but you know..)

I really feel that today is one of the most exciting times to be alive. There are tons of things going on, and I feel like I am right in the middle of all the excitement. I'm sure there are lots of other great countries too (which I look forward to reading about in this post), but I feel the US is just right for me :)

[Edit] I did realize the question asked for both "best" and "worst". I really should have caught that, seeing as I created the post, lol.

As far as the worst part, I would have to say it is all the hate. There are a lot of groups in the US that do not get along, and it goes way past the point of civil disagreement. If we could get through that issue, I feel the country would be a much better place.

Thanks @timcliff I'm glad you liked my question and used it today. It's a great initiative and I'll be keeping a keen eye out for your posts!

I'm from Bonnie Scotland, Edinburgh to be precise.

I love this country because the people have a wicked/sardonic sense of humour which has been cultivated by the persistent shitty weather, which is my reason for disliking the country.

So, in essence, if the bad thing about the country didn't exist, then the good thing wouldn't either :)

I loved the crazy funny "nicknames" you folks came up with when Trump was in Scotland earlier this summer. Mangled apricot hellbeast might have been my favourite.
Edinburgh looks beautiful despite the shite weather. We get our fair share of rain here too.

I am from Honduras, it is a very beautiful country very mountainous with many valleys, a lot of rivers, beautiful islands, and a great Mayan and Spanish Colonial heritage. As for the bad part, we are a poor country with many problems tops of which are unemployment and a very high crime rate.

I'm from the United States. The best thing about living here is that there are so many amazing different geographies you can travel to, experiences you can have, and cultures you can learn about, without crossing any international borders. The worst thing about living here is the politics.

I'm from the US. The worst and the best thing about living here is subjective based on your position. Personally, I think the worst thing is the lack of basic human respect. The best thing is the variety of peoples and cultures!

I am from Australia.

The best thing about living here is the weather which is super reasonable for the most part in the southern states. There is also ample employment, decent wages, and pretty relaxed people.

The worst thing is how long it takes to fly anywhere else in the world (apart from south-east Asia), limited availability of high-speed internet, and the housing is becoming super expensive, especially in Melbourne and Sydney.

Hello everybody, I am from Belgium near Brussels.
The country known for having continued a period of time without a firm government because there is so much division here, there are the Flemish, the Wallonian's and the Brussels district. The Flemish and Wallonian's really don't get along, and as a country of multi-culturalism there are many languages such as french, dutch, german and since the past decennia arabic, certainly in a few districts in brussel like Molenbeek. In a political view there a so many parties with such difference each u almost don't know wich to chose. As a anarchist type I don't vote for any but the citizens here have a lot of choise of wich all of them don't keep their promises. There is even a political party in Brussels named Sharia for Belgium ( yes this is not a joke!). They are gaining momentum trought the last decennia and all the immigration from the middle-east will certainly give them even more votes by the millions.

Now as for the weather u should not come here for this feature, This is a country where we have seen sun, rain, and snow on a single day. U can go out in full sun in the morning in t-shirt and shorts and 3 hours later u are so cold u really wished to have taken more warmer clothes.
To work in Belgium, if u are a workman u literally are the shit of the society while u do the hardest work U pay incredible amount of taxes, U Have the least advantages and the least amount of paid vacantion. If u are an clerk u have each a little more some even allmost double of the workman. Diplomats here are tax-exempt and are living the high life. And if u have been fired from your work( not for a grave mistake) u are intiteld to have wealthfare, this is really ruining the country as young people tend to stay on it instead of going to work your ass of hurting your back for 200 euro more and on the end of the year paying 1000 euro's of taxes. I pay each year around 1200euro taxes and every month they allready take of around 1800 euro of my bruto paychek for RSZ, Tax and others. many of my friends just don't look for work anymore as they receive 250 euros less then me on my monthly paychek for doing nothing and at the end of the year the receive back from the government around 600 euro depending on some factors so why should they , i can understand them on one way but as I don't like to be sustained by government so i keep myself in jobs trying to climbing a ladder or having enough to become independant. Even tough being independant is also a lot of taxes and no retirement, still beats working for a boss. Nice pyramid ponzi scheme.

Food and beverages are actually still at a nice price, as a multicultural country there are so many choises of different snaks or restaurants. U most certainly will find something that u really like!. Drinks are not to expensive even tought they raised the tax last year it still undermines the prices of France or other neigbouring countries. Sigarette prices have been raised trough the years but are still relative like a pack of camel 19 sig 5, 40 euro, Marlboro 6euro.

Drugs: Everything is to be found here at relative low prices if u find a good dealer, marijuana is in most of the great cities no harsh penalties for less than 3grams they just confiscate it and let u walk. a little bit of harddrugs can be tolerated by means of confiscation if the policemen has had a nice day. So by means there are very nice and wonderfull parties as well as festivals. It is the country where tomorrowland has originated from by the way so if u like to party, no troubles here:-). Women are willing, entree prices are relative low and there are so many discotheques eveywhere seems more like a plague.. u need recommendations, i can help out:-)

The people: If u go to great cities as Brussels the mood is not to great since terrorism began here, Gent, Antwerp, Oostend, Bruges and The Ardennes are nice cities where the mood is rather gentle but if u go into the smaller cities around the big cities, most of the people know each other and u can have a great time living here, as an example, I am from a citie near Brussels and it's relativly small but still 4 schools, as I went to 3 of them. I know a lot of people here and walking trough the town u allways meet someone u know or u have some places where allways will be a group of people u have spend time with in the past and they can be drinking something of smoking a joint taking some time to relax if there is a nice weather around. Even the people are open and if you are not from Belgium, there is mostly a sense of opennes and curiousity. Just not in the middle of Brussels there visitors get ripped of or stolen by the millions a year. But a lot of nice and beautifull places to live even tough the government is taking more and more green away for appartements as the population keep growing. Lot of different sports to do everywhere every man can find his play.

My say is, It's a nice to country to visit and see different places but for really living here and working here, I actually don't recommend it as I am looking for the future to move out of Europe as it is trying to reinstal a neo-feudalistic society and it should rather be called the TAX-union instead of European-union. Any questions I would be happy to reply.

@bjornbm - This is a really awesome reply! I wish it had gotten more attention than it did, but I think that unfortunately it got added near the tail end of the post time. I really enjoyed reading this though, and look forward to see more of your posts/comments. You have a new follower :)

Thank you and I don't mind, I'm glad someone liked it :-)

New Zealand.
Best - the scenery, space, distance from the rest of the world, most people have a good standard of living, moderate climate, wide range of outdoor and leisure activities
Worst - politicians trying to "nanny state" us, our scumbag of a Prime Minister who's trying sell us off to the highest bidder, high cost of housing in the main centres compared to the average wage


Cons - darkness

Pros - snow, sauna and they make awesome music.

I've heard the education system in Finland is excellent too.