in #fun7 years ago

This morning I woke up in a terrible mood. I have no idea why. I went to bed a fairly happy chappy. Then I woke and everything seemed wrong with the world.

At first, I thought it might be me. Perhaps I was the one at fault? It didn't take me long to realise though that it most certainly was not me that was the problem. It was everything else in the world. I knew this as within thirty seconds of getting out of bed I stubbed my toe on something.

What in the blazes!?!?!

I screamed, hopping back and forth whilst hugging my foot close to my chest like an old raggedy teddy bear.


Perhaps I should be more careful? I thought as I headed into the shower. After all, accidents do happen. I stood under the hot shower luxuriating in the warmth. Silly me, bumping my toe.


I screamed like a guinea pig being pressed into a sandwich. The water had gone stone cold!? I hopped out of the shower and shouted some very choice curse words. You could say that the air turned as blue as my now cold skin.

Whilst I was shouting and cursing, I accidentally kicked my toe against something again and this led to even more cursing and shouting.

When the throbbing pain from my toe had calmed down I dried myself off and headed off to work. I was now heartily convinced that fate itself was against me today and that no matter what, there was trouble ahead.

By the time I got to the train station though, I had given myself a resounding shake and put my best positivity hat on. Let's see what you have got oh fickle fate. I am ready to poke you in the eye with my special poky stick!


I made this
The day is what you make it!

I sang to myself happily.

I got onto my usual train. It's normally quite empty. Today it was full. I was pressed up against a particularly large and not very nice smelling man. He smelt like a bin that a cat had used as a toilet. Occasionally when the train rounded a corner his big round tummy would push quite firmly into me.

After being his train wife for the twenty minutes of the journey, I felt quite nauseous by the time I got off at my stop. It looked like fate was pulling out the big guns to annoy me.

La la la, you can't annoy me silly fate.

I sang in my head.

As I walked the rest of the way into work I had a quick browse of my feed on Steemit.


Out of the first ten posts I looked at there were three How to make it big on Steemit! posts. They were all written by people who had been on the site for less than a couple of weeks. I found that to be a little irritating.


I made this
I put it out of my mind and went to the coffee shop and ordered my usual life-saving coffee with milk. Ah. this will sort me out.

As I stepped outside I took a grateful sip.

What the flump?!

They had given me some sort of horrible cinnamon thing. It was horrible, like licking a dead mouse on a stick instead of a yummy lollipop.

I stormed back in. By now my zen calm was truly gone.

You gave me some guff cinnamon thing?

That's what you ordered.

No I did not!

I half screamed.

They recognised a madman denied caffeine and quickly made me a real coffee.

I left the shop, my mood beyond saving by any positive thinking.


Like an angry warthog, I stamped into work. This day was going to be terrible I knew it! Nothing could change that, absolutely NOTHING!

My phone rang.


I roared and put the phone to my ear.

What is it?!

I bellowed. My rage was palpable!

Daddy? Why do you sound like you are being a grumble-drawers?

It was my little daughter who was just 5 years old, just hearing her voice made my bad mood drift away like smoke.

Sorry lass. I didn't mean to be a grumble-drawers.

Well you were. Silly Daddy. Be a happy Daddy instead!

And just like that, I was a happy Daddy, just when I thought the day was going to be awful she had snapped me out of my grumbliness. Later when I arrived home I told her how she had turned my day around and she had laughed about me letting life make me grumpy.

She had a point. I think we can learn some valuable lessons from children!

What about you? Have you ever gotten advice from the mouth of babes as it were? Or have you managed to turn a day around from bad to good by something positive happening or even just being positive?

Give us your best tales of turning things round in the comments. I will be there to listen!

Authored by: @sayuti1606 @amrizal image image

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