Do I have a dirty mind? Is it just me?
At first I saw some candy for kids, available in every supermarket in Germany.
At second glance, I was not sure anymore if this even is safe for work AND very unsure if suitable for children.
Let me know what you see here...
Don't let it get too dirty ;-)
I don't want to tag this NSFW
hahaha you just made my day with this post
hahaahah seems like i have a mind like that
hahah i like that lol
It does depends on how one actually describes it ;)
You are naughty dude ;)
hahah epic

Hahahahahahaha :D :D :D :D
I saw something yellow going inside to green cave :P :D
ohhh i think its not dirty its naturely thing and every one think on all things when we observed any thing that the bad effects and the good effects and that thing make difference between us and robots
so i think its a good thing if we have it and you named it dirty mind
so enjoy life to observe everything and also with happiest
haha ....ahh, thankyou pollux this brought a smile to my face. These sweets are obviously designed to encourage children to learn...
Hahahaha!! I understand what you mean but children might not understand, maybe that is why it is used.