@polebird: ❤️ Good times with the crazy seagulls ❤️

in #fun7 years ago (edited)

Ever since I was little, I've loved birds. During my trip to Houston, Texas I was excited when we decided to revisit one of my favorite things to do when I visited as a kid -ride the free ferry! In Galveston, highway 87's "bridge" is actually the car-carrying ferry run by the department of transportation! There is at least one ferry running 24 hours a day going ferrying cars between Galveston Island and the Bolivar Peninsula. After the ferry departs, passengers are allowed to get off their vehicles and do some sight seeing or feed the birds off the back of the boat.

^click image above to watch in dtube

I seriously had a blast being in the midst of all the crazy gulls, and it was just as fun as I remembered! And also, no birds pooped on me. :D Thanks for watching friends!



▶️ DTube

Truly childhood memories remain beautiful on their simplicity
Well done . good for you
Thank you for sharing this with us.

Thank you! :) Joy is joy right??

Hey Jess,

I think we both love feeding animals. Your seagull feeding just remembered me of my summertime when I used to feed fishes at our fish farm. I don't know what kind of satisfaction it gives but I always felt relaxed after feeding them. You won't believe I used to wake up at 5:00 AM and go to our farm for fish feeding.

hehehe that sounds like fun! I love going to the botanical gardens to fish feed too, they get quite feisty with each other trying to get a bit of the food

Oh reallyyy, that's good. Yeah, that is so true. I used to feed them a lot and you come back after some time and there will be no food left and I would be like how much would you eat hahah

I love Seagulls! I think a lot of people consider them to be the “rats” of the sky, but they are rather intelligent and aggressive creatures.

I was working on a comic book idea that revolves around 2 main seagull characters, Gibble and Gubby. More work needs to be done but I hope to have a first episode out soon.

Thanks for sharing, cheers!

awww I think they are beautiful creatures - although they get quite into the food sometimes. Pretty cool! - I've seen them take oysters or crabs up really high in the sky and let gravity do the work of removing shells for them in Maine! About your comic - I would love to see it when it's out, please let me know :)

Really? You've loved birds? Why didn't you mention that earlier Polebird? We all love birds!

Can I tell you... the last couple of days our little forest farm has been full of musical birds just jumping around and having a great time? I didn't realise they had been sleeping for months, but it's so exciting to hear them out and about! I love it so much!

Gulls, um, less so.. but I'm glad you had fun bird-whisperer!

hahah love hearing that steemit is a bird loving community!! <3 <3 that is cute!! What kind of little birds are out playing with your deer dogs? :D It was definitely a DELIGHTFUL time!

That looks like a lot of fun. So many seagulls.
I think it would be awesome to experience something like that.

hehehe thanks!! you should go seagull feeding :D I just imagine that they are saying "mine mine mine mine" to each other and at me like the nemo's seagul

No way! I've been on that same ferry! My grandparents lived in Houston, We used to drive down, pickup stale bread, and feed the gulls on that ferry boat (I'm sure not the same exact one, but you know what I mean). One of my favorite childhood memories. Galveston is a wonderful place. Glad you had a great trip and fun with the gulls.

Fisherman's Wharf has the most amazing seafood if you go back.

Yeah!!!! And it’s free fun! We really didn’t have a destination across to the other side hahaha but it was more about the journey and the bird feeding 😁will definitely check it out next time!

Yes, same here -- just went to go :-).

I once made the mistake in Virginia Beach of tossing my last piece of ice cream cone to a group of seagulls. They wanted more, but I had nothing. They angrily followed/flew over me until I made it back to the hotel.

hahaha, they are pretty persistent I'll say!! :P

The seagulls will make good basketballers because of the way the catch they catch the food on air when you throw it up.

hahah yesss have you seen that movie air bud?? they could be called air-bird!

Lol. Tha Air bud I know, involved a dog.

Are seagulls part of your favorite birds?? XD they seem fun but I don't want to risk my fingers being eaten by them lol

hahah sure!! I like all the birds. I don't think they will really get much of your finger. You prob should be more careful around the ostriches. Once I fed an ostrich the same way by holding the chip with my fingers and got a chunk of skin ripped off. I've learned since then its best to feed ostriches by laying the food on your palm. :P

OMG!!! crazy evolved T-Rex bird eating human flesh!! and now ostriches are your least fav bird :P. And ducks bites are also dangerous, they have like small teeth in their beaks

It is impossible not to admire the sheer adaptability of gulls. On holiday in the Cornish resort of St Ives recently, I was amused to see people having everything from pasties to ice creams snatched by these airborne raiders. But a taste for convenience foods isn't natural gull behaviour – these birds have simply learned to take advantage of unsuspecting holidaymakers, just as they have learned to forage on landfill sites further inland, taking advantage of our gross wastefulness. They didn't create the throwaway society – we did, and they are simply reaping the benefits by grabbing a free lunch whenever they can.

hahah I like that name, they definitely are raiders. I think think the gulls of the ferry basically know the drill. As soon as the ferry takes off and people are allowed out of the cars they came over to check if anyone would be feeding off the back of the boat!

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