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RE: Lust for life

in #fun7 years ago

we fall apart because we lose the will to live, the weight of life becomes to great, to many past remembrances weigh us down, it eventually crushes us

if we learn to forgive ourselves and those around us, i think we can lift this weight and possibly live much longer. i'm also in my 40s and am in great physical health, i watching people around me fall apart..

i believe it is because they accept their limitations, they accept that at some point they will not recover, i feel this to be false, that while i don't expect to live forever, i do expect to live pain-free and happy existence up until i decide i've had enough.

i came to these conclusions after noticing i had many near death experiences, but i wasn't ready to go, and in that moment of truth, when my life was on the line, i felt something, a power within me take over and the situation righted itself in slow motion, but in the blink of an eye.

i believe i found God inside me, that i found myself to be greater than i ever imagined. i think we are convinced, at a very early age, to accept limitation, and now, especially now... i hear those limitation come out of the mouths of my friends and family. they do nothing about, they don't think there is anything to do, but i know that in exercising my free will to be strong, vital and alive... that i feel this life force flow thru me.

but when i think myself weak, limited... i feel myself drained.

a study took students down a long hallway and video taped it. when they got down the hallway they watched a movie. one group watched old people and talked about getting old. the other group group watched young people full of energy. they then video taped them walking back down the hallway. the first group, that watched old people, walked more slowly, the other group walked faster.

our minds are far greater than most realize.

nevelle goddard said this in the power of awareness:

This great discovery of cause reveals that, good or bad, man is actually the arbiter of his own fate, and that it is his concept of himself that determines the world in which he lives [and his concept of himself is his reactions to life]. In other words, if you are experiencing ill health, knowing the truth about cause, you cannot attribute the illness to anything other than to the particular arrangement of the basic cause-substance, an arrangement which [was produced by your reactions to life, and] is defined by your concept "I am unwell". This is why you are told "Let the weak man say, 'I am strong'" (Joel 3:10), for by his assumption, the cause-substance – I AM – is rearranged and must, therefore, manifest that which its rearrangement affirms. This principle governs every aspect of your life, be it social, financial, intellectual, or spiritual.


I quite agree, our minds are way more powerful than we realise. Positive thought can have a big influence on our lives. I am a great believer in positivity.

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