The other day I had a little bit of a parent moment with my eight year old son Jude… and my partner Dave was having a really good giggle the following morning at how I had shouted at him at the time…
I declared...
The point of laughter came from the usage of the middle name…
and so the conversation began…
Most commonly, the reason for giving your child a middle name, would be to continue the legacy of and/or honour some other family member, godparent or the like… and this is still true… although I have noticed that many modern day parents choose not to give their kids a middle name… (Probably the reason for the general lack of respect in youngsters these days… as there is no clout in the parents reprimand… hahahaha) But let’s be honest, for the most part – most of us don’t even know this random individual that has been given a pivotal role in our life story lol!
So what is the REAL purpose of your middle name
I think the middle name and surname
are there for the usage of discipline… haha!
My name is Jayne –
but throughout my growing up years, I was only ever called Jayne by my mom when she was pissed at me… haha! And if she was VERY pissed at me, I was Jayne Lea and then finally, if I was pretty much about to die, the surname would be added too! – Every other time, I was Jaynie, love, darling etc. True Story!!!
My partner Dave has two middle names…
his mom MUST have known he was going to be a naughty little shite!
I think this theory rings true across the globe…
and will forever be an informal truth... lol!
Until next time...
Much Love from Cape Town, South Africa xxx

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So my first name is my dads middle name and my grandfathers first name. It is also the middle name of my oldest son. My middle name is my other grandfathers first name and it is my youngest sons middle name. My daughters middle name is the first name of my grandmother.
Catch all that? LOL
BTW: How is the situation in South Africa?
I think it's a mix of instilling legacy and discipline. We all known parents mean business when they whip out the middle name.
lol true story!!!!
Wow its really lovely photography. ..but i dnt have middle nam lol @jaynie
Lol... My middle name is Ayomiposi.. Short for Posi .... For some weird reasons .... Yoruba girls like it. So that's what I start with when introducing myself.
Now that's a nice discussion about name.When its about naming some one people looks after two things one is is the name beautiful and another is what is the meaning of the name.Thank's for the post.
I don't have middlename :-( and considering that my first and last names are firstnames, well, i don't know if that's better or worse hhaha
My middle name is Derrick. But in my years of wreaking havoc for my mother she never as I can recall didn't use it to call me. It was always Tony.
It's an odd thing but the only user of my middle name was my ex-wife. So yes, when she called me Anthony Derrick, I knew I was in trouble.
@jaynie you pretty much spot on! Yes here in the UK it is exactly the same.The whole name including the middle......oh noooo your in trouble big time.My kids have a few middle names so I am forever using them.Not Good.lol I dont know if you find this but people i went to school with call me my full name.I think at school the class register would be taken using the full name.It is very embarrasing when out and you bump into school friends. Just call me Pam.lol.Thanks for sharing can so relate👍🏼
Lol, that and 10 other random questions about things we do everyday and don't think about. When you know someones middle name, you own them, hehe. Like the true name of an elf. Once you know it...
mine is Babatunde...i remind my family of my grandfather through my face and gait