Top 10 Hard Bosses With Easy Exploits
welcome to top 10 and today we'll
be counting down our picks for the top
10 hard bosses with easy exploits
number10 the fear Metal Gear
Solid 3 Snake Eater the bosses of the
third game in the venerable Metal Gear
Solid franchise are all membersof an
elite human combat team known asthe
Cobra unit and they're definitely not
however when facing the team's
stealthiest member you can claim victory
using an unlikely weapon a simple torch
by using a special pill that causes
snake to appear dead this otherwise
deadlyenemy can be lured in then simply
whip out your trusty torch which is an
item that most enemies will recoil from
if you use it to attack them for
whatever reason the fear hasno fear of
fire and will never jump back to avoid
the flames comingfrom the torch and
he'll obligingly just stand there and
burn to death
number 9 Rocksteady
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
when the evil shredder recruited a pair
of hapless street punks to turn into
deadly mutant enforcers probably knew he
wasn't getting the brightest pair but
still he can't have expected his new
lackeysto be quite this bad when facing
down be half man half Rhino bad guy in
the 1989 Ninja Turtlesand yes game
shredders horn-headed goon can be taken
down by playing asthe staff wielding
Donatello and attacking downwards while
perched atop some nearby crates it's
clear the attack really shouldn't be
registering as a hit but the boss will
eventually godown like a mutated ton of
bricks nonetheless not exactly dignified
but definitely effective
number eight
old demon king Dark Souls3
when it comes to From Software's epic
and punishingSoul series we are more
than happy to takeany advantage we can
get and when it came timeto face down
this boss in the thirdinstallment you
better believe that I wish I knew about
this when I got there when the boss
enters his second phase make sure you're
as close to oneof the outer walls as
youcan get it and the big bastard will
be trapped inside the wall geometry
making for a very easy kill
number seven
generalT Ravello Just
Cause 3
appropriatelyenough for a game based
around creating as much over-the-top
mayhem and havoc as possible the finale
to the third entryin the Just Cause
series is afirey showdown inside an
active volcanothe fight could be a
massive epic showdown full of explosions
in action as you're technically squaring
off against a heavily armored attack
helicopter or it could be a hilarious
anti climax in which you tethers head
helicopter to the molten lava retract
the line and kaboom it turns out that
helicopters don't work so wellwhen
they're yanked into hot lava who knew
great centipede neo
when you see a centipede giant or
otherwise your first instinct isusually
to dispatch it as quickly as possible
but in the case of this massive creepy
crawly fromteam ninjas latest
hack-and-slashthat's kind of easier
said than done
but thankfullythere's a way that's
almost easier done than saidjust
position the bossso that he's partially
wrapped around a nearby column get out
of range of his fangs and head around
the pillar to attack its other endthe
boss will continue to try andmove
forward towards you but will be unable
to do so so you caneither try this or
find a really big can ofbug spray
number five
the yellow devilMega Man
given that dr. wily apparentlycreated
this notoriously difficult boss we can't
help but wonder why hisnefarious
schemes often fail spectacularlyI mean
if he created an army of these nasty
customers then he'd have that whole
global domination thing sewn up in a
nice little package thankfully for the
Blue Bomber though there is a simple
it's incredibly cheap trick to take down
Wiley's creation just get the yellow
blob with a blast from the Thunder beam
and then spam the pause button while it
hits each time you pause and unpause it
already stir as a new hit allowing you
to reduce the otherwise challenging boss
to rubble in seconds
thresher mawMass Effect 2 in the Mass
Effect series the Krogan are a proud
fearsome warrior race renowned for their
prowess in battle and indomitable spirit
before fully entering thekrogan
fighting forceall young warriors must
go through a rite of passagein which
they and their allies must fight wave
after wave of enemiesculminating in a
massive creature known as the thresher
maw however somebody might want to tell
theKrogan that there's a spot in the
arena inwhich the thresher Mach can be
shot fromwith no risk of being hit in
return this naturally can be exploited
to make the boss a cakewalk
number three
arch curate ver thir or
Weiser or something the elderscrolls v
skyrim did you really come here
expecting to claimour hills bow the
ancient and revered power of the
Dragonborn is not to be used lightly so
we're told
personally the minute we unlocked the
full power of fus-ro-dah we spend most
of ourtime sending everything and
everyone that wasn't bolted to the
ground sailing through the airthis
included one ofthe main bosses in the
dawn guardDLC who can easily be sent
plummeting tohis do with a quick dragon
shout if you don't have time orpatience
for a proper boss fight after all being
theDragonborn is busy I got to make
some iron daggers come on too bad for
number two
dark lakezelda 2 The
Adventure of Link the Buddha once said
that it's better to conqueryourself
thanto win a thousand battles but he
might nothave this in mind when link
comes face to shadow a base in the
second Zelda game it's a proper
climactic fight if you do it the right
way but if you're like us and like to do
things the cheap way it's not quite as
thrilling but much quickerto beat this
boss just hunker downin the corner of
thescreen where the boss actually can't
hit you no matter how hardhe tries then
slash mercilessly at hisChin's until
victory is yoursthe Buddha wouldn't be
proud but Buddha also never saved a
princess so
number one
father guess Chania
bloodborne much like the Soul series
this gothic slash vest from from
software isn't exactly forgiving so
we're no strangers tocheesing out the
occasional boss when a fight isn't going
ourway when it comes to this boss fight
with an aged and blood-crazed hunter
that means getting him to trap himself
on the banister of a nearby staircase
just leadhim up the stairs and then do
a quick dodge rule in the right
direction and the boss will continue to
try andmove towards you insteadof
going around the railing
from there just swing and shoot away
with your weapon of choicejudge not
lest ye bejudged father
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