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RE: We Are Not Sheep AND We Are Not Asleep. Here Is To Another Happy Ending!

This 11th hour approach had me wondering "why?". Who whispered into the ear or lined the pockets of the Rep. that sponsored the bill? Then I thought about the new Law that came out from the Buchanan bill. It is now federal law that CPS make other provisions available so that children will STAY in the home until the situation can be cleared up (except of course emergency situations).

Since the HR707 approach was directed more toward the medical and mental health it does make me wonder if CPS saw this as a way to continue feeding the pharma industry while they still can. I have a feeling at some point in the chain of funding we will see an obvious link between big pharma and the CPS agency. We simply have to dig a bit deeper into ALL of their funding sources and possible gratuities they may be receiving.

Yes, living in Idaho feels right to me. I won't lie though, the elements here can be brutal in the winter, but I've about solved that problem. I simply have learned to "stock up" and hunker down for at least 4 months out of the year. :) Some call me a hermit but I say I'm more like a bear and simply hibernate!

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