Base on the existing facts and theories about the secrets of the Illuminati society which Donald Marshall have decided to blow out to the public, with the help of @fulltimegeek I will be furthering on my research to help in the cause of DM's message about this evil. I will be explaining some few things the North American Union (the fusion of Canada, United States and Mexico) are plotting against the fiat currencies.
I guess you are probably hearing the NAU for the very first time or probably don't have luxury of time to check it up, that is why this article is very important to you. So, sit back and enjoy the ride into the chronicles of NAU.
This organisation is the replica of the European Union, it is the conglomeration of the three power bloc states- (Canada, United States and Mexico) as free trade partners.
This excerpt was gotten from Bill Richardson speech on November 29, 1994, titled "Free Trade for the Americas: Next Steps" by Ambassador Abelardo L. Valdez;
"...our hemispheric neighborhood and the world have changed dramatically, and the small seed planted at Punta del Este is in the process of blossoming into a hemispheric Free Trade area, and, I predict, into a future Common Market of the Americas. "The North American Free Trade Agreement" (NAFTA) has set the stage for achieving free trade throughout the Americas and strengthening the economic and political relations between the United States, Canada, Latin America and the Caribbean."
The North American Union is the integration of the United States, Canada and Mexico initially. The integration of our economies, harmonization of laws, open borders and national treatment de facto means the disintegration of these countries as sovereign nations. Ultimately, it will include all of the countries of North and South America into one big non-descript region. That is, the ideology behind the inception of NAU is to constitute the three states into a autonomous sovereign organisation beyond control which give directives to her subjects. Guess you are following this guys.
At the embryonic stage of the NAU, they contemplated on what means of exchange to be adopted, is it the Mexican Peso, Canadian dollar or the American USD. Due to this differences, the Amero coin was proposed in 1999 by a Canadian economist named Herbert Grubel, when the euro was first entering circulation then. This was the proposed currency of the NAU which was designed by Daniel Carr
Prior to that, in March 2005, the seemingly disparate worries of the people of the state found a banner under which they could unite. Then President of US, Bush, along with then-President Vicente Fox of Mexico and then-Prime Minister Paul Martin of Canada, held a summit in Waco, Texas, and announced the creation of the Security and Prosperity Partnership, a framework for greater continental cooperation on trade and security issues.
The baffling issue of it all is the fact that the United States had entered into the arrangement without explicit congressional approval, and by what they saw as a lack of public detail about the meetings, a few conservative activists became convinced that the SPP was the first step in a secret plan to dissolve the three nations into one continental unit. The suspicion grew further when two months later, a working group at the Council on Foreign Relations, a think tank long viewed with suspicion by the conspiratorial fringe, published a report called "Building a North American Community." The report recommended the establishment of a common North American security perimeter, the development of biometric North American border passes, and the adoption of a common North American tariff.
All these plans are in existence to sabotage the universe, the government and the current policy in order to establish a new world order where only the ideology is acceptable and any rebel against it will be dealt with mercilessly.
Let me explain the reason to which if the proposed currency by the NAU is implemented will be an obvious fact that is the plan and plot of the New World Order society.
The aim of the NAU for establishing the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) is not far fetch from the fact that they want to use their structure to impose trade on their subjects while the structure attains the sovereign power to determine all trades.
What is Free Trade?
"international trade left to its natural course without tariffs, quotas, or other restrictions.
"an agreement intended to introduce free trade in marine products"
So, definitely according to the meaning of "Free Trade" here, the North Americans' states which are pacts can freely trade while the other states are trade restricted. That is, they need permission and the Amero currency from the NAU to trade both locally and globally. Guess this is the start of the "666" end stated in the book of Revelation. Meanwhile, the NAU has the backing of the military in case any rebellion.
Hear what Hal Turner have to say about the Amero coin
NB: This post as well as others with topics and tags containing Illuminati, Donald Marshall, Vrill, human cloning, conspiracy theories and other related topics of discussion on this page are a result of @fulltimegeek's quest to assist Donald Marshall, expose people who are tormenting or stealing other person's livelihoods and/or bringing justice forefront. See FTG's post here. Friendly, mature debate, discussion and viewpoints are encouraged. All posts and articles written on this page and shared on other social media websites and platforms must be known to be of speculation and hypothesis origins.