Donald has a tremendous amount of info to relay.

in #fulltimegeek7 years ago

Donald has a tremendous amount of info to relay. A lot of people, unaware of the darker and deeper workings of the Illuminated Ones, will find Don’s info hard or impossible to believe, but it seems to fit with what I’ve learned over the years. His 2013 and 2014 interviews are much clearer in audio quality than the initial 2012 videos, so I posted those interviews at the top. Donald Marshall has so much to say, you’ll learn something new in every interview, even though he’s required to essentially retell the same basic story. You can make up your own mind about what to believe. His explanation of how reptilians enter the human eye (the Eye of Horus symbol) in order to access the brain and take over the body is fascinating to say the least. Donald interprets this as “shape shifting,” and says the David Icke version of shape shifting is BS. Marshall refers to this type of takeover reptilian as Vrill. However, there’s photographic and video evidence of human/alien hybrids shape shifting into reptilian form, so we should keep an open mind and not rush to judgment. Marshall does comes across as a sincere person and if his statements about David Icke are true, then so be it, but we should weigh his statements all the same. Marshall says he’s never seen Icke’s version of shapeshifting at the Cloning Center (also called Cloning Station), but reports he has seen David Icke there, and says David is controlled and only reveals what he’s permitted to reveal. It’s important to note that the individuals that Donald Marshall describe as being “seen” at the Cloning Center are human clones of the original person whose consciousness, according to Marshall, has been transferred into the clone’s body while the “original” person is home in bed in REM sleep. Marhsall says that only certain chosen individuals are allowed to retain waking memories of what occurs at the Cloning Center and that he was allowed to retain these memories when he turned 30 years old.

Most of these interviews are friendly and open to what Marshall has to say. The two puffed up geniuses on the March 21, 2014 interview are generally hostile and want to debunk him, but he maintains his cool nonetheless, despite their attempts to sandbag him. According to Donald Marshall, the inner earth reptilians – of which there are more than one group – prefer to identify their species as “saurian”. The type of reptilian that takes over the body of a human being in a process called “body snatching” or hosting, has a very different physical appearance (eyes on stalks for example) than the tall, green/brown scaly reptilains which David Icke describes. Marshall describes two types of human cloning. “Replication” involves growing a clone from babyhood into adulthood in the normal time span, while “duplication” involves growing a full size adult clone in a tank in the space of 5 months, that, when “activated,” are animated by a human consciousness. These are the clones seen at the Cloning Centers.

Apparently, most Hollywood celebrities no longer want to participate in the “entertainment” horrors presented at the Cloning Centers, but are too afraid of saying anything for fear of being killed (E.g. Whitney Houston). It seems that they are hoping that Donald Marshall will carry the ball for them and make these activities widely known.

This info may be far more interesting and intriguing than anything you’ve heard to date, although it’s not pretty. Continue to read on and come to your own conclusions.

The following was written by Donald Marshall on his website.

If you are a HUMAN you must read this, it contains knowledge of VRIL the reptilian shape shifters people talk about, there has never been a more comprehensive and informative expose of their appearance ecology and behavior ever before. David Icke is NOT going to tell you about them, this is your one chance to know about the lizards do not squander this opportunity. This is a major time in earth’s history my friends and the importance is astronomical, go to the page on the link provided below, this is crucial to the SURVIVAL of our SPECIES.THIS IS the most important time of your lives, you must read all relevant posts in here including older posts, the most important and interesting information you will ever see… no one else is going to tell you about Vrill but me. If you disregard these facts you doom the human race to becoming drones and allowing people to continue to sacrifice children and adults to these “demons” It is absolutely crucial to the survival of our species that these things be eradicated from our planet. Copy all pertinent facts and keep them for posterity show others, the only thing that will stop this is getting this information to the populace… I have no agenda but to share the truth with the world as I’m going to die from heart failure due to clone torture. Read all of my posts especially older posts and all corroborating info. This will be your only chance to save our race and world from Vrill. You have been warned.

Illuminati want to sear the surface of the Earth to avoid persecution and they live comfortably in underground dumbs bases for the rest of their lives, cloning people at leisure messing with them in odd ways for fun…there are also other problems..the human hosts don’t want to be killed…

they want to be sent to an island to live out the remainder of the hosts bod…but no country wants to pay for it…droned hosts threaten violence if backed into a corner AND the dead consciousnesses on microchip put into a victims body…

bodysnatching them that way, they don’t want to be shut down,…

and THEY ALSO want to be segregated on an island BUT they don’t want to live on the same island as the lizard hosts…

politics lol ..

I say kill all the lizards and the human hosts they made and shut down all the evil reanimated dead freaksin clones and stolen bodies…

problem solved.

easy breezy..

droned hosts are bad enough but dead reanimated people come back a shadow of their former selves… its a technology flaw they cant fix it, they’re almost as bad as pet cemetery, it’s why they need handlers.

one track mind, insulted easily, dumber, jealous of how your alive and normal and this dead guy gotta walk around dumb and weird…..almost zombies… but they try to act normal and don’t rot….richest dead people in the world did this,… and they aren’t about to have anyone shut down the chip that makes them continue to exist.

Do not believe that morph from human to lizard shit or the slitted eyes stuff,… they put that out there to throw people off the truth.

Without a CT scan or MRI of the brain or a possible blood test method the ONLY way to tell externally is “sometimes” the eye that gets the proboscis in it swells out further than the other…

and how stupid they are, but some regular humans are stupid too so you cant go with that.

Trust in a stranger for once in your life, n just read the wall lol I don’t get paid for this, just trying to do the right thing…

like the Avatar movie… during R.E.M driven mark 2 cloning… they give up the ability to have dreams or nightmares and go walk and talk in D.U.M.B’s as clones… its how the Illuminati communicate in secret.

Song I made for Brittany Spears called Break the ice… she made the video idea, its a Japanese animation of her getting into a cloning center and blowing it up… this is what the clone growing tubes actually look’s a fantasy of hers (Britney spears)… she hates the place,… but basically “sold her soul” for life in exchange for fame and fortune… now shes cloned into the place every REM stage to be used, and regrets it.

oh btw all,… my ex family are almost all freemasons, a large faction of the illuminuts, and if you read my wall you will know the 33rd degree of freemason knowledge, which is also the highest scientologist knowledge. FREE

3 different types of Vrill have basic pic representations of types 1 and 3

type one… theyre small… they’ve been depicted in gremlins critters and many more


Excellent article. I learned a lot of interesting and cognitive. I'm screwed up with you, I'll be glad to reciprocal subscription))

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