The Quality Of Your Posts Is Insufficient

in #fullhq8 years ago

High Quality Is Not Good Enough

Post quality on Steemit is at an all time high. That's not going to cut it.

Steemit will really take off and experience viral growth when the standard for posting is unattainably high.

As one Steemit guru eloquently stated:

As more people join, and more people focus on higher quality content, then the focus is always on increasing the higher quality content everyone produces, while the lower quality content will be ignored and go nowhere. Hopefully, those people up their game and the quality of their content, or stop with their posting.

That's exactly how we will grow! We need Steemit to become a war of attrition.

A clear signal needs to be sent to the masses...

The Quality of Your Content Is Not High Enough

It's like this...

Let's use television as a metaphor.

Your content is probably all the way on the left there. It's basic... standard. Nobody wants to see that. It's disgusting. Just stop.

Now, most well rewarded posts on Steemit are like the middle category. High Quality. You're doing alright now. On the right track.

We need to take it a step beyond that. We need to demand that users strive to post only Full High Quality posts.

Posts That Are Not Full High Quality Are Unacceptable Trash!!


And before that was:

"The more competitive the market becomes, the more difficult (higher quality or quantity) it becomes to earn the same payout.... Every vesting user casts their votes on who did the best work and at the end of the day the available money for that day is divided proportional to the votes such that everyone with even one net positive vote gets something."
~ Steem WhitePaper, pg. 16

Markets work through the quality of products, or popularity, or other factors. Anyways people can read it. I like to upvote a certain level of effort or quality in content, not copy/paste and easy posts to try to get rewards. Were you here in August when I wrote that? There was a lot more people posting crap compared to now. But nice try to make me look like some bad guy lol

You've done a great job, let's just keep moving in the right direction!

I totally agree and have said the same thing in SCD. Although I wouldn't go so far as to say that high quality posts are "unacceptable trash." Full high quality posts are even better dont get me wrong! but high quality is what is already beginning to make the steemit platform boom, even mentioned on forbes. I digress, Awesome post, I enjoyed the read and agree!

Interesting thoughts here. Competition almost always breeds excellence! (I've heard that somewhere) ;)

You make some good points here. It is always nice to hear people speak their mind. Keep up the good work my friend :)