If Partiko was a dude I'd punch it in the face! Plus ranting about other BS

in #fucktags6 years ago (edited)


Not open source, dev is AWOL Mia nobody at home on disco. They set up a points system and a watch ads shitshow which is fucking lame af and then flew the coop. Seriously not trying to create any karma drama but if @crypo.talk is alive and well either hit the kill switch on your buggy not even a dapp or vamoose,get lost, suck it, it's far too late to take your bullshit serious. What's super lame is this shit ass front end that has a litany of issues I don't care to discuss during my rant is my best option to steem on lol.

No offense steempeak y'all are cool but it's not cutting the mustard for me as a mobile only user. I didn't see any of the make a list update options, and it's just meh, clunky, sorry I'm not a dev and I don't give a shit.

I made an entire post on @partiko n then it shit the bed again, error message blah blah ducking blah. Couldn't attach an image. That ain't postable, ain't nobody got time for that ! Then I thought hey, I'll do a test on partiko and see if I can download an old image from a post I lost during a SD card disaster. Guess what,old posts don't pull up images?!? Go to discord still no pulse!

Downloaded the image from steempeak tho, so again grateful for you guys, but I'm sick and fucking tired of steem being awful on mobile. Especially steem engine y'all get your shit together too, or duck off! Your shit is heinous on mobile and everyone involved should be shitcanned if this were real life. But it's not it's steem and it's weak sauce.! Stop tooting your own horns and patting yourselves on the back for creating a distraction. My shitlist is getting pretty loooooooong here.

I get it budgets, and time is 💰, but if you can't make tech that is fluid for mobile users WTF are you doing and is it any wonder we are where we are at in the dreamers and dumbasses phase. FFS ima gonna attach a turd image to this and see if it's possible to get through to the geeks of steem..

irony is posting on partiko

Posted using Partiko Android


Do a @dpoll. How shit is Steemit on mobile on a scale of 1 to 10....just two options, 9 or 10.

Even on my 10inch.......tablet, it's nigh on impossible and Steem connect is dreadful constantly messing around with different keys and then click this, auth that. Mobile needs to be no.1 use case these days. It's like 1996 all over!

Posted using Partiko Android

I can only drink about it at this point. I'm convinced I'm surrounded by idiots

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm convinced I'm surrounded by idiots


Lol 😂

Posted using Partiko iOS

Yep them too

Posted using Partiko Android

100000% shit on mobile, evident by partiko being our only real option at this point

This deserves an image from the vault, let's see what i can conjure up..

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh gawd, here I go! Self commenting, I'm going to refrain from tagging wankers. U know who u r tho.. Has anyone ever considered that the most efficacious action for steem would be for a Bill Gates type philanthropist to invest in steem and then hastily expose all the weak links that are keeping this great concept from seeing the light of day? Ah I can dream. Seriously though, the best thing that could happen here would be for this place to be called out on its own ponziesque bullshit, and have the price completely collapsed only to rise above the shitcoin ashes by the confidence of some semblance of competence... Drinking about it

Posted using Partiko Android

I understand exactly what you are saying as a fellow mobile only user @partiko is great if only it worked properly as I love the features and ease of use. Most of the world is on mobile why can't we get proper usability from steem front ends and Steem-engine etc. This should help get more people into steem and hold them here.

Posted using Partiko Android

Nobody listens to this and it's really getting difficult to tolerate. Clearly, I don't care to martyr myself here as far as rewards go. Mark my words if steem isn't a mobile first platform by 2020 it's going into a comatose state. Not saying it will die.but it will live on an iv drip of desperation and the witnesses that still are cool with any pulse is better than a flat line. That's about 3 cents at my estimation..

Posted using Partiko Android

Agreed and I just can't understand for the life of me why they don't make it all mobile friendly 😠

Posted using Partiko Android

This trending would be fun ⚡

Posted using Partiko Android

For sure 👍

Posted using Partiko Android

Hey I really appreciate the resteem and you expressing that I'm not alone with this very serious, yet overlooked issue. 💪

I'm gonna hit discord channels and blast this post in general chat or high volume times, idgaf at this point if I get kicked out. In fact all the better yet to silence me Busta!

Posted using Partiko Android

Sounds great see if we can get some traction on this just go about in a decent manner.

Posted using Partiko Android

Maybe the dev had an accident or a health issue.

Yea I'd feel pretty shitty if that's the case. But, I have gotten confirmation that he is fine, or was as of weeks ago.. But, impossible to know for sure what the deal is. Apparently he is in China and I guess doesn't have a way to do steem stuff, lack of communication on a social platform is not a good look though..

Posted using Partiko Android

Thank you @photodweeb people will steem again! Humanizesteem

Posted using Partiko Android

Oh dear. Had the same problem with @partiko not coming to the party. Not uploading photos, post disappeared, white error screen etc... But then @appic has also been acting up with not wanting to load my video yesterday even after about two thousand tries and every which solution I could think of. 🤔😅 I feel your pain

Posted using Partiko Android

Is it any wonder we are the laughing stock of crypto !

Posted using Partiko Android

I think if you're going to shit the bed the least you can do is exit by saying here's a link to the github and you can take the code and run with it and make your own front end or we could submit our own pull requests and get this thing going again!

Feels like a waste of a good potential product to start over

Amen! Church! Preach! In my previous line of work, lets just say an example would have been made by now. I'm still on that narco shit 😂.. Keyboard warrior life is a new concept to me...

Posted using Partiko Android

Yeah I'm about to cash in my points and delete.

Big user and watcher of ads... Not anymore as they just bailed. And love the uploading glitch...

Posted using Partiko Android

I have said since my beginning here that if they don't sort out a mobile app then it will never go big. They never have and the mobile 'dapps' are just not good enough.

Its absolute shit how focused on desktop it is. I said something about steemconnect the other day and someone was like, yeah,use keychain man it's the future, it's awesome and I am like, eh, it's desktop only, that's no fucking use. I do all my fucking steem shit on mobile!?

And steem engine are the same, everything targeted at desktop. I mean FFS, it's not the noughties!!

You're by far the most highly esteemed steemian and do an amazing job of steeming on as a mobile user..

It's certainly frustrating and I can't begin to wrap my head around where the disconnect is..

This lack of attention given to mobile design is by far the most surreal thing about steem.. That's saying something considering what an amalgam of eccentric misfits we have traipsing around here..

Posted using Partiko Android

I feel your pain.
Partiko isn't they are happy you promote them. 🤣

Unfortunately only Partiko lets me in.
No extra points etc, the watch ad show does not work with me.

Steemworld is a HUGE problem, steem-engine? At many sites I am not able to sign in, that does not work or half of it does not work.
I doubt these apps are real apps, more shortcuts to the site.

Updates I seldom see, its the same with Brave browser (no tokens), sign up with bitshares, CBNT (no way I can post there), etc etc.

Hard to believe they are still not able to make a descent app. Everyone has a mobile phone nowadays. 💕

Posted using Partiko Android

Sigh it's cringeworthy

Posted using Partiko Android

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