How did steemit dissapoint me? It is like life, full of fucking morons!

in #fuckstinc6 years ago (edited)


It is like that wreck, it is like any wreck, pretty shit! Most people will not say it though, as they bought into the ship wreck!

If I spend one month sucking up to people with more sp than me, then it becomes OK again, you see how you have been mind fucked yet?

Is this shit site, is this shitty way of being greedy the answer? I will leave that to you, cult? Much!

Them cunts, them cunts in government, you vote for, are killing people, both in war, and false flags, you proud now?


There's a new blockchain based platform called
It's still in it's infancy but looks good. You log in with a code or a 12 word phrase which you're given, just like a bitcoin wallet.

There's also a decentralised UN-censored version of reddit at:
I like it. You can say anything you want and you don't even have to log in.

Thank you very much. Much appreciated.


Gosh, I always hate it when us morons insult the more intelligent.

Thanks for letting us know. :) are many things! lol
.....but moron?

You know I will sell it for 0.00000000001 cents yes?

Perfect, I need some liquidity.

Here's your DRAMA. Don't spend it all in one place!

To view or trade DRAMA go to

Mate, did you ever get on whaleshares, same setup but with a big difference? There wernt much action when i was on there and I got bored but that was like 8 months back lol

I did, but like you, I let it slide, is it any better now?

No clue 😂😂 one website is enough for me haha

Posted using Partiko Android

I am off, not doing stinc or this anymore, just off and doing one.

It's like a tiny steem world with crying, corruption and those who think they are better than everyone else. :)

Conversely, don't 'think it' and instead , discover it- through philosophical discussions on values and the state of reality.

If my values are more philosophically inline with essential truths of the universe, then damn right, yes - I'm better than someone who lives by no personal moral or ethical code.(empty vessel scum bags).

It's by letting that 'standard of self value' slip, that's got us into this world mess today. (steem most certainly included).

Wankers are wankers - and to treat them any differently serves no one.

(and who's gives a fuck about the wankers - except other wankers?)


I do love to make fun of some wankers.

...Yeah, but on here you get penalized, and not congratulated, for it.

That's a sane system...

I've never said it was sane.

that opens a whole can of worms on moral and ethical questions- but i'm tired after writing war and peace prt 2...

So i'll let it slide..

Okay here is my serious answer.

Your ethical line of thinking doesn't make any sense to me.

The way I view it is you get the amount of influence on what happens here as the amount of stake that you own. That seems perfectly fair to me.

(not saying it is managed well by others)

I don't cheat, I don't steal, I don't hurt others, I make it a point to treat respectful kind people with respect and kindness. I am transparent in my business dealings.

Everything I have earned here, I earned because I wrote, I commented, I networked, I don't consider myself too good to chat in discord. I give back to others in the community by upvoting, engaging and holding contests.

If that isn't ethically good enough for your ethical diagram I don't know what to say.

I grew up in a bar, my parents owned a bar in a logging town in Montana. You know what I learned? When a drunk man with his fist pulled back offers to sock you in the mouth, it doesn't matter who is right and wrong. Shut your mouth.

I've applied that knowledge here as well. Not sure if you will get the association.

:) I like you I think you are under-rated on Steem, but I have no idea who you think you are fighting and what you are trying to win.

I started with a reply, and it turned into a post.....Thanks, it helped to clarify things more. (and for you to, hopefully).

Just let me keep tapping the keys for a while- be posted soonish!

...double drama tokens! lmao!

fuckin' hell - it's turned into War and Peace, part 2!

triple drama !

And you offer up what other solution, a fucking drama token, be fucked off, will ya!

I'm supposed to solve your bad mood. Shit pull yourself together man.

I have, thank you.

You are like my wife (nothing negative intended, she’s a strong ass woman!) you let too many things bother you man. Take it for what it is, just a social media site that’s got assholes and great people alike. Unfollow them and stick to other circles so it bothers you less. That’s what I do, I just don’t bother with the trolls!

Posted using Partiko iOS

No offense taken, though I have options, to fuck off, and I thnk they are better options than staying :--)

This ^

steem is upsetting for those who can not control it and tell others how to act.


I hope the next dictator you vote for, the next oppressor, is better than the last oppressor, "you voted for".........

Just don't leave on the back of a "Tommy 'the tit' Robinson" video and especially not one that's filled with bullshit half-truths like this, you're better than that bro.

Thank you for saying I am better than that, much appreciated.

Hope you don't leave us mate we need the good ones to stay :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Got to leave here for sanity sake, it is by design flawed, it is unethical, and I want no part in it, you have my email bro, as do a small few others. :-)

Fair enough mate you must do what you need to do. I will miss you're contributions here that I have enjoyed. Thanks for sharing with us what you have mate. Take care and have some fun with them motorbikes :-)

Posted using Partiko Android

beats most sites that only reward people for how rude they can be

Name one site, any, that rewards people for being rude, I dare you?

Disqus or any social media site, not rewarded in money but rewarded in something much more valuable psychologically, up votes, like if I post something rude like this

or a great burn or zinger I get a bunch of upvotes which release dopamine in the brain, better than crack. Saying nice supportive or friendly things doesn't usually generate much in the way of upvotes on most social media.

Suckerberg realized early on, the way people get a buzz from likes and dopamine, yeh, users much.

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