
in #fuck4 years ago

I FUCKING HATE DONALD TRUMP FOR LYING ABOUT THE COVID SCAM. WHAT MAKES YOU THINK PENCE DOES NOT HAVE COVID TOO, ALLEGEDLY? LOOK AT THE BILL GATES 2019 PATENT. People have been talking about how Donald and Melania Trump allegedly tested positive for Covid. This is fake news as Covid is a scam. This is designed by globalists to steal the presidency from we the people by the people and for the people. Keep in mind that the test is a scam. Covid is real but it was engineered by globalists. Also, there are natural remedies for curing the virus. Also, they use the virus as an excuse to take more of our freedoms away, bit by bit, day by day, little by little.


TRUMP IS A FUCKING LOSER, TRUMP IS SO STUPID for not exposing the covid scam. Vaccines can only be as good as communism can be good. If a patented vaccine alters your DNA permanently, you Would then become patented and owned and controlled biologically like a mouse in a maze chasing cheese by Bill Gates and others.

2020 U.S. Presidential Debate 01 - Chapter 05 of 08

Wear a FUCKING MASK Said NPC SJW Robots everywhere.


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2020-10-02 - Friday

Oatmeal Daily - 2020-10-02 - Friday
Published in October of 2020

Screenshot at 2020-10-03 01:01:21 Sarah.png

By Oatmeal Joey Arnold

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All timestamps are generally in Pacific Standard Time (PST) or Pacific Daylight Time (PDT) unless otherwise noted.

Banned News

Information You Can Gobble: We Are The News

Oatmeal English

Learn English You Can Eat: Communication is Fundamental

Oatmeal High Council

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Oatmeal Health

You Are What You Eat: Natural Remedies

Health with Lisa

Chat with me on Facebook

Here are some of my Facebook posts, comments, etc

How many football teams had false positives in 2020?

Over 90% of the time it is false positives. Out of the less than 10%, survival rate has been over 99% outside of unrelated issues.

Chat with me on Twitter

Here are some of my Tweets on Twitter

Did Trump just get Covid?

01:00 AM - Twitter

People have been talking about how Donald and Melania Trump allegedly tested positive for Covid. This is fake news as Covid is a scam. This is designed by globalists to steal the presidency from we the people by the people and for the people. Keep in mind that the test is a scam. Covid is real but it was engineered by globalists. Also, there are natural remedies for curing the virus. Also, they use the virus as an excuse to take more of our freedoms away, bit by bit, day by day, little by little.

Why is President Pelosi trending on Twitter?

01:06 AM - Twitter

President Pelosi is trending. A few days ago, Infowars was talking about this. Trump needs to expose Covid before it is too late. Time is ticking. People must pressure Trump to stop playing games.

Will Pence be President now?

01:09 AM - Twitter

Trump is RETARDED. Trump should EXPOSE COVID. Instead, Trump goes along with the COVID SCAM. They're trying to remove Trump. Time is ticking. Any second from now, they can say Mike Pence has Corona Virus too, allegedly. Then, Pelosi would be the President.


Trump Has Covid

TRUMP IS A FUCKING LOSER, TRUMP IS SO STUPID for not exposing the covid scam.


Trump got Covid? No. Covid is a scam. You need zinc and sunlight. Stay healthy. Natural remedies.


Why is Trump not exposing Covid?

Trump should expose Covid before he is dead.

Dear Trump, go on Alex Jones right now.

Why doesn't Joe Biden have Covid? Biden coughed during the debate.

Trump should take off his mask.

Why not go after the people behind it?

Jim Acosta is going to cry.

Bill Gates patented Covid in 2019, why is Trump not talking about that? Covid was in North Carolina until 2015. Why is Trump not exposing Covid?

Melania, please expose Covid. Stop playing games.

Trump does NOT have COVID19, Trump has a common cold or the flu and that is it. This is fake news. Trump should expose Covid-19 before globalists murder him.

What does Alex Jones think about this Trump Covid story?

11:18 AM - Twitter

Special message regarding Donald and Melania Trump allegedly getting the Covid Scam from Infowars Alex Jones. Is it a false positive? It has happened before at schools, etc.

They're using the Covid Scam in their attempt to murder Trump.

Trump needs to be tested again.

What about CDC?

12:16 PM - Twitter

CDC has been escalating playing this game relating to Covid with the flu fraud for many years.

Is Trump dead?

12:47 PM - Twitter

Is Donald Trump dead yet, did they murder him him yet? After Trump tested positive, even if it is a false positive, they could still slip some poison in his drink and it would metabolize leaving no trace it was there. Perfect cover for killing the U.S. President.


Masks rewrite the GENOME. I mean, vaccines do. That's microterrorism. That's microaggression.

Vaccines manipulate genome 8 which deals with intellect meaning it makes people dumb.

I do NOT wear a mask.

They're trying to make people become allergic to the common cold, to kill off your immune system. It creates a reaction that ends up killing you via the vaccines.

Vaccines make us retarded.

Why not go after Bill Gates?

What do you think about Halloween?

Is there a cure to all of this?

07:53 PM - Twitter

The cure can be cultivated in strong families, communities, neighborhoods, friends, networks, clubs, groups, gatherings, markets, locally, decentralized, through education, one individual at a time.

Is it all fake?

07:59 PM - Twitter

Michael Moore might be on to something, what if the mask and Covid is all a test to see if we will do anything we are told like zombies?

Skipping animal trials, the vaccines go but why?

Whatever happened to consent?

I am NOT watching the NBA because Lebron is a weirdo.

Chat with me on YouTube

Here are some of comments, activity, etc, on YouTube

Agenda TV is FAKE NEWS

I commented and said the CDC said that 94% of Covid Deaths are NOT Covid Deaths. He said that was fake news. He is wrong. Of course, the CDC added details to what they meant by that, to say a person dies from a series of things. But here is the problem. Covid was engineered ina lab. It has a patent. It can be pretty deadly for some people. But you don't need a vaccine. You don't need masks. You need vitamins C, D, E, zinc.

I liked him but it is too bad he promotes fake news.

They will try to get Mike to be President and then try to get Mike to have Covid and then try to get Mike to step down and then get Pelosi and then that is game over for the republic and republics of the world.


Is the war over when Trump wins in 2020?

People said that in 2016.


The Spectator

12:51 AM - Andrew Neil’s The US Election in 60 Minutes #1 – Will Trump win again? | SpectatorTV

Agenda Free TV

01:20 AM - Trump Tests Positive for Coronavirus - LIVE BREAKING NEWS COVERAGE

i hate trump for not EXPOSING covid fraud

trump is making a mistake

trump needs to talk about the 2019 covid patent

why is trump not talking about event 201?

survival rate for 70 year olds and up is 94%

tests are contaminated with covid in order to get people


common cold

CDC said 6% of the Covid Deaths are allegedly covid deaths

Facebook bans CDC

Why would Facebook CENSOR the CDC?

Facebook refuses to show people what the CDC wrote.

CDC said 94% of Covid Deaths are NOT Covid Deaths.


01:36 AM - Trump Has Covid (Biden Fans React Predictably)

Adam Carolla

01:49 AM - Candace Owens - The Adam Carolla Show

Ourage Culture Era

Red Letter Media

02:41 AM - Mike and Jay talk about The Simpsons - "Marge in Chains"

A few years ago, I watched through all the seasons in like a month. In this one episode, they reference Covid, Antifa, tearing down statues, trying to find a cure, people video taping everything, police not working, etc, sounds like 2020 to a T.

The 100

2020-10-02 - Friday - 02:53 AM - 03:35 AM - The 100 612

Gabriel: "Without death, life is meaningless."

Actually, death is bad and life is good. Death helps us understand the meaning of life, but death is not a good thing. We live forever but not directly. First we die and then we go to other side. We were originally immortal before the fall.

General Shepherd

11:14 AM - ALEX JONES (1st hour) Friday - 10/2/20

90% of the tests end up being false positives.

Red Guy

12:29 PM - Alex Jones Show - First Half - October 2, 2020

Churches have been opened, no social distancing, thousands of people in some of them, even in Los Angeles, since March of 2020, and no Covid pandemic from that or from the Trump rallies.

There can be more deadly strands of Covid, a tailored version of Covid just for Trump. The good news is that a deadly mutation of a virus can end up evolving into less deadly versions.

They may have infected Donald & Melania Trump with a deadly strand of Covid and Trump could be dead right now. It could be that they're using Corona Virus as a cover for their attempt to stop Trump being elected again in 2020.

Akkad Daily

12:50 PM - Trump Catches the Coof

They can poison trump and blame it on Covid

They're trying to KILL TRUMP

False Positive?

99% survival rate

94% survival rate for 70 year olds and older

Could be a deadly strand of Covid

Brooklyn Dad is a jerk

I was banned on Agenda Free TV

Bill Gates patent

CDC said 94% of Covid Deaths are NOT Covid Deaths

CDC said 6%

CDC said 6% and Agenda Free TV banned me for saying that

Facebook bans CDC

Trump needs to talk about the people behind it

Covid 2015 North Carolina

2015 Covid left North Carolina

FALSE POSITIVE????????????

Can Trump get a vaccine?

Trump does not have Covid, Trump was tested allegedly positive for Covid.

Being tested positive for it is not the same as having it.

Open Mind

01:10 PM - Trump takes the hero’s journey with coronavirus diagnosis

Is Trump like Moses to take a hero's journey to help people get through Covid?

Jesse Lee Peterson

03:32 PM - 10/02/20 Fri. Hake Fills-in: JLP on Elder TV! White Supremacy Fear-mongering!

Jesse was on Elder in 2004 and the other black guys talked about racist police and Jesse countered with how the black community have declined and that is part of the problem. Statistically, blacks have been more violent than other races, generally, there is an increased risk. Those are the facts. Blacks attack other blacks many times especially in leftist run cities like Chicago. Having a father in the household helps fix this problem to a large extent.

Is the book judged by its cover? Yeah. Should you judge a person by the person's name? Yes. Dress right, Jesse is right. Regardless of your skin color, if you dress like a gangster, I'm going to assume you're a gangster.


04:04 PM - No Hollywood BAILOUTS | LOTR has The Bad Robot Virus | California DOWNSIZES Disney | MeToo Conan

Toby is the Jason David Frank of Spiderman

I am 35 too and I would date Brie Larson if I didn't know her.

she is fine but misguided

not the best position

going places?

didn't you already gone places?


instead of email, why not have a blog?

imbred face

Brie reminds me of Rey Palpatine.

If she was kindergarten teacher but she aint.

Got Activism? Nope

Brie Cult

Brie is not my GF

While watching The 100, I noticed they were promoting the premiere of Batwoman

RIP Spaceballs

Honey I Shot You

Make friends with your neighbors

Neighborhood Security Meetings

San Francisco is a tropical version of Seattle

Lebron James is street safe on several levels for several reasons.

Defund Police or Law Reform?

Learn Self-Defense, travel in herds.

Find a mentor.

Or be a mentor.

I don't have a desire to watch The Boys but I am curious.

ICE Police

Yea, people are not always the same in some ways because individuals and groups can be unique in some ways.

Equality of the potential of opportunities but not necessary of end results is how life has been and the meaning of life involves a process.

The war against discrimination towards alleged equality has been unfortunately weaponized, co-oped.

Honey I Shrunk the Grandparents

@IronVet Spaceballs 2 would be epic.

Honey I Shrunk the Waffles

Little Shop of Horror 2 would be a good idea

Honey I Shrunk Your Boobs

Honey I Made Your Kids Invisible

Honey I Transported Your Kids to a Parallel Universe

Honey I Made Your Kids Into Vampires

Honey I Turned Your Kids Into Ghosts

Free Willy 4: Free the Rey

Come to Daddy

G.I. Joe

Get into my belly

Hotep Jesus

05:13 PM - Bishop Larry Gaiters Interview

Antifa is the military arm of Black Lives Matter and BLM is the propaganda arm of Antifa.


Was Cali specifically named after Kali?




I want to ask Larry about Rothschild

Masons origin back to the masons of Solomon?

@Clockwerk Industries, I know the Rothschild family started rising around the 1700's but wonder if it goes back before that as well.

I wrote about the Kobe murder

Kobe might have been murdered but it would be hard to prove it.

General Shepherd

07:17 PM - The Alex Jones Show Fri 10/02/20 Full Show 720p

Vaccines can only be as good as communism can be good.

Tetanus Shot Side Effect

If a patented vaccine alters your DNA parmanently, you would then become patented and owned and controlled biologically like a mouse in a maze chasing cheese by Bill Gates and others.

Vaccines are patented slavery. Thanks Bill Gates for buying us. Thanks nano bot tech.

Cryptocurrency data mining humans via Bill Gates Tattoo Nano Bot Vaccines coming soon.

Bill Gates and Master Card is doing bad stuff right now in Africa to people. We are next if we do not stop them. Stop them or you will die. That is a threat.



Carrie Madej

Merry Mayhem

08:29 PM - Merryoke

Why can't every song be like this song?

The art of telling stories through song or even freestyling reminds me of Whose Line Is It Anyways?

Culture, a vampire wants you.

Merryoke is not a drink.

Andrew Wins

Sounds like a James Bond song

I really love that song Merry was singing, "I'm going home, gonna to load my shot gun... if he wants a fight, well now he got one... I'm going to show him what a little girl's made of, gun powder and lead. His fists are big but my gun's bigger, he'll find out when I pull the trigger... he aint seen me crazy yet."

Overlord DVD

08:55 PM - Friday Night Frolics | Trivia Quiz | Harvey Cthuhlu's Joke Book

Midnight Edge Tom was singing in Merryoke.

Human see, human do, planet of the apes.

Indiana Jones

The Mummy

Walking Dead

Yogi Bear A


Ogi Not-my-sea-monster

How can Doom Cock and Harvey talk at the same time, @Overlord DVD ????

I swear I heard 2 people talking simultaneously, maybe my ears are broken.

@Sandra Feliciano, yeah, I guess so, but are you sure he didn't pre-record some of the Harvey sound bites?

@Sandra Feliciano, yeah, you're probably right, I must have conflated Tom for Doomcock as Harvey was in the background.

@Sandra Feliciano, it happened so fast, it blew my mine and my oatmeal.

I like Joe Biggs

Changing a name can void a contract?

So, if I change my name, then I don't have to pay my bills?

@tygerstripes, I wonder if anybody tried that with their credit card to get out of paying back the debt, just by changing the name.

@tygerstripes, oh no, we're going so dark webs now.

@tygerstripes, quick, I need a time machine.

Watch the Grifters

The Others is disturbing too

Merryoke is fun

I am not wearing a mask

@Keller Ranch, would you like fries with that?

Gotta love the Bacon

Kevin Bacon - A Good Few Men - Tom Cruise - Collateral - Jason Statham - The Expendables 2 - Arnold Schwarzenegger

@Overlord DVD, the connection between 2 actors

Connection questions are fun to answer.

The older I get, the more connections I see.

Fair Use trumps Public Domain in the real world outside of YouTube.


Merry Mayhem

08:29 PM - Merryoke


03:40 AM - 10:00 AM. Had a crazy dream but I can't remember it now. Took out a bag of trash plus an extra one from the green house. Hen her the news. Oh, recycling can is full too. Good to be outside in the morning. Coffee. Apple for breakfast. Oatmeal. If Trump is down, then they try to get Pence too. Dishes around 11:30 AM. Grill pieces. Talk about random stuff. Talk about putting things into the dishwasher. 2 gorups of birds out the back window. One squirrel in harmony with the birds. One kind of bird reminds me of penguins. Another is like a blue hawk like head. Maybe not exactly a hawk. Where is that Ace Hardware bag with gorilla tape and stuff? Not sure. Dishes again around 05:40 PM. Soup dinner now. Had the soup for lunch too around like 2 PM to 4 PM. Vacuum around noon or so. Twice too I might add. For half of it at least. Security camera back up after a day. Should get more rechargeable batteries. That was around like noon or toward 2 PM as well. SOund iss ue now or just a YouTube problem? It was my problem. My speaker was turned off by accident. Problem fixed. Organizing the front garage around 6 PM to 7 PM.

2015-01-26 Joeyarnoldvn Oatmeal Joey Arnold Oregon JSA OJawall JA Forest Grove OR FG FGHS WOLBI SA TSA The Salvation Army Vietnam Saigon Hanoi Joseph Scott Rasp Morehead Cunningham Mitchell Hunter Smith Hocking Hawk Lincoln Hawks WA Washington Shelton New York NYC Word of Life Bible Institute ABC YouTube Facebook Twitter Google Alex Jones Bill Gates Informationwar Infowar Ironic Mystic Pickett Pickell Joeyarnold Joeyarnold7 JoeyarnoldTV iJustine Metal Gear USA United States of America 1900's 2000's stefan molyneux clam conspiracy theorist donald john j trump soros hitler Cool Kid Ghetto Joe Jo high school revolution hawaii ea pab l4oj l4ojsa l4r hope over dope infowars west virginia vn asia American English Teacher Add Me 1980's 1990's 2010's 2020's 2016 Michael Jordan Jackson Jesus God Devil Satan Nationalism Over Globalism Bowl Soul Oats Battle Star Wars Trek Matrix JA GROUP YEAR END PARTY PIC.jpg
Who is Oatmeal Joey Arnold?

Greg Hunter: Weekly News Wrap-Up for Week Ending 2 October 2020

Trump should take off his mask.

Why not go after the people behind it?

Jim Acosta is going to cry.

The Women of Two and a Half Men: Then and Now

People Who Live Life On The Wild Side

Why is Trump not exposing Covid?

Trump should talk about 2019 patent

The CDC article I mentioned has logical fallacies. I've been writing about this since January of 2020.

2020 U.S. Presidential Debate 01 - Chapter 05 of 08

I've put this on my blog.

I was just banned from the live chat for talking about vitamin C.

Trump Has Covid


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