RE: Introduction to Freedom Solutions #DAO - Code our way to Freedom
Tried to do a carriage return & it submitted way too soon :).
Quick Text Summary:
The intro is a concise preview of what's wrong with the world today & a very quick hint at how we can solve it. Our mission is to end all #violence [theft of one's past(wealth), present(freedom), or future(life). We are starting with the largest violence apparatus on the planet: #Government, while #Stefan Molyneux focuses on eliminating the root cause of violence: Child Abuse.
The show discusses philosophy, technology, freedom entrepreneurship, all while building tangible (currently on Ethereum) decentralized solutions for freedom (example: #UberGuard- a p2p market for safety- guards, PIs, dispute resolution, etc).
Our goal is to teach, build, & enlighten people so that we can all develop decentralized & un-stoppable free market solutions that eliminate the incentives for inflicting violence on people. All our systems are build on the guiding principles that freemarket incentives drive capital & value in a voluntary, non-violent way. While disincentives (ostracism & self defense) ensure people cannot violent one another once we've dissolved #Government (who commits 90% of the worlds violence today). The final remaining peer-on-peer violence will be nearly immeasurable, outliers, & will be risk mitigated by UberGuard & free market safety solutions similar to it. We ask you to join us, so that we can build freedom that actually works, for you.
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-Finally, Please Donate to ensure we can fuel the development of these systems.
Watch our videos, especially our initial overview of our the first freedom 3 incubation: