💥💥FRX is the world’s first decentralized hedge fund token..... How? 🦧🦧

FRX is the world’s first decentralized hedge fund token, combining the hedge fund’s diverse alpha-capabilities with the freedoms offered by a DeFi ecosystem.
The project is in the token sale stage to buy FRX tokens, you just need to send TRX to the project’s contract address with the following limits:
If you invest up to 10,000 TRX, you will buy FRX at the following price: 1 TRX = 3 FRX, (for example, you buy 9000 TRX will get 27,000 FRX).
Next, if your investment is from 10,000 TRX to 50,000 TRX, you will buy FRX at the following price: 1 TRX = 3.3 FRX (for example, if you buy 30,000 TRX you will get 99,000 FRX).
With large investments from 50,000 TRX to 300,000 TRX you will receive incentives when buying FRX at the price: 1 TRX = 3.6 FRX (for example you buy with 100,000 TRX will get 360,000 FRX)
Especially with an investment of 300,000 TRX or more, you will receive 1 TRX = 4 FRX (for example, you buy 500,000 TRX will receive 2,000,000 FRX).
One thing to keep in mind is that you have to use a TRC-20 platform compatible wallet to send TRX and receive FRX smoothly and quickly.
For investments in ETH or BTC, please email “[email protected] “them before submitting the transaction.
After reaching $ 750,000, the Soft Cap Seed Round will be completed and delivery to the buyer address completed.


❤️|Comparing FRX with other projects|❤️
FRX is the world’s first decentralized hedge fund token, combining the hedge fund’s diverse alpha-capabilities with the freedoms offered by a DeFi ecosystem
The project is in the token sale stage to buy FRX tokens, you just need to send TRX to the project’s contract address with the following limits:

The project strives to maintain an annual return on net equity
minimum everything is 30%, with the ability to increase the price of free gamma even further. We have successfully achieved both of these deals Crypto options and derivatives as of 2017.
On Bitmex, we have doubled our equity in less than 6 months of trading in 2019. We have achieved standard fit with technology stock options by 2020.
now we want to provide even better profits Profile for outside investors.
Removes the fund structure, the bank, and the custodian from the equation and gives the investor the opportunity to own the shares of a decentralized hedge fund directly, with 0 management or management fees.
In addition to participating shares in hedge funds, FRX will is the token of choice for betting directly from Ferox Consulting website. These bets will be a dynamic version of Binary options (or betting on an adjustable spread), users will be able to make daily predictions on the up or down direction of prices of major cryptocurrencies and commodities such as gold, silver and crude oil and participating in the payment structure are guaranteed by smart contracts through FRX tokens.
Profits from betting activities will also be accumulated on the owner’s FRX tokens every month. In addition, the FRX token will have standard DeFi features productivity farming and liquidity exploitation, adding FRX and TRX dividends will be paid to users who place FRX and FRX pairs
through our DAPP with their web 3.0 wallet.

FRX Pre-Sale is now Live!🔥🔥🔥
FRX is a trading company that focuses on trading Cryptocurrencies and Derivatives . The company specialized in managing accounts for investors and earning them returns based on their investment . FRX has developed their platform token named FRX which is tron based . The token is designed on Tron blockchain which is one among the world most fastest, scalable , secured and highly efficient blockchain network . FRX will be the native token of FRX decentralized Hedge Fund Platform.
FRX token is TRC20 token based on Tron Blockchain network . FRX is the world first decentralized Hedge Fund token which combined the features of Diverse Alpha generation Capabilities with DeFi ecosystem .Currently the FRX Token Seed Round is Live with some attractive bonus rate that is up to 300% wich is based on the investment structure.

In addition to participating shares in hedge funds, FRX will is the token of choice for betting directly from Ferox Consulting website. These bets will be a dynamic version of Binary options (or betting on an adjustable spread), users will be able to make daily predictions on the up or down direction of prices of major cryptocurrencies and commodities such as gold, silver and crude oil and participating in the payment structure are guaranteed by smart contracts through FRX tokens.
Profits from betting activities will also be accumulated on the owner’s FRX tokens every month. In addition, the FRX token will have standard DeFi features productivity farming and liquidity exploitation, adding FRX and TRX
dividends will be paid to users who place FRX and FRX pairs
through our DAPP with their web 3.0 wallet.

FRX as mentioned in the prevoius paragraph is a trading company focuses on trading Cryptocurrencies and Derivatives . The company specialized in managing accounts for investors and earning them returns based on their investment.Private Enterprise and Equity Partner can as well join FRX platform. FRX token PreSale is Live , It will be the native token of FRX decentralized Hedge Fund Platform .Why not take advantage and buy in the FRX Presale. Don't miss out.

For more information on this project you can see it below:
Website: http://feroxadvisors.com/frx
Whitepaper: https://gofile.io/d/oC9sjS
Twitter: https://twitter.com/feroxadvisors
Telegram : https://t.me/FRXalpha
Medium : https://frx.medium.com/
GitHub: https://github.com/opentron/open
Author: Ssahilsingla123
Telegram: keshav8728