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I've never seen this kind of mango. I've only eaten two so far and my favorite is this little very sweet one from Mexico. (One store calls them "champagne" - though I doubt that would fly in Mexico.)

I found your post today thanks to @matkodurko's entry for the Pay it Forward Curation Contest. Keep up the great work!


thank you @viking-ventures, since mango is tropical and seasonal fruits, No wonder that you only have two.. if you are not so far away from my place, I can send you 5 kinds right now, because the mangoes peak season is right now.

The link that Cheetah so nicely provided told me that the one I was referring to is the Ataulfo variety. They're more expensive than the others, and are rarely available out of season. :-)

I wish I was closer to the tropics for fruit - I know that many of these things are delicate and don't survive long-distance travel. One day, I'll have to travel - but to the warmer countries instead of always to the colder ones!

mexico is the best place to enjoy all those tropical fruits and sun I guess... I read so many wonderful that we have here in Indonesia, also native and origins to Mexico or from south to centra America

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