Fruits & Veggies Monday: Strawberry Picking!!

Happy Monday!  I'm always happy to join in on @lenasveganliving's wonderful #fruitsandveggiesmonday initiative, especially when I've had a chance to go hang out at a local farm (Southern Belle Farm) to pick some fresh fruit!  It feels like I had been waiting forever for berry season to come back around, so I am happy it is finally here.  @dskart and I had the chance to go this past Friday to fill our buckets with fresh, juicy strawberries straight from the bush!

We have been making a habit to go the last few years, and I hope to continue the tradition for many years to come.  Since we actually made it out fairly early in the season, I may even sweet-talk him into going with me again before they disappear for another year.  I have definitely become more aware of the seasonality of fruits and vegetables.  I'm far from perfect, but being able to go picking and eat a piece of fruit right from the farm ruins you for bland, store-bought varieties that are many times shipped so far that they have to be picked before peak ripeness.  There are a few things now that I have a hard time buying from the grocery store as it just does not compare to fresh and local grown.

There are so many benefits to taking the time to take advantage of local u-pick options or just procuring your produce straight from farms near you.  For one it is cheaper.  I think we ended up with about 20 pounds of strawberries for right at $50 dollars (4 heaping gallon buckets).  While that may not seem super cheap, it is much more affordable than what you would pay in stores on most occasions.  Plus the quality is so much better.  Out of that many strawberries, I only had to throw one rotten one out.

Buying local also means you are supporting your neighbors.  Most of the produce you get from the grocery store comes from big factory farms.  The small, family-owned farms are dying out unless we do our part to support them.  I know quite a few of the local farms I have visited or frequent at the farmers market may not be certified organic, but they still tend to be much more eco-friendly in their techniques than the larger farms.

@dksart picking some good ones. :)

While we were there Friday there were tons of kids on field trips!  It is wonderful to see children learning where their food is sourced.  In this day and age it is so easy to be disconnected with our food.  If you buy something in a package you have no clue where all of the individual ingredients came from.  When you go pick fruit off a tree, you get a chance to really connect with the Earth and appreciate its bounty.

I was sweating my butt off after just an hour of picking, so it always gives me a greater appreciation for the toils of farm labor.  It is no easy feat from preparing fields for planting, keeping the plants vibrant and bearing fruit, and then the actual harvesting is back-breaking work.  I can definitely see why no one used to have to work out many years ago.

Besides the general benefits of eating seasonal produce, strawberries themselves are healthy little gems of goodness.  High in water content, they can be quite sweet but they are actually fairly low in sugar and carbs.  They are good sources of vitamin C, manganese and folate.  Their vibrant color also means they are packed with antioxidants that fight free radicals and help promote heart health, lowered inflammation in the body, and cancer prevention.

And if nothing else, they are delicious!  I'll definitely be posting some of the yummy things I'm making with my bounty, though they are quite fine just eating whole.  I froze a bunch to be able to use later.  The good thing about being the one to do all of the work in the kitchen means that I got to happily munch on berries as I prepped them to freeze and use in my other recipes. ;)

Make sure to check out all of the other fantastic entries for #fruitsandveggiesmonday, as well!  And the latest tips from our dear friend @woman-onthe-wing is up, as well.


What a wonderful experience. To be able to pick those right off the vine is truly a gift. You are so right, what we buy in the markets will never compare to picking them yourself. Wish I could have been there! Unfortunately the last "farmers market" I visited contained only 1 actual farmer....all of the other booths were people who had bought from a local food co-op and were reselling at the "farmers market" I was so shocked and disillusioned. Looking forward to your strawberry creations!!!

It really is such a wonderful thing to do! To feel those berries warm and alive in your fingers as you gently pluck them off the plant--heaven! We are very lucky in that the farmers market close to us is full with actual farms. I am very thankful!

I think they taste the best when you have freshly picked them yourself

They really do! So delicious!

Yummy! :)

Thanks for helping pick babe!

The strawberry season is about to start here in Berlin (Germany) too.
Getting in the mood for it now.

If you like to see some European food blog check too @seelc

Greetings from Berlin.

Ooh, I hope you get some fresh ones soon! They seem to come and go in the blink of an eye.

Thanks for stopping by here in the southern USA. :)

Amazing!! How lucky you are to have experience :) I would love to be able to get most of my food this way, one day in the future!

I am trying each year to get better at taking advantage of the opportunity to do things like this! Makes me appreciate my food so much more. Our little garden is taking a bit of coaxing, but hoping to get a few things straight from the backyard, too!

Wonderful post my dear ! we were just behind you during this charming picking ! ^_^
eating strawberry.png

I knew I felt the presence of friends! 🤗 Thank you for joining us!

lovely to see this, looks like you had a fantastic day out, nothing better than picking your own, fresh, local, good quality.

I also freeze mine too because the batch I buy isnt this supermarket crap, so they are very ripe and fresh (no chemicals or packaging used to preserve them) and can turn quite quickly. i noticed when i eat. a frozen one the strawberry flavor can be even more intense!

Yes--they do start wilting quite quickly, but it makes it that much sweeter to savor those few blissful days of fresh ones! I was tempted to pick another bucket, but it does take a bit of time to work through them all. I didn't want any to go to waste!

Oooh I can almost taste and smell those strawberries! What beautiful sunny photos to show them in all their juicy glory! My strawberry plant is nice and leafy now but will be several weeks before I get to enjoy the fruits. Lucky you... send me some please!

The car smelled divine driving home. 🤤 I hope you get some good ones off of yours once it matures!

If I do you can be sure I'll use them in a recipe and post it!!!

There is something so nice about picking your own fruit. The fruit smells good and you get what you want.

Yes it is a little hard on the back if you do it for a long time but it will be worth it.

Nice photos and post!

Thank you! Definitely worth a little soreness. ;) Luckily the berries last much longer than the tight back. ;)

Ohhhh my! Such a nice thing to do! Great post dear! I bet you and @dksart had fun!

We did very much enjoy the day! I'm glad he's so willing to join in on my excursions. :)

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