Soft but Crunchy Maple Oat Bars + a Healthier Alternative

Good morning, my friends!

It’s Fruits and Veggies Monday again, the best way to start a new week! Let’s share our latest yummy vegan creations in this post made by the contest host, @lenasveganliving! Did you already see her Pear Mille Feuille recipe? Amazing, right? If you wish to surprise someone with a dessert looking like it came straight out of the Master Chef kitchen, this is the one!

There are these maple oat bars I love to buy from grocery store, they’re super crunchy and delicious. After eating the last one, I looked at the ingredients list and said to myself “I can make these myself as well”. So I did. Here’s the result, I’m not going to lie, they didn’t turn out exactly like the store bought ones, but oh boy, how delicious they are! (I ate three right after they came from the oven…) These bars aren’t the healthiest choice out there (not the unhealthiest either), but I like to have a little sweet dessert quite often and these oat bars are perfect for that purpose!


Maple Oat Bars


1 cup (= 2.5 dl) oats
2 tbsp sugar
2 tbsp maple syrup
2.5 tbsp (= 35 g) melted (vegan) butter/margarine
pinch of salt
a few tbsp water


As always with my recipes, just mix all the ingredients together in a bowl. Use a few tablespoons of water in order to have a dough instead of a crumble. Spread a relatively thin layer of the mixture evenly onto a baking tray in the shape of a quadrangle. Cut it into squares or bars before baking (check the photo below). Bake at 225 °C (= 440 °F) for 10-15 minutes, depending on how crispy/soft you like them.
Enjoy them warm with a crunchy outside and a soft inside! However, they’re still delicious when they have cooled down!


For those of you trying to avoid white sugar, I made another version, an Apple Cinnamon one: you want to follow the instructions, but change the ingredients a bit. Leave the sugar out, and use ¼ cup (= 0.6 dl) applesauce instead. Also leave the water out and add 1-2 tsp cinnamon. 💚

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Have a lovely and delicious week!

-Jasmin ❤


That might be healthy but I'm not a fan of cereal bars. They are too dry for my tastes...
Thanks for your post.

I've found you because @viking-ventures has featured you in her Entry for the Pay It Forward Contest

You could always dip them in milk, or break them up and treat them just like cereal. Or add raisins to keep up the moisture content. Cover them with chocolate... lots of ways to add moisture!

Thank you for the support @trincowski! And so great ideas to add moisture @viking-ventures, I should ask guidance from you whenever I feel like I need it, haha!

I love oat bars. It is always nice to have a quick grab and go snack handy. I will be trying out your recipe for sure.
I came over because your post was featured in this weeks Pay it forward curation contest by @viking-ventures

Exactly, oat bars are the perfect quick snack! If you make these, let me know how they turned out.
Thanks for stopping by @headchange!

Looks yummy oats and maple syrup can't go wrong :) and you found another use for your applesauce ;) I remember that post haha

Thanks @steven-patrick! I couldn't agree more, oats and maple syrup, that's a combo which will always work! There are so many uses for applesauce. I have many more I want to try, luckily I have a freezer full of applesauce, haha! :)

We've already chatted a bit, but I'm back...
I have chosen to include you in my entry to the Pay it Forward Curation Contest for this week! As such, I have followed you, resteemed and upvoted this post. Keep up the great work! Please consider joining this contest with your own entry.

I'm flattered, thank you so much!
I actually participated about a month ago, and I just love this contest, supporting each other is so important! However, I found it really hard to find new quality content here on Steemit, especially regarding health. It requires a lot of time and effort to search and choose who you pick for the pifc, so I have to say that I raise my hat to all of you doing it every single week!
I'll go check out that post of yours right away! :)

Actually, I find most of my entries on Discord promo channels.
You must have participated just before I started judging entries. (Obviously, I don't judge my own. lol.)

I should get more into Discord channels as well, I've only joined one channel, and I'm really not even active there. I haven't even heard about those promo channels! I just wish I'd have a couple of extra hours each day... I'd use them wisely on Steemit!

Yeah, time is an issue. I spend a lot of time on my writing and always wish for more time/energy.

Many of the Discord servers have a channel for promotions. Some of them have rules (like upvote one/two posts before posting your own) and others you can just drop the links.

One of the best services is Ginabot. She comes with a server as well. She sends you notifications of all sorts of Steem activities. She sometimes falls behind, but normally she's very good. Here is an invite to that one. Hopefully, someone can help you set it up - I can't remember how it was done, lol.

My discord, btw is viking-ventures #2883

Thank you for the tips! This Ginabot seems really helpful, I'll have to get acquainted with it this weekend! :)

Oat bars are always something I'm happy to toss together, and I can just about smell how delicious these are from here! A yummy entry as always Jasmin. I came home with almost 40 pounds of apples yesterday, so I think I am going to put together some apple oat bars today. :)

Oat bars are really nice, so simple to prepare but smells and tastes really nice! Now is the perfect time for you to create some apple goodies, I'm salivating just from thinking about everything you could make! Enjoy the apple oat bars if you decide to make them! 😋
Thank you @plantstoplanks! :)

I need try these.... anything with Maple 🍁

Posted using Partiko iOS

You're right, anything with maple syrup is delicious! 😍

Oh my yum!!! These are fantastic and I totally hear ya on having sweets often 🤷🏼‍♀️ I tend to like the desert/bars I make more so than the store bought, probably because I know exactly what is in them plus the added love :). Not too long ago I made a similar recipe but rather than apple sauce, I used almond butter. Pretty yum but quite messy to make.

@jasmink you knocked it out of the park with this one. I’ll take one of those maple crunch bars any day of the week. Great entry friend!

Thanks @puravidaville! Almond butter in oat bars sound delicious as well, oat bars are so great, you can throw nearly anything in them and the result will be tasty. It's also true that love as a secret ingredient makes everything taste better! 😋

Hi @jasmink 😃Looks like another wonderful recipe and I actually have all of the ingredients to try this one :) I'll let you know how it turns out!!

@viking-ventures is the one who featured your in this week's contest. Keep up the great work.

Hey @tryskele, nice to hear from you again, and thank you for the lovely comment! :) Isn't it a nice feeling when you find a recipe you could try and you already have everything for it? I'm looking forward to seeing how your bars turn out!

Thank you so much for your lovely compliment Jasmin, you are very sweet. Your Oatmeal bars are truly delicious and if you replace the margarine with virgin coconut oil and the sugar with raw coconut sugar, or use only maple syrup, they would be even healthier. Well done my Dear 🍒 🍌🍑🌿🍍🍓🍇
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Those a great suggestions, Lena, using virgin coconut oil would probably give a nice tinge as well! 😋
Thanks for the feedback! 😊

Another simply delicious from @jasmink 😘 everybody can re-bake this one. If you ate 3 pieces once it ready... I think I can't stop myself from eating this kind of desert before I sleep 😂

Thank you @cicisaja! I also sometimes have a bad habit of overindulging before going to bed, haha! But occasionally it's totally fine, we don't have to eat perfectly every day! 😊

Well.. I never knew how to eat perfectly 😂😂😂 I smoke cigarettes, eat anything that all my heart.. there're only two kind of foods for me.. the delicious one and the fantastic delicious 😂😂 and this one .. I can tell from its look.. must be a fantastic organic delicious.

Haha! Well that if something is a compliment, you're too sweet! 😘

You know.. I love to candied anything and love the sweet meals too😊 and yes.. this is a compliment😘

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