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Melon | Benefits For Better Life - Melon (Cucumis melo L.) is the name of the fruit as well as the plant that produces it, which belongs to the pumpkin-labuan or Cucurbitaceae. The fruit is usually eaten fresh as a table fruit or sliced ​​as a fruit ice mixture. The part eaten is fruit flesh (mesocarp). The texture is soft, white to red, depending on the cultivar.

Seasonal plants, propagate but spread, do not climb. Leaf shaped with a curvature of moderate so that it is like an angular circle. The stem is usually not woody. This plant is home to one with two types of flowers: male flowers and hermaphrodites. Male flowers appear usually when the plants are young or if they grow poorly. Pepo type fruit. The mesocarp part thickens into juicy flesh. breeding is directed at thick, sweet, and if possible, fragrant fruit flesh.

Melon is very diverse, especially seen from the shape of the fruit. There are two subspecies and ten cultivar groups ('cultivar group') in this species:

  • Subscription melo
  • Muskmelon (Reticulatus)
  • Cantaloupe (Cantalupensis)
  • Casaba (Inodorus)
  • Pocketmelon (Dudaim)
  • Snakemelon (Flexuosus)
  • Chate (Adzhur)
  • Tibish

Agricultural subspecies

  • Snapmelon (Momordica, Adiculus)
  • Oriental pickling (Conomon)
  • Makuwa

The three most popular ones are Cantalupensis (which includes cantaloupe, true European cantaloupe), Reticulatus (melon commonly known, the skin of the fruit is usually "meshed"), and Inodorus (honeydew melon, which is oval in shape with wrinkled skin). There is one other group whose fruit is also eaten, Dudaim.

Benefits of Melon Fruit for Health

Melon | Benefits For Better Life - Amazingly delicious with rich flavors, melon is very low in calories (100 g of fruit has only 34 calories) and fat. Nevertheless, this fruit is rich in various minerals that promote polyphenol plants derived from compounds, vitamins and minerals that are essential for optimal health.

The following are various benefits of melon for the health of the body and to avoid various diseases that exist in our body.

  1. Maintain eye health

This fruit is a very good source of vitamin A, (100 g provides 3382 IU or about 112% of the recommended daily level) one of the highest among cucurbita fruits. Vitamin-A is a powerful antioxidant and is very important for healthy vision. This is also needed to maintain the health of the mucosa and skin. Consumption of natural fruits rich in vitamin A is known to help protect against cancer of the oral cavity and oral cavity.

Benefits Melon fruit can also nourish the eyes, this fruit is enriched with the content of beta-carotene which is useful for improving visual acuity and maintaining eye health. Beta-carotene will be converted by the body into vitamin A and used to improve improving eye function.

  1. Protect cells and other structures in the body from free radicals

Melon is also rich in flavonoid antioxidants such as beta-carotene, lutein, zeaxanthin, and cryptoxanthin. This antioxidant has the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from oxygen-free radicals and hence; offers protection against colon, prostate, breast, endometrial, lung and pancreatic cancers.

  1. Rich in Antioxidants

The total antioxidant power of melon oxygen radicals (ORAC) melon melon capacity is 315 μmol TE / 100 g. The melon value is 241 μmol TE / 100 g.

  1. Protect Eyes from Macular Degeneration

Zeaxanthin, an important carotenoid diet, is absorbed selectively into the macular lutea retina in the eye where it is thought to provide antioxidant and protective UV light filtering function. This, thus, offers eye protection from age-related macular degeneration (ARMD) in the elderly.

  1. Prevent Stroke

Melon is a source of electrolytes, ideal potassium. 100 g of fruit gives 267 mg of this electrolyte. Potassium is a very important element of cell and body fluids and helps management vital sign and pressure level. Thus offering protection against coronary heart disease and stroke.

In addition to being effective in preventing some of the most dangerous diseases, the adenosine content of melons is also able to prevent and stop the circulation of blood cells which can result in heart attacks and even stroke. How it works is by way of smoothing the circulation of red blood cells which can reduce heart attacks and strokes.

  1. Eradicate Free Radicals

This fruit also contains moderate B complex vitamins, such as niacin, pantothenic acid, and vitamin C, and minerals such as manganese. Consumption of foods rich in vitamin C helps the human body develop resistance to infectious agents and scavenge harmful oxygen free radicals. The human body uses manganese as a cofactor for antioxidant enzymes and superoxide dismutase. Commercially, muskmelon is used to extract the enzyme superoxide dismutase (SOD), which plays an important role as a defense of first-line antioxidants in the human body.

Melon is also very rich in antioxidant flavonoids such as beta-carotene, lutein, zea-xanthin and cryptoxanthin. This antioxidant has the ability to help protect cells and other structures in the body from free radicals. This ability can help in the protection of the large intestine, prostate, breast, endometrium, lung, and pancreatic cancer. But not only for dangerous diseases the benefits of antioxidants are also good for other body parts.

  1. Prevent Cancer

There are many fruits and herbs that can prevent cancer, one of which is melon. How can melons eradicate and prevent cancer? the answer is in CAROTENOID content. Keep in mind, Carotenoids are pigments that function as color providers for fruits and vegetables. High carotenoid content in these fruits can prevent cancer attacks, especially symptoms of lung cancer and symptoms of breast cancer.

  1. Relieve Heartburn

Heartburn sometimes comes from the food we consume, melon has a water content of up to 90% giving a calming effect. Therefore, melon is very useful to relieve heartburn and heartburn.

  1. Healthy skin

Melons contain collagen, these substances are protein compounds that affect the integrity of cell structures in all skin tissues. Collagen works to accelerate wound healing and maintain skin firmness. It is recommended that frequent consumption of melon will make the skin not dull and look smooth.

  1. Lose Weight
    Melon is one type of fruit that is very suitable for people who want to lose weight because they have a low sodium content, fat free, cholesterol free and low in calories. Besides that, the effect of eating melon will make you full and delay / reduce hunger because the water content is very high.

Tips for Serving Melon Fruit

You can serve melon in various forms as below:

  • Can be eaten directly after slicing
  • Ice Fruit is made with a combination of sugar and syrup
  • Can be in juice
  • And can be served as a food cover

Tips for using melons for diet:

  • Provide melons regularly at home
  • Get night snacks with melon consumption
  • Take one or two pieces of melon before eating (so you don't eat too much)

Melon | Benefits For Better Life - The benefits of fruit for the health of the human body are the most important. Fruit is an additional supplement that is very important for the function of organs in the human body. By consuming fruit we will be happy to be healthy and get a fit body fit. Let's get used to eating fruit from now on.

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