The Benefits of Grapes that We Need to Know

in #fruit7 years ago


Do you like grapes? If yes, what kind of dish do you like when you eat wine? Wine is no longer a fruit that is hard to find. Its popularity has started to increase because you can enjoy it in a variety of dish, from cake to wine. But do you know? In addition to the delicious taste, the fruit that turned out to be more served in the form of this drink has a variety of health benefits when consumed. Here are some of the benefits of wine you need.

The benefits of wine for health
The grapes consist of a variety of colors, red, black, purple or blue (concord), green, pink and yellow. According to a nutritionist, Alissa Rumsey, in general the benefits of wine for health in each drink is the same, but the content of flavonoids and resveratrol most commonly found in concord grapes. But concord wine is mostly found in the form of fresh grapes.


  1. Rich in antioxidants
    Free radicals are conditions in which molecules have unpaired electrons. At a balanced level, your body is actually able to neutralize it. But in excessive levels, the molecules that should be able to help your body in the fight against this attacking infection, it is capable of causing damage to cells in your body. You need antioxidants to neutralize excessive free radicals in the body.

Wine is believed to be rich in antioxidant content of flavonoids and resveratrol. Based on research conducted by Linus Pauling Institute, wine-owned resveratrol is able to counteract the effects caused by inflammation and prevention of certain diseases.

  1. Preventing diabetes
    Researchers believe that resveratrol is able to activate a gene that can prevent the body exposed to obesity. In addition, resveratrol is also able to prevent the occurrence of insulin resistance conditions, in which the body is not able to digest blood sugar, which is able to trigger the body of diabetes.

  2. Heart health
    Grapes also contain a flavonoid called routine. In certain conditions the blood in your body is freezing. The routine contained in this grape has the ability to slow the rate of blood that is clotted by blocking it. So the benefits of wine that has a regular content is also able to reduce the risk of a person suffering from heart attacks and strokes.

  3. Brain health
    The Krikorian study of 12 adults who have experienced a decrease in recall ability has revealed that there is an increase in verbal ability and increased participants' ability to repeat spatial memory after 12 days of grape juice. This result occurs because the antioxidants possessed by grapes have the ability to improve your cognitive and motor skills even though you are aging.

  4. Prevent cancer attacks
    Wine is rich in antioxidant content of resveratrol based on research conducted by Tang FY has the potential to slow the development of breast cancer cells in the body. This is supported by research conducted by Radhakrishnan who successfully concluded that the combination of grapefruit extract with resveratrol has the ability to suppress the growth of colon cancer cells.

Some literature reveals that from a number of nutrients possessed by grapes, most of the nutrients are present on the skin. However, it should be noted that according to the Department of Agriculture U.S, wine is included in the six major fruits with the highest pesticide content on the skin. So, before consumption, you should make sure you have washed it thoroughly clean.

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