Snow, and bitter cold!

So I guess winter is finally here. Officially starting just over a week ago, the deep freeze and blizzard like conditions, have made it to southeastern Ohio. The cold has been here for the past five or six days, but the snow is just starting to pour down on us. Today the high temperature is 20f, while the low last night was 0 f. According to the weather forecast, we will not see temperatures above freezing, for the next ten days.

Frozen pipes! Every year I struggle with my pipes freezing. Every year I plan on eliminating the problem, when spring rolls around, however, it always gets put on the back burner and forgotten. The plumbing, in my house, runs along the furnace ductwork. I no longer use the furnace, as I have installed a pellet stove. The plumbing is not insulated very well, as the builders just assumed that the furnace would be running, in sub zero conditions. I think you understand what I'm getting at. Ill need to re do most of my plumbing, and re rout the piping, to keep them from freezing. That will cost a couple thousand dollars. (one of the main reasons i've been putting it off)

So when everything freezes up, I revert to the pioneer ways of getting water. Im lucky enough to have a large creek on the land, and it never freezes more than a foot thick. Of course, I don't drink the water, but for the animals, its fine. They drink out of it during warmer months anyway. The biggest "pain", is having to get water for the toilets. The drain piping never freezes. (the traps for sinks and bathtubs are insulated better) Supply water for the toilets is a must have.

Over the years, and during past freeze ups, I've installed a lot of heat tape. This works to an extent. However, the trick is to remember to plug the heat tape in, before everything freezes. It takes a few days for the pipes to thaw out. I even tried the trick of letting the water drip from a faucet. That just didn't work at all, in my case. So now, I have to make the annual trip into the crawl space, with a space heater. Thats never fun, and I can never fully relax, while the heater is running (electric heater) Im always worried that it might fall over, or something might fall on it, causing a fire.

All of this hassle could have been avoided, had I just taken the time, when it was warmer, to insulate better. Will I ever learn? Hopefully. I hope everyone reading this, isn't having to deal with the same issues, as me. Also, check in on your loved ones, especially the elderly. Though they can be stubborn, and very set in their ways, everyone needs some help, sometimes. Keep warm, and thanks for stopping by.C121C3EC-2A01-41F1-9AB1-3AF2DA9831C8 (1).JPG


I hear you. Our house sits on cements blocks, on dirt. Our pipes run under the house with all the duct work. I've had to battle the rodents that like to chew through the insulation. We keep our tap running at a dribble in the night. We've had our pipes freeze a few times, and always end up having to place a small heater out in the pump house to thaw everything out! But here in Missouri, we're not really getting the snow, but it sure is cold! 25 toady and dropping by the hour. I grew up in MI, UP and lower, so, I can't really say I miss the snow too much!

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