in #friendtrain7 years ago (edited)

friend train.jpg

Well, I bet the titleof this post grabbed your attention because we all want more followers on Steemit, right?

Unfortunately, there are very few options when it comes to growing your following.
There is no point in following masses of members in the hope they follow back because there are currently no notifications for getting followers so no one knows that you have followed. There are also no apps or extensions that I know of that can help you.

So what can you do?

1/ Post great content that people like and want to read.
2/ Engage like crazy, reply to comments, reciprocate engagement.
3/ If you like a comment you receive then follow that member and reply to the comment mentioning their username and tell them you followed them. This normally results in a follow back.
4/ Ride the Friend Train. This is really the only shortcut currently to get followers.

Differences in opinion

You are gonna be told to follow everyone, you are gonna be told to follow only those whose content that you like. There are arguments for both strategies.
Following everyone will ramp your hits and potentially your revenue but remember there are no notifications for new followers currently. A more measured strategy to only follow those who's content you truly like may at this stage of Steemits development be a better option. But one thing is for sure, if I was you I would give the Friend Train a try.


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Hi Dexter add me to the #FriendTrain please
followed all - upvoted - resteemed - commented
Love the idea thank You for all You do

I have done this all on an older post, so how do we keep our seat in the train ? is this a daily ??

You need to request on the update post

Great article, I am actually in the process of trying to grow my followers. I think the most important piece of the puzzle is getting great content on the platform so people can get engaged with you as an author.

yes, you have to be consistent

I absolutely agree mate, I'm also kind of new to this and it seems to be working quite well :)
Where are you from btw?

@infobunny I think something went wrong with the markdown of the coverpicture. Also: I seem to be loosing my trainticket all the time :) - Maybe it´s not for me at the moment.Great to see you moving up!

yes it does that from time to time, with the train you need to comment that you want to stay on and resteem the update post, if you request again i will get you back on

ahahah same for me actually

Nice post but we all try our best, I am starting something new for me today so please hold thubs for me love all your posts.

what are you starting? are you able to share with us?

I'm following people above 60 who are posting what I want to see. Then I watch my home feed for posts I care about and do a lot of commenting. So far so good after 10 days.

I'm trying to upvote for money lol. When I see my big guys with new posts. I upvote quick. We'll see how that strategy goes for me when the wallet notifications come in. If I am the #20 upvoter on a $1000 post with total 800 upvotes, what does that do for me? Not sure yet.

For my content, I'm currently doing challenges and posting out my existing content such as you tube videos. HUGE jump on You Tube so I think this is a winner. You Tube calls steemit an "unknown source" but I can tell due to the videos watched.

I also need to stress the seo in my fascinating posts. This Alexa ranking has me over the moon with hope.

from what i understand the optimum time to comment is 20 mins after publication for the max curation reward, don't quote me on that i think i read it on a post, perhaps someone can tell me if im right.. The 60+ rep is a good idea but im not sure your get the level of engagement your looking for but it all depends on strategy. My thinking is newbies are tommorrows dolphins and i will follow anyone if i like what they do and they reciprocate engagement.

Yes, I have heard 20-30 minutes as well but by that time there might be 200 upvotes already on the popular ones.I'm going to keep with my plan for a couple of weeks and see how it goes. I use 3-4 of my votes for posts from "regular" people each day now. I can only upvote a few times since I let my steem power drop way down at the start. If it was up to me I would just like like like like like, but alas I cannot :)

To everyone that have the oppoetunity to be found have a great chance to grow no only their following but also improve the quality of their posts

yeah the only workaround other than content and engagement is the friend train, but it is not a golden ticket to success, if you don't follow the rules your removed, if you do you get followers

Following is one way of creating good relationship..

yes but on steemit how to they know you follow unless you tell them?

I see!
Take a friend's train.

I just want to be honest and tell the truth. I would rather have a conversation with 1 person who is engaged and wants to learn than with 1 million who just want someone to agree with. oh well.

I am totally in line with you :) Hope to see more of your posts.