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RE: Friday Rocks- Bowls full of treasures
@melinda010100 💕 Wow!!!
Your bowls of rocks are so beautiful!
I would love to also sit and look
through them asking where and
Brings a big smile to my face to
see your love for stones!! :-)
I've got quite a few holding my
desk down right now haha
A favorite? at least a baker's dozen!!
I'd say that is a hard thing to pick one
but if it was just one, Agate is my most
loved and collected.
In your glass bowl I see snowflake
obsidian and tiger eye I think.
What is the white grey one in the
upper right side of bowl? Looks
like a artifact for something. In the
last photo above the turquoise.
@Shasta I didn't answer your comment last night because I thought that if I gave myself an overnight to think about that funny shaped rock, I might remember where it came from. I still don't. It is one of those times when I really really wish I could ask Jim that question because I know he would remember. Actually he's the one that picked it up and added it to my stash of rocks that I had on the floor of the pickup truck on our trip to the Southwest. I'm pretty sure that's when we collected that one, but my mind is a total blank about what and where!
Sometimes I'll remember something after
a few days and sometimes not :-)
It looks like a old tool almost, the hole and
other part half circle shapes. What kind of
rock substance do you think it is?
Maybe some company will
know @melinda010100 ❤
I still don't remember! It may have been on one of our trips out west 10 years ago. It's almost a soft chalky kind of substance and I remember being a little disappointed when he added it to our rocks that we had collected and thinking well that's not really a rock! Maybe it came from a hot spring? I tried to find something online that might be like it, but didn't come up with anything. I will keep trying to remember.
Lebkuchen!!! I knew I seen that word somewhere, it was
when I right clicked on your rock above and searched
on google to see if it would show something similar
and it showed lebkuchen as the closest match!! LOL
No way! It's my favorite cookie! And it is not at all rock-like! 😂