(JP/EN) 金曜日の写真(母の日ですけど)/Friday in Pictures (but Mam's day...)
皆さんこんにちは/Hi everyone
Today is a mother's day... it is raining here since this morning.
Well, I know today is Sunday again, but I was super tired yesterday and couldn't make post so I'm writing "Friday in Pictures" today now ^^;
I visit a Museum near my place 3-4 times a month since 2016 when I'm in Japan. I went to museum garden on Fridyay. This photo is a site of a building near my apartment. A big international hotel is going construction now. I love to see and take foto of heavy machineries so I can't stop shooting them when I found some cool stuff like this. haha
Security guys started working since early morning under the strong Sun. My teacher always pick me up around here and go to the museum together.
A supermarket to get lunch every time.
毎年、知り合いの方にわけて戴けるようにお願いしてるんですけど、今年は全部使ってしまったとかで戴けなかったので買って行きます。意外といいお値段^^; (1袋698円)
We stopped at a home center this time too to get rice straw to cover the soil on our field.Every year we get one from our landload but we couldn't this year. So we need buy them even it's not so cheap. One bag is around $7 and we got totally 8 bags.
We weeded the field with several students 2 weeks ago and put the net on. The short green one growing up is Ramie fiber. Cover with straw on the soil is to prevent weeds from growing, do not damage the moisture or the roots. Originally burning this straw and burning the field can eliminate pests, but because it is inside of the museum's park so it is impossible because of fire prohibition.
There's many families and birds photographer every weekends because of greens and fresh air.
There's many plants in this museum garden. This is barley grasses.
Tulips almost finished and petals are going to fall off
Hirado azalea is almost over. I am looking forward to see the irises come to bloom next.
When I was looking for a song feels like Mother's Day, I remembered AI's "Dear Mama."
But I'm not a person who post it easily so
I would like to pick this song I first knew about her.
The another youtube with live version sounds better,
but I like this video so I introduce this (sound is not good)
AIの曲「ハピネス」@アメリカ大使公邸 2013
AI's song "Happiness" @ the 4th of July Party 2013
そして、先日、steemit友達で日本語勉強中のカナダの @jalaynとMichel Jacksonの話をして懐かしく思ってたんですけど、彼女がマイケルのお兄さんとコラボした映像を発見。
久々にThe Jackson 5を聴きたくなりました。噂をすれば、でちょっとオモシロイ繋がりです^^
And since last week, I had a little chatting with Canadian steemit friend(who is studying Japanese now) @jalayn about Michel Jackson, and then I found a video that AI collaborated with Michael's elder brothers. I feel like want to listen to The Jackson 5 again now. It's interesting :)
AI - Letter In The Sky ft. The Jacksons
How was your Friday and Mother's day? :)
皆さんも @fukakoさんの「金曜日の写真」 #fridayinpictures に投稿してみませんか?
How about post your Friday with the tag of @fukako's #fridayinpictures? :)
@hidemiさん、そうですよ〜^^ 1日の様子を追ったような写真でもいいですし、私なんかは散歩に出て写真撮ってきたりすることもあります。あとは編集のときに聞いた音楽とか、結構自由な感じですよ♪ あんまり参加される方がなくて寂しいので、是非やってみてください
@yo-yo thanks for making English translations for your post to benefit non-Japanese readers like me.
@culgin -san Good morning! thank-you for visiting here. Yeah... sometimes I'm too lazy to do this, but I'm trying write both of them most of the time if the article topic is not only for Jpns community.
I've never ever write and read English article before started steemit on March... haha... but I appreciate this opportunity to brush up my writing skills.
Nice Friday! My friday is whole day office haha
Thanks Aaron! Yeah... I always like you, but this time, yes, I had good time with great weather ;)
Thanks for sharing @yo-yo:) seems a lot of different things to do:)
Bitte schön @belvins... yeah... I'm doing weaving and archiving. So I do whatever I need concerned these things... so I mean make tools, recording, plant fiber... I mean this is traditional work so not so many people know and do this kind of activity... So we need to do everything by ourselves ;)
司会は、何度かしかやってこなかったですが確かにラジオのノリだと面白いかもですね (笑)