Freya - Goddess of Love and War

in #freyalast year (edited)

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Freya from the Norse Pantheon. Goddess of Love and War, a battle maiden or THE battle maiden.


She is also the Goddess of sex, lust, fertility, beauty, second to none in all of Asgard. As well as other areas.


Freya was a Vanir Goddess who lived in Vanaheim, one of the 9 Realms. After the was between Vanir and Aesir, she became an honorary Aesir.


She presides over the dead mortals, taking charge of half of all men/women who died gloriously in battle or other similar, valiant ways. As opposed to growing old and dying in bed. Freya gets the first pick of them. The other half going to Odin.

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Sorcerous Stabber Orphen: Who wants to grow old and die in bed!?


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Freya is the Goddess of Death. As well as gold, meaning fortune/wealth and SORCERY! Sorcery is a good thing. Darkness is a good thing. We don't fight the darkness we respect the darkness, we learn from it. We just have a misunderstanding of what darkness is. Don't believe the nonsense from the judeo-christian perspective. They pervert everything and turn these wonderful, beautiful things into objects of shame and scorn. Guilt, of sin. Anything that is a threat to the judeo-christian cabal and our sovereignty is framed as sinful and wrong. They tell us to fear the darnkess and not use it, because they want to keep us from using darkness and using witchcraft and using our sexuality to fight them! In the occult which only means hidden, says the forces of darkness are the Left Hand Path. "OHH DONT GO THE LEFT HAND PATH EVERYBODY KNOWS ITS BAD! DARKNESS IS BAAAD! Don't go to the left go to the right"

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Yeah that's what they tell you because they don't WANT you using that power to defeat them! That is disempowerment. These dark forces are just aggressive and destructive forces of your spirituality. Your thetan. To suppress it and be told it's bad and wrong is disempowering and soul destroying. Sexuality is a dark trait. So they label it sinful and bad and wrong and degenerate. Freya being THE Goddess of sexuality and fertility love LUST oh no not lust and sex, well that makes her baaaaaad right?

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All of that, will be framed as evil and demonic and part of a fertility cult through their deceptive tactics of demonizing all these things that are actually good! And powerful and helpful! No no you don't understand it's THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF LUST for a woman is deemed as you're a sinner you should burn in hell forever if you don't pay for it. What do I mean by pay for it? I mean rip out your eyeball. Yeah. I believe jesus said that himself. I'm not gonna write the exact verse but, this sums it up.

"If a man looks upon a woman with lust in his heart, he has committed adultery. He must pluck out his eye and cast it away. For it is better that a man go through life with one eye, than suffer in hellfire for eternity"
The same is said about your hand. If your hand sins against you you should cut it off. Sin how? Oh right cuz you're not allowed to masturbate ever not even one time ever ever. And you believe this stupid book but think Freya and Odin and their Goddesses and Gods are demons and therefore bad cuz the bible says there's only one god? What a crock of shit.

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That's not based on being overly lustful, it's for feeling any lust, ever, at all, for anyone. You're done. And this is what judeo-christianity does is it demonizes all these things with their stories about what you should do if you engage in these behaviors. It's all INVERSION! They come in the name of their god to attack our senses our sensuality, inverting these things, changing the beautiful and divine into the ugly and demonic. What they call Belial, is just the spiritual energy of lust and it's turned into Belial the seducer and distractor. It's Belial that is the male love and male attraction, male lust, which is not a baaad word, our lust for the female form. The bible takes all these things that are powerful, beautiful, sensual, and inverts them and makes you think they're baaaad. Look at what else the precious JEBUS said. Or maybe it was an apostle. I have the screenshot...somewhere among the last 500 of them.

"It is better for a man never to touch a woman"

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And you wonder why people like Jeffrey Daugherty say jesus and the apostles were gay? And possibly pedophiles. Gay pedophiles. Sounds FAMILIAR AHHAHAHA! 15% to 30% of the clergy ladies and gentlemen.

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Look at her. Don't be the christian version of a virtue signaling sjw. "Oh ohhh I didn't look oh I'm holy I'm good see how christian I am!?" No you're probably just gay. Dood. In your feminized state from judeo-christianity, the feminization of men. Gaze upon her majestic beauty! Stop being a dumbass christian. You're the cause of the worlds worst problems and you enable the jews to stay in control.



So you're supposed to think Freya, being the ultimate Goddess of Lust, Love, Sex, Fertility, is bad! And a symbol of depravity and Pagan Heathen degeneracy. And that's not the case. Pagan Heathens are the good people! The judeo-christians are the bad guys. They lie about things Pagan-Heathens did in history. Temple prostitution and fertility cults? You blame that on Paganism? You accuse Pagans of doing that? Look no further than the bible god! Mary, Mother Mary, was a temple prostitute! It's in the bible! She serviced, JEWS! When they returned from their travels. So don't tell me "ohhh the bible god didn't like that stuff." Yes he did. Just like he liked Abels child sacrifice and didn't like Cains offering of fruit. Cain was the GOOD GUY! More inversion.

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Even Jezebel from the bible story wasn't a bad guy! They just framed her as such, through the Apostles perspective through the judeo-christian opinion of the characters in the story! They murdered another woman who followed them around debunking the bullshit they were spewing. They just murdered her for not believing them and defying them. They lie about the events of the bible, they hide the truth through hidden language, writing something that looks like it happened this way in these words, but it happened another way when you look up the language using Strongs Concordance and the inter-linear and find out what those words meant. When you do that, you get an ENTIRELY different bible story. All of their stories fall apart. All of their lies are exposed. They're unmasked. The veil is lifted. The Apocalypse comes for them "Lifting of the veil" See you didn't know that meant Lifting of the VEIL did you? You thought Apocalypse is meteors falling and volcanoes erupting and demons flying around. Lmao demons aren't...another story.

So many things they tell you are bad are actually good. What they call bad, are bad from the viewpoint of the writer or the speaker in this case, the jesus character. What he calls an "unclean spirit" is just the WRONG spirit. Why? Why is it the wrong spirit? It's WRONG and called unclean in the opinion of jesus because it's not HIS SPIRIT, so he can't control them. Because they didn't take his spirit into them. The goal is to get YOU to cast away your Pagan Heathen spirit, to be replaced with the christ spirit which will make your every thought be taken captive, and have the mind of christ. It's all anti-Pagan crap. The jewz and judeo-christians want to eradicate all Paganism while they masquerade as the heroes the good guys. Total crap. There's nothing wrong with this! And nothing wrong with wanting more of this. They demonize natural human instincts and urges to get people into this whole sin contract with the fear and guilt, shame, scared of hell, ashamed you "gave in to carnal urges" CARNAL ISN'T A BAD WORD! It's just their usage of it feeding us craaaaap.

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The judeo-christians support the cabal! Yeah I said it, it's not the Satanists. Satanic and Luciferian is just buzzwords being thrown around that don't identify the real culprits. When they say Satanic they mean Left Hand they mean aggression and destruction. Why would they want to dissuade you from discovering your aggressive and destructive power? They make you afraid of it, to keep you from using it. Focusing on only the positive, only being positive all the time and never embracing the negative or engaging in negativity, is foolishness. This takes away your individuality into a group think mentality.

"Positive vibes positivity! Positive affirmation! Stop being negative never be negative. Ban negative people. Oh I'm a christian I'm always positive christianity is happy and positive and bunnies n kittens" that's total fucking bullshit. You need the negative to have access to your full power and full being. The goody goodies are the thieves of virtue. This is beautiful! This is not something to turn your head away at. That's the judeo-christian programming that makes you think it's immoral! Whatever theeeey decide is immoral, is only immoral from the bible writers viewpoint and the jesus characters opinion which takes form from the jews that wrote it! Constantine was a jew! And jews hate all of this sexuality and tell us to be afraid of it and to turn away from it because it's POWERFUL! Because it can be used against them. It's a powerful energy source and you're told to be ashamed and feel guilty for feeling lust when you see that chick walking down the street and you turned your head checkin her out for 3 seconds OHH NOOO I've sinnnned oh no oh I'm dirty I'm with sin. Shut the fuck up.

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Replace Satanist and Luciferian with judeo-christian and you have the real culprit. It's not just the Khazarians. And it's not just Babylonian super secret ancient alien reptilian annunaki BULLCRAP!

"Oh the reptilians created us to be a slave race and they still treat us like slaves today and the good aliens want to help us but they work for Archangel Michael and Ashtar command" and yedudurrr and dedudurrrr.

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Those are psy ops and fear porn. Fear porn that is distributed by the judeo-christian cabal for the christians to eat up and regurgitate to their mindless sheep, their pawns. It's not that. It's the judeo-christians that are enabling and supporting the cabal that they point the finger at and cry about. But that's not the topic here so I'll move away from that. That was all to make a point about Freya being good and not bad. That being lustful and indulging in your sexuality and sensuality isn't bad.

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As I was saiyan, Freya, also the Goddess of Death, presides over the Valkyrie. They are also Death Goddesses, but not really. As Lenneth has mentioned here. Lacking in the love Freya has, but they are collectors of souls.

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Arngrim: I guess they don't have much use for heroes with true strength up in Asgard, eh? Ha ha ha!!
Valkyrie: Vainglorious human...Strength is not everything.
Arngrim:'re one to talk, Death Goddess!!

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You see, they are perceived to be the Death Goddesses. But it's not entirely accurate.

Arngrim: I have one question...aren't you just a Death Goddess?
Valkyrie Lenneth: A God of Death is merely responsible for the snuffing out of lives. I however...can show you the path.
Arngrim: Path?
Valkyrie Lenneth: Yes. However, you must walk it on your own.

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The Valkyrie are guided by Freya, to show souls determined worthy to be heroes, the path to Asgard. They become Einherjar, fighting for the Valkyrie, being tempered like steel for Asgard.

Valkyrie Lenneth: What is it?
Freya: Nothing. Let us take leave of here.
Valkyrie Lenneth: Next?
Freya: Yes. Even the strongest steel must first be tempered, yes? To send them to Asgard directly would be only a death sentence.

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The Valkyrie lack the love of the Goddess Freya. More stoic and blunt.

Valkyrie Lenneth: This is not my task...I am no Goddess of Love.

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Freya is the Goddess of Sorcery. She is unlike all the other Aesir Gods and Goddesses with her access to sorcery.

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Freya is practically immortal. She's incredibly powerful and she can speak in the languages of the Nine Realms. But unlike other Asgardians, Freya can wield powerful magick. She even taught magick to Odin! The All-Father! She taught the Aesir Gods the magic of Seidr. Pronounced as Seethe like seethe in anger. Many types of magick involving prophesying, casting spells, incantations and shapeshifting.

How do you think Sorcerous Stabber Orphen would fare against her? Well, he fought the Sorcerous Beast and needed help there. She was sealed after a war with the Dragons. If Freya is anything like her in sorcery, he'd be in trouble. I'd assume he'd meet his match. But he's not one of those anime characters that is the strongest BECAUSE he's the hero. He starts out practically at his full power and runs into some that he can't beat. Like...Fenrir. They have a race of Fenrir but the main Fenrir is a God of the forest. And possibly Childman unless by the end of Orphen Revenge, Orphen finally surpassed him. Not sure. Then the PS2 game takes place after all that so he might have improved somewhat. But he ain't ever surpassing the Sorcerous Beast and I'd say Freya would whoop her.

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Side note. This is not the All Seeing Eye. This is The Eye of Odin. This is a nod to Odin. Nothing to do with "sending signals to the kabaaaal" What nonsense. Odin was the one that had what is now calllled the All Seeing Eye. Norse mythology predates Sumerian and Babylonian, despite what the expert scholars would claim. The All Father who saw over the whole world with the All Mother, Frigg. This isn't about Odin so, that's all for another post.

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Freya is not the wife of Odin. This is a common mistake. People keep thinking Freya and Frigg are the same deity using interchangeable names. Lucifer and Satan. Both are very wrong. Frigg is Odins wife and called the All Mother. She's considered a separate deity in the Old Norse religion. There are sagas and series where Freya and Frigg both appear in the same scene as separate deities. Also, people who work with Frigg have asked her if she's the same as Freya and they've been told no. There is a question, not a theory but a question if Freya is an aspect of Frigg. Similar to Lucifer being an aspect of Satan.

Her mortal lover is Ottar. But he is also the boar she rides around named Hildisvini, a battle swine, which can change back into a human.
Loki calls her immoral for "riding" her lover in public.

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When she doesn't have him, she rides a chariot being pulled by two cats of some kind.

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Don't worship Freya. Don't worship Goddesses and Gods. Any real Goddess or God doesn't want that, in fact, they would look down on you for it and be revolted by it. They don't want sniveling, whiney, crybabies worshipping out of fear and asking for forgiveness or begging them for anything. "Oh please do this for me please help me fix this problem please please" Pah! If you do your best and really get to the end of your rope in any endeavor, and you ask for help once you've given it your all, only then will they help you. When you've earned it. You fight and struggle in a rip in the ocean, barely able to edge closer to the shore, feeling like you're getting nowhere, and you're on the verge of losing your strength and getting pulled further back, and you keep trying, and you're stubborn and refuse to ask for help, you're driven and determined and prideful (which is a GOOD thing that was inverted by ze jewz) and finally you miraculously escape the pull with strength you didn't think you had. You were helped by a Goddess or God.

Or, or, after 3 minutes or 5 or 10 minutes straight of struggling, a gigantic wave smashes you up the shore. That was a God or Goddess helping you. Maybe Sophia who is said to be the Earth herself Mother Earth. If you kept begging and whining for help, that wouldn't have happened in fact you might just piss them off. And that event has happened to me not more than 20 or 30 metres off the shore. I could still stand on the sand but my head and neck were barely out of the water.

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This depiction is her bowing willingly out of respect, but not worshipping. All this bowing and...demanding that you take a knee and bow down to god and praise the lords name, worship him or else, believe him or else, love him or else, BOW DOWN TO HIM OR ELSE, is all bible god crap.

jesus said "He that would not I reign over them, bringeth to me and slayeth them before me" jesus the prince of peace ladies and gentlemen. Odin would look at this creature like a malevolent, vile beast.

But it's all that bible crap. The jews run the media. The jews run Hollywood. You get your movies from Hollywood. Ipso facto you get false depictions of Goddesses and Gods through jewish run media.

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What you want to do is enter into an Esoteric Economy/Spiritual Economy with her. It's give and take. You can learn how to here.

No real Goddess or God wants a sniveling groveler bending their knee and worshipping like a slave or coward. It reminds me of a quote from the anime Saiyuki.

Homura offers the devils on earth that ruled a castle to become divinity. He is a God and he can confer divinity and turn them into Gods, but they would lose their free will completely. They took the deal which made them stronger but immediately bowed to him, and he mocked them.

Homura: Hmm, I had more respect for you before. Better to be free on Earth, than a slave in Heaven.

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Freya is depicted many ways throughout video games, statues and such. Here's a bunch of Freyas.

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But this is my favouriiiite hmhmhmm. Embrace your lust. Don't allow the christians to put you in fear of harnessing it. Sex energy is powerrrful.

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STOP MASTURBATING TO JEWISH PORN! The jews run the porn video industry. Like pornhub. Masturbate to Goddesses and Gods instead. This stops your orgone energy from being harvested by the jews and their bible god. It's part of Kabbalah so let us be anti-Kabbalah. Hope you enjoy this my Goddess!

Now, go on...get out of here.

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