Rant 003 / freewrite.

in #freewrites5 years ago (edited)

The labour market is like the wilderness. Wild and not friendly. It's a game for all but only those that can survive comes out the other end brighter.

It starts with a huge smile of freedom and independence. And when you can't keep up with the bills frustration sets in. The tigers in the kingdom prey on you. You struggle to pick up. The motivational book you read said persistence was key, so you persist . It says taking risks pay off but you are there drowning in your risks.

Now, your mates are progressing in the wilderness; the labour market. How the hell do they achieve that ? You ask no one.

You feel left behind. You are too dumb to keep up, you said to yourself. It's foolish to keep trying. So you relax. You slow down. No more race for you. No more positivity. No more strength.

Now, depression sets in. You are down at the bottom. The zeal you had when entering the labour market is gone. You settle for mediocrity. You are ashamed. You hide away as the depression eats you up.

How do you get out of this one ?!?!!

I miss the 5 minutes freewrite. The month is taking it toll on me. Real life sucks. I feel tired.
I am so behind on march madness too.

But it's nice to write on here and rant. Ranting here helps relief the pressure.

Prompt :wild

**To join the freewriters follow @mariannewest and @freewritehouse


I completely agree with the ranting part. I think all of my freewrites have been like this for weeks now. Better to get it out :)

This might be bad or could be good. We will soon know. !sneeze

It happened to me and so I am passing it on for April Fool's maybe :)

Happily I’ve always worked for myself. I’m useless at taking orders.

It’s the promptest of prompt delivery teams here with your challenge for today: https://steemit.com/freewrite/@mariannewest/day-523-5-minute-freewrite-wednesday-prompt-drapes

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