Freewrite #19 - Travel
Travel is the process of movement. Everyone has their own interpretation of travel. For me, travel means leaving the confines of what I know and embarking on a journey to something new or different.
Travel isn’t just about physically moving from one place to another. It’s all about little paradigm shifts in your brain. You can explore topics from the past and travel back in time. You can imagine what life might be like 20 years from now and travel to the future.
You can travel to different cultures from the comfort of your laptop.
Learn a foreign language with Babel or Rosetta Stone.
Take up a new hobby like “professional pinball player”
OR you can also readily admit that you might not understand someone’s viewpoint or take on any particular topic and keep the mind open and try to travel to the place of understanding on why that person feels so strongly about their opinion.
Childish Gambino might have broken the internet with his video for “This Is America”, but what he’s actually done is invite us to travel to a better place of understanding. The American hypocrisy about the second amendment and the blurred lines. Travel through that chaos zone and engage in learning why people feel the way he does. Travel through the stereotypes and bigotry. Travel through the false narratives playing out in the media (social and traditional).
place where he views what he sees around him.
Our country is so divided. The reason for the hurt feelings and #poutrage is because both sides of the conflict, argument or viewpoint refuse to travel to the middle ground, much less comprehend why the other person might feel so diametrically opposed to what you believe.
Everyone needs to travel.
In the body.
In the spirit.
In the mind.
We need to travel to the land of better comprehension.
We need to travel to a stronger place of empathy.
We need to travel to an island of mutual respect.
Somehow we’ve lost our way. There is nobody to blame, but ourselves
As a society, we are just collectively lost. It’s time to travel to a new place and better understand each other.
Listen more.
Talk Less.
(Apologies for this being a few days late. I haven't been feeling well)

Yes, Yes and Yes!!!