Kids! I was routing for Lucy the whole time. So funny. I knew 2 kids like this when I was growing up. They ended up going to the Junior prom together in high school but that was as far as it went. What a beautiful young girl. Is that your daughter?
Kids! I was routing for Lucy the whole time. So funny. I knew 2 kids like this when I was growing up. They ended up going to the Junior prom together in high school but that was as far as it went. What a beautiful young girl. Is that your daughter?
I have 5 beautiful granddaughters.
You sure do! Grand-kids are so much fun. I have 2 grandsons and 2 granddaughters. Here is my youngest granddaughter. This photo was taken when she was born and still in the hospital. She is 3 months old now.

Oh my gosh, gorgeous!
Thank you! Grand-kids are so much fun. : )
This jewel is Onica. As you can see, she has a big personality. Thank you for your comment. I truly appreciate your response.