
I totally agree! But there will always be the other kind of people who won't understand our way of living, the insanity to travel as much as we can. This kind of activities makes our souls richer than they will ever be :)

Then let them be like that. I like these places... uncrowded. :D

I feel like we should all be living like this nor shall we thy have garbage in our life as everything is recycled by thy nature.
Connect more and don't disconnect.

Right. The choice is ours, even if it's hard to make it. ;)

Anyone could just finish what they're doing and legit just go connected but the main reason why no one wants to is because they have a fear that everyone will strive more disconnected while they get left behind.

Most of our actions are based on the fear of... losing something... anything. But we can work on that and improve ourselves. It's just... hard. We're humans after all, not robots. :)

outstanding. I have seen some, similar effects, or phenomena rather, in the mountains of southern nevada and central california. clearly this wonderful place in Transylvania has its own unique charm, mystique, and magic. the colors of the place are spectacularly rich and pronounced. I dig it. how high are those it the Carpathians ?, I'd guess 11-13,000 ft [roughly 3-4,500 meters~ I have never been to fluent on converting metrics too standard american weights and measures, so I could be well off the mark in either direction].

Not that high. Up to 2544 m. When the sky is clear, you get that nice color. Plus, I used a polarizing filter for the lens, which enhances the colors. And then there's a little bit of editing work. ;)

first image is my favorite. Looks like a bowl of clouds!

Those are the Fagaras Mountains, the highest and the toughest in Romania.

Too many lovely times they look like a bowl of clouds, like something is boiling down there and you see clouds coming up and out of the bowl. Sometimes the north part is full of clouds and the south part is clear. It makes for an amazing contrast.

Come visit! ;)

Oh, those mountains! I showed my wife, we agreed, we must come visit when in the area. Will keep you posted! Thank you Vlad! Hike on and keep us happy with the pics and stories in the meantime.

Hehe, glad to hear that. Maybe we'll see each other around. ;) All the best, guys!

Waw! I love your writing. Ne-ai plimbat si pe noi cu tine pe munte. Multumim.

Thanks. Sau multam. :) Ma bucur ca trezeste sentimentul asta. Daca pot sa fac asta, e superb. ;)

Foarte frumos articol! Mi'as dori sa pot ajunge si eu scrie asa. 😅

Multumesc. Inca mi se pare ca nu e foarte bine. Dar nah, sunt perfectionist de meserie. :D

Cu timp si exercitiu. Acum cativa ani nici nu ma gandeam ca eu am "abilitati si inclinatii" de genul asta. Dar nu stii niciodata. A pornit ca o pasiune. Si tot aia e si acum in mare parte. :)

Very nice and interesting post, I like you blog and will follow you😀👍🏻

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