The Lost Boys ( freewrite, not the movie)
*Prompt 1"
After 17 years submerged in the dark, he is bright-eyed, horny and ready for action. He is confused and perplexed, unable to understand how or why, after all this time, he has come back to life.
A hunger unlike any he has ever experienced before, throbs in his abdomen, like a hot knife piercing his gut. He needs to eat and eat soon, or it could be back to the dark, soggy cold dirt, back to the grave. In the distance he hears laughing and playful comradery close enough that he can understand the words being spoken. " just smoke it, it wont do any harm, its just weed with a little extra kick".
Without his consent, his feet begin to move of their own accord, towards the sound of the noise. He is drawn like a moth to the flame
Prompt 2
"Shit, I have never seen a fish catching kitty before". Dave screamed.
"Haha, pass that over here. That sounds like really good smoke" Larry demanded.
Little did they know, that from the shadows, they were being watched by a hungry, craven beast who did not possess any self restraint. The newly reborn creature stalked forward from the night, mumbling incoherently. All the boys could decipher was. "hungry, feed me".
The boys went silent before breaking into a choir of laughter.
"Ohh, shit. Jim thinks hes a zombie again. He's wasted."
Jim stumbled forward and reached for the supply of munchies,that the group kept close at had for just such an occasion. He took a jam donut and devoured it in one single bite.
"Jim this shit wipes you out, you should stop smoking it." Observed Larry.
Prompt 3
The heat and humidity was staggering and left the boys almost depleted of hydration, not really the time to be smoking weed in the graveyard at night, where imaginations can run wild........but boys will be boys.
When all had settled and there heads had cleared, the sun had already begun to rise in the morning sky. They cleaned up, dispersed of any evidence and headed for home, knowing that they would all be grounded for staying out so late, but better to be scolded for staying out late than to be caught tripping on weed laced with l.s.d. If their parents found that out, they would be grounded indefinitely.
"When we all get free, lets celebrate by getting completely wasted again" said jim.
"Seek help! You have a serious problem Jim .... But i completely agree" replied Dave.