5 Minute Freewrite: Friday - Prompt: corn

in #freewrite7 years ago (edited)

She drove her beat-up little Buick down the highway, wondering if she looked like an easy victim while he was gaining on her.

He drove a considerably larger and less beat up vehicle, one that was able to easily keep pace with hers.

She couldn't actually see who was driving it. They wore a mask. But she assumed it was a him.

She pushed the pedal to the floor, and was rewarded with just a little bit more speed. He slammed into her rear left fender. She didn't even see that he had tried to pull around her.

It was getting dark out and she figured if she couldn't get away from him, at least she could get to the corn field and maybe lose him there. These thoughts ticked steadily through her brain. She supposed she should be more afraid, but really she was just pissed at the thought of how she was going to afford repairing that fender. She lost her bounty, stopped in at some podunk little diner for a break, and that's where she picked up this lunatic tailing her.

The truck bumped her again. She slammed on the breaks. It was surprisingly effective. The truck slammed on its breaks, but far too slowly and her car was lodged under its grill. She pulled the e-brake and opened her door. Both vehicles skidded to a halt, but she was already running away into the field.

She ran, but not at full tilt. Just fast enough to make it look convincing. Jackass hopped out of his truck, swearing, and chased after her. She didn't see the machete he grabbed.

She did a large half circle, again, fast enough to look convincing, but slow enough that he was catching up. When she could just about feel that he was going to catch her, she stopped, spun around, and jammed her fist into his wind pipe.

Even behind the mask she could see his eyes bulge in surprise. He brought up the machete but it slipped from his grasp as he grabbed at his throat reflexively, and more than a little bit shocked. She easily caught it one handed, and jammed the back of the handle into his temple.

His googley suprised eyes rolled back into his head and he fell over. She considered his height and build for a moment. "No, couldn't be. Are you my bounty?"

"Drop your weapon!" The police shouted at her where she stood over his unconscious body, his machete dangling from her fingers. "Well, this probably doesn't look good," she remarked to herself.

The original post with today's prompt from @marriannewest is here

Corn immediately made me think of cliche horror flick situations. So then this scene played out in my head. It started out with the follow to the field, but then I needed a reason for the people to be there, so the bounty hunter angle.

It's been a busy week and I've only done one other free write this week:

If you want something a little more substantial, check out my bulkier, on-going Sorcery works, they could use some more attention:

Sorcery Teaser | Sorcery - 01 | Sorcery - 02 | Sorcery - 03 | Sorcery - 04 | Sorcery - 05 | Sorcery - 06 | Sorcery - 07 | Sorcery - 08 | Sorcery - 09 | Sorcery - 10 | Sorcery - 11 | Sorcery - 12 | Sorcery - 13 | Sorcery - 14 | Sorcery - 15

~~ Thanks for Reading ~~


I liked the pressing narration but I lost mysef on "are you my collar"..will re-read it probably!

Yesterday a group of ancient bananafish appeared to me in a dream. They gave me a mission: to mariannewestize myself and bring the freewrites' gospel to the world!

Single prompt option


3 prompt option

Yeah, bounty would have worked better. I'm still debating whether I should go back and edit a free write after finishing it. I'd also fix the through/throat typo...

Oh I edit and a lot.. in the end, what I care is to give quality to my blog. That's why I tend - freewrites or not - to not create too much "word porridges".. with bounty it makes lot of sense, I like it, and it doesn't break the reader's attention..

Well, you've convinced me, I'll be updating it.

Bounty is definitely a better word.

wow - that was fascinating. and double twist!!!

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